import { IContent, IUnsigned } from "./models/event"; import { IRoomSummary } from "./models/room-summary"; import { EventType } from "./@types/event"; interface IOpts { /** * The ideal maximum number of timeline entries to keep in the sync response. * This is best-effort, as clients do not always have a back-pagination token for each event, * so it's possible there may be slightly *less* than this value. There will never be more. * This cannot be 0 or else it makes it impossible to scroll back in a room. * Default: 50. */ maxTimelineEntries?: number; } export interface IMinimalEvent { content: IContent; type: EventType | string; unsigned?: IUnsigned; } export interface IEphemeral { events: IMinimalEvent[]; } interface UnreadNotificationCounts { highlight_count?: number; notification_count?: number; } export interface IRoomEvent extends IMinimalEvent { event_id: string; sender: string; origin_server_ts: number; /** @deprecated - legacy field */ age?: number; } export interface IStateEvent extends IRoomEvent { prev_content?: IContent; state_key: string; } interface IState { events: IStateEvent[]; } export interface ITimeline { events: Array; limited?: boolean; prev_batch: string | null; } export interface IJoinedRoom { "summary": IRoomSummary; "state": IState; "timeline": ITimeline; "ephemeral": IEphemeral; "account_data": IAccountData; "unread_notifications": UnreadNotificationCounts; "unread_thread_notifications"?: Record; "org.matrix.msc3773.unread_thread_notifications"?: Record; } export interface IStrippedState { content: IContent; state_key: string; type: EventType | string; sender: string; } export interface IInviteState { events: IStrippedState[]; } export interface IInvitedRoom { invite_state: IInviteState; } export interface ILeftRoom { state: IState; timeline: ITimeline; account_data: IAccountData; } export interface IRooms { [Category.Join]: Record; [Category.Invite]: Record; [Category.Leave]: Record; } interface IPresence { events: IMinimalEvent[]; } interface IAccountData { events: IMinimalEvent[]; } export interface IToDeviceEvent { content: IContent; sender: string; type: string; } interface IToDevice { events: IToDeviceEvent[]; } interface IDeviceLists { changed?: string[]; left?: string[]; } export interface ISyncResponse { "next_batch": string; "rooms": IRooms; "presence"?: IPresence; "account_data": IAccountData; "to_device"?: IToDevice; "device_lists"?: IDeviceLists; "device_one_time_keys_count"?: Record; "device_unused_fallback_key_types"?: string[]; "org.matrix.msc2732.device_unused_fallback_key_types"?: string[]; } export declare enum Category { Invite = "invite", Leave = "leave", Join = "join" } export interface ISyncData { nextBatch: string; accountData: IMinimalEvent[]; roomsData: IRooms; } /** * The purpose of this class is to accumulate /sync responses such that a * complete "initial" JSON response can be returned which accurately represents * the sum total of the /sync responses accumulated to date. It only handles * room data: that is, everything under the "rooms" top-level key. * * This class is used when persisting room data so a complete /sync response can * be loaded from disk and incremental syncs can be performed on the server, * rather than asking the server to do an initial sync on startup. */ export declare class SyncAccumulator { private readonly opts; private accountData; private inviteRooms; private joinRooms; private nextBatch; constructor(opts?: IOpts); accumulate(syncResponse: ISyncResponse, fromDatabase?: boolean): void; private accumulateAccountData; /** * Accumulate incremental /sync room data. * @param syncResponse - the complete /sync JSON * @param fromDatabase - True if the sync response is one saved to the database */ private accumulateRooms; private accumulateRoom; private accumulateInviteState; private accumulateJoinState; /** * Return everything under the 'rooms' key from a /sync response which * represents all room data that should be stored. This should be paired * with the sync token which represents the most recent /sync response * provided to accumulate(). * @param forDatabase - True to generate a sync to be saved to storage * @returns An object with a "nextBatch", "roomsData" and "accountData" * keys. * The "nextBatch" key is a string which represents at what point in the * /sync stream the accumulator reached. This token should be used when * restarting a /sync stream at startup. Failure to do so can lead to missing * events. The "roomsData" key is an Object which represents the entire * /sync response from the 'rooms' key onwards. The "accountData" key is * a list of raw events which represent global account data. */ getJSON(forDatabase?: boolean): ISyncData; getNextBatchToken(): string; } export {}; //#