"use strict";

const { WebSocket } = require('ws');

// Create a WebSocket to the pairing endpoint
const ws = new WebSocket("wss://ponies.equestria.horse/_PairingServices-WebSocket-EntryPoint/socket");

// In case there is an error, the connection should be reset and the pairing process will have to be initiated again
ws.on('error', (e) => {

ws.on('message', (raw) => {
    // The server always sends JSON data
    let data = JSON.parse(raw.toString());

    // All data objects have a "type" value
    switch (data.type) {
        case "init":
            // The 'init' event is the first event sent after the connection is established
            // Note: future implementations can read 'data.version' to get the protocol version (as an integer)
                type: "init",
                name: "Cold Haze pairing reference client" // Replace this with the name of your application
                // The 'name' value must be a string between 2 and 50 characters, additional requirements might get
                // added in future protocol versions.

        case "preflight":
            // The 'preflight' event is sent before the user confirms the request. It contains identifiable information.
            // On a real implementation, this should make a sound/show a message to let the user know they are working
            // with the right device.
            console.log(`Attempting to pair with: '${data.identity.name}' using '${data.identity.platform}'`);
            // 'data.identity.name' contains the display name of the user doing the pairing process.
            // 'data.identity.platform' contains the platform (browser + OS) the pairing process is being done from.

        case "confirm":
            // The 'confirm' event is sent once the user has accepted the request. At this point, the paired device is
            // in possession of a valid authentication token (a different one than the one used by the pairing device).
            // The paired device should now store this authentication token in a safe place and send it back to the
            // server as the 'PEH2_SESSION_TOKEN' cookie when making an authenticated request.
            console.log(`Token: ${data.token.substring(0, 10)}${"*".repeat(data.token.length - 10)}`);
            // The token is stored in 'data.token', the code above censors all but the first 10 characters.
            // Once you have the token, you can make authenticated requests:
            fetch("https://ponies.equestria.horse/api/session", {
            // The 'session' endpoint returns information about the current session (name, IPs, dates, ...)
                headers: {
                    Cookie: "PEH2_SESSION_TOKEN=" + data.token // Passing the token as a cookie
            }).then((res) => {
                res.json().then((data) => { // Most (if not all) endpoints return JSON data

        case "reject":
            // The 'reject' event is sent if the user has rejected the request. This should be considered an error by
            // a client implementation, and the pairing process should not attempt to continue any further after this
            // event occurs. No token is sent.
            console.log(`Pairing rejected`);

        case "waiting":
            // The 'waiting' event is sent after the connection has been initialized. It's at this point that you can
            // consider the connection to be established and the device to be ready.
            console.log(`Pairing code: ${data.code}`); // 'data.code' contains the 5-character pairing code.

            // An unrecognised type should be considered to be an error
            throw new Error("Invalid type");