5.0.0 / 2022-02-17 ------------------ - `decode` and `decodeUnsafe` now return a Uint8Array. 4.0.0 / 2016-12-3 ------------------ - `decode` now returns a `Buffer` again, to avoid potential cryptographic errors. [Daniel Cousens / #21](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bs58/pull/21) 3.0.0 / 2015-08-18 ------------------ - refactored module into generic [`base-x`](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/base-x). 2.0.1 / 2014-12-23 ------------------ - performance boost in `encode()` [#10](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bs58/pull/10) 2.0.0 / 2014-10-03 ------------------ - `decode` now returns an `Array` instead of `Buffer` to keep things simple. [Daniel Cousens / #9](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bs58/pull/9) 1.2.1 / 2014-07-24 ------------------ * speed optimizations [Daniel Cousens / #8](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bs58/pull/8) 1.2.0 / 2014-06-29 ------------------ * removed `bigi` dep, implemented direct byte conversion [Jared Deckard / #6](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bs58/pull/6) 1.1.0 / 2014-06-26 ------------------ * user `Buffer` internally for calculations, providing cleaner code and a performance increase. [Daniel Cousens](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/bs58/commit/129c71de8bc1e36f113bce06da0616066f41c5ca) 1.0.0 / 2014-05-27 ------------------ * removed `binstring` dep, `Buffer` now only input to `encode()` and output of `decode()` * update `bigi` from `~0.3.0` to `^1.1.0` * added travis-ci support * added coveralls support * modified tests and library to handle fixture style testing (thanks to bitcoinjs-lib devs and [Daniel Cousens](https://github.com/dcousens)) 0.3.0 / 2014-02-24 ------------------ * duck type input to `encode` and change output of `decode` to `Buffer`. 0.2.1 / 2014-02-24 ------------------ * removed bower and component support. Closes #1 * convert from 4 spaces to 2 0.2.0 / 2013-12-07 ------------------ * renamed from `cryptocoin-base58` to `bs58` 0.1.0 / 2013-11-20 ------------------ * removed AMD support 0.0.1 / 2013-11-04 ------------------ * initial release