"use strict"; var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.RoomStateEvent = exports.RoomState = void 0; var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty")); var _roomMember = require("./room-member"); var _logger = require("../logger"); var utils = _interopRequireWildcard(require("../utils")); var _event = require("../@types/event"); var _event2 = require("./event"); var _partials = require("../@types/partials"); var _typedEventEmitter = require("./typed-event-emitter"); var _beacon = require("./beacon"); var _ReEmitter = require("../ReEmitter"); var _beacon2 = require("../@types/beacon"); function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } /* Copyright 2015 - 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // possible statuses for out-of-band member loading var OobStatus; (function (OobStatus) { OobStatus[OobStatus["NotStarted"] = 0] = "NotStarted"; OobStatus[OobStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress"; OobStatus[OobStatus["Finished"] = 2] = "Finished"; })(OobStatus || (OobStatus = {})); let RoomStateEvent; exports.RoomStateEvent = RoomStateEvent; (function (RoomStateEvent) { RoomStateEvent["Events"] = "RoomState.events"; RoomStateEvent["Members"] = "RoomState.members"; RoomStateEvent["NewMember"] = "RoomState.newMember"; RoomStateEvent["Update"] = "RoomState.update"; RoomStateEvent["BeaconLiveness"] = "RoomState.BeaconLiveness"; RoomStateEvent["Marker"] = "RoomState.Marker"; })(RoomStateEvent || (exports.RoomStateEvent = RoomStateEvent = {})); class RoomState extends _typedEventEmitter.TypedEventEmitter { // userId: RoomMember // stores fuzzy matches to a list of userIDs (applies utils.removeHiddenChars to keys) // 3pid invite state_key to m.room.member invite // cache of the number of joined members // joined members count from summary api // once set, we know the server supports the summary api // and we should only trust that // we could also only trust that before OOB members // are loaded but doesn't seem worth the hassle atm // same for invited member count // XXX: Should be read-only // The room member dictionary, keyed on the user's ID. // userId: RoomMember // The state events dictionary, keyed on the event type and then the state_key value. // Map<eventType, Map<stateKey, MatrixEvent>> // The pagination token for this state. /** * Construct room state. * * Room State represents the state of the room at a given point. * It can be mutated by adding state events to it. * There are two types of room member associated with a state event: * normal member objects (accessed via getMember/getMembers) which mutate * with the state to represent the current state of that room/user, e.g. * the object returned by `getMember('@bob:example.com')` will mutate to * get a different display name if Bob later changes his display name * in the room. * There are also 'sentinel' members (accessed via getSentinelMember). * These also represent the state of room members at the point in time * represented by the RoomState object, but unlike objects from getMember, * sentinel objects will always represent the room state as at the time * getSentinelMember was called, so if Bob subsequently changes his display * name, a room member object previously acquired with getSentinelMember * will still have his old display name. Calling getSentinelMember again * after the display name change will return a new RoomMember object * with Bob's new display name. * * @param roomId - Optional. The ID of the room which has this state. * If none is specified it just tracks paginationTokens, useful for notifTimelineSet * @param oobMemberFlags - Optional. The state of loading out of bound members. * As the timeline might get reset while they are loading, this state needs to be inherited * and shared when the room state is cloned for the new timeline. * This should only be passed from clone. */ constructor(roomId, oobMemberFlags = { status: OobStatus.NotStarted }) { super(); this.roomId = roomId; this.oobMemberFlags = oobMemberFlags; (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "reEmitter", new _ReEmitter.TypedReEmitter(this)); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "sentinels", {}); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "displayNameToUserIds", new Map()); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "userIdsToDisplayNames", {}); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "tokenToInvite", {}); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "joinedMemberCount", null); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "summaryJoinedMemberCount", null); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "invitedMemberCount", null); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "summaryInvitedMemberCount", null); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "modified", -1); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "members", {}); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "events", new Map()); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "paginationToken", null); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "beacons", new Map()); (0, _defineProperty2.default)(this, "_liveBeaconIds", []); this.updateModifiedTime(); } /** * Returns the number of joined members in this room * This method caches the result. * @returns The number of members in this room whose membership is 'join' */ getJoinedMemberCount() { if (this.summaryJoinedMemberCount !== null) { return this.summaryJoinedMemberCount; } if (this.joinedMemberCount === null) { this.joinedMemberCount = this.getMembers().reduce((count, m) => { return m.membership === "join" ? count + 1 : count; }, 0); } return this.joinedMemberCount; } /** * Set the joined member count explicitly (like from summary part of the sync response) * @param count - the amount of joined members */ setJoinedMemberCount(count) { this.summaryJoinedMemberCount = count; } /** * Returns the number of invited members in this room * @returns The number of members in this room whose membership is 'invite' */ getInvitedMemberCount() { if (this.summaryInvitedMemberCount !== null) { return this.summaryInvitedMemberCount; } if (this.invitedMemberCount === null) { this.invitedMemberCount = this.getMembers().reduce((count, m) => { return m.membership === "invite" ? count + 1 : count; }, 0); } return this.invitedMemberCount; } /** * Set the amount of invited members in this room * @param count - the amount of invited members */ setInvitedMemberCount(count) { this.summaryInvitedMemberCount = count; } /** * Get all RoomMembers in this room. * @returns A list of RoomMembers. */ getMembers() { return Object.values(this.members); } /** * Get all RoomMembers in this room, excluding the user IDs provided. * @param excludedIds - The user IDs to exclude. * @returns A list of RoomMembers. */ getMembersExcept(excludedIds) { return this.getMembers().filter(m => !excludedIds.includes(m.userId)); } /** * Get a room member by their user ID. * @param userId - The room member's user ID. * @returns The member or null if they do not exist. */ getMember(userId) { return this.members[userId] || null; } /** * Get a room member whose properties will not change with this room state. You * typically want this if you want to attach a RoomMember to a MatrixEvent which * may no longer be represented correctly by Room.currentState or Room.oldState. * The term 'sentinel' refers to the fact that this RoomMember is an unchanging * guardian for state at this particular point in time. * @param userId - The room member's user ID. * @returns The member or null if they do not exist. */ getSentinelMember(userId) { if (!userId) return null; let sentinel = this.sentinels[userId]; if (sentinel === undefined) { sentinel = new _roomMember.RoomMember(this.roomId, userId); const member = this.members[userId]; if (member !== null && member !== void 0 && member.events.member) { sentinel.setMembershipEvent(member.events.member, this); } this.sentinels[userId] = sentinel; } return sentinel; } /** * Get state events from the state of the room. * @param eventType - The event type of the state event. * @param stateKey - Optional. The state_key of the state event. If * this is `undefined` then all matching state events will be * returned. * @returns A list of events if state_key was * `undefined`, else a single event (or null if no match found). */ getStateEvents(eventType, stateKey) { if (!this.events.has(eventType)) { // no match return stateKey === undefined ? [] : null; } if (stateKey === undefined) { // return all values return Array.from(this.events.get(eventType).values()); } const event = this.events.get(eventType).get(stateKey); return event ? event : null; } get hasLiveBeacons() { var _this$liveBeaconIds; return !!((_this$liveBeaconIds = this.liveBeaconIds) !== null && _this$liveBeaconIds !== void 0 && _this$liveBeaconIds.length); } get liveBeaconIds() { return this._liveBeaconIds; } /** * Creates a copy of this room state so that mutations to either won't affect the other. * @returns the copy of the room state */ clone() { const copy = new RoomState(this.roomId, this.oobMemberFlags); // Ugly hack: because setStateEvents will mark // members as susperseding future out of bound members // if loading is in progress (through oobMemberFlags) // since these are not new members, we're merely copying them // set the status to not started // after copying, we set back the status const status = this.oobMemberFlags.status; this.oobMemberFlags.status = OobStatus.NotStarted; Array.from(this.events.values()).forEach(eventsByStateKey => { copy.setStateEvents(Array.from(eventsByStateKey.values())); }); // Ugly hack: see above this.oobMemberFlags.status = status; if (this.summaryInvitedMemberCount !== null) { copy.setInvitedMemberCount(this.getInvitedMemberCount()); } if (this.summaryJoinedMemberCount !== null) { copy.setJoinedMemberCount(this.getJoinedMemberCount()); } // copy out of band flags if needed if (this.oobMemberFlags.status == OobStatus.Finished) { // copy markOutOfBand flags this.getMembers().forEach(member => { if (member.isOutOfBand()) { var _copy$getMember; (_copy$getMember = copy.getMember(member.userId)) === null || _copy$getMember === void 0 ? void 0 : _copy$getMember.markOutOfBand(); } }); } return copy; } /** * Add previously unknown state events. * When lazy loading members while back-paginating, * the relevant room state for the timeline chunk at the end * of the chunk can be set with this method. * @param events - state events to prepend */ setUnknownStateEvents(events) { const unknownStateEvents = events.filter(event => { return !this.events.has(event.getType()) || !this.events.get(event.getType()).has(event.getStateKey()); }); this.setStateEvents(unknownStateEvents); } /** * Add an array of one or more state MatrixEvents, overwriting any existing * state with the same `{type, stateKey}` tuple. Will fire "RoomState.events" * for every event added. May fire "RoomState.members" if there are * `m.room.member` events. May fire "RoomStateEvent.Marker" if there are * `UNSTABLE_MSC2716_MARKER` events. * @param stateEvents - a list of state events for this room. * * @remarks * Fires {@link RoomStateEvent.Members} * Fires {@link RoomStateEvent.NewMember} * Fires {@link RoomStateEvent.Events} * Fires {@link RoomStateEvent.Marker} */ setStateEvents(stateEvents, markerFoundOptions) { this.updateModifiedTime(); // update the core event dict stateEvents.forEach(event => { if (event.getRoomId() !== this.roomId || !event.isState()) return; if (_beacon2.M_BEACON_INFO.matches(event.getType())) { this.setBeacon(event); } const lastStateEvent = this.getStateEventMatching(event); this.setStateEvent(event); if (event.getType() === _event.EventType.RoomMember) { var _event$getContent$dis; this.updateDisplayNameCache(event.getStateKey(), (_event$getContent$dis = event.getContent().displayname) !== null && _event$getContent$dis !== void 0 ? _event$getContent$dis : ""); this.updateThirdPartyTokenCache(event); } this.emit(RoomStateEvent.Events, event, this, lastStateEvent); }); this.onBeaconLivenessChange(); // update higher level data structures. This needs to be done AFTER the // core event dict as these structures may depend on other state events in // the given array (e.g. disambiguating display names in one go to do both // clashing names rather than progressively which only catches 1 of them). stateEvents.forEach(event => { if (event.getRoomId() !== this.roomId || !event.isState()) return; if (event.getType() === _event.EventType.RoomMember) { const userId = event.getStateKey(); // leave events apparently elide the displayname or avatar_url, // so let's fake one up so that we don't leak user ids // into the timeline if (event.getContent().membership === "leave" || event.getContent().membership === "ban") { event.getContent().avatar_url = event.getContent().avatar_url || event.getPrevContent().avatar_url; event.getContent().displayname = event.getContent().displayname || event.getPrevContent().displayname; } const member = this.getOrCreateMember(userId, event); member.setMembershipEvent(event, this); this.updateMember(member); this.emit(RoomStateEvent.Members, event, this, member); } else if (event.getType() === _event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels) { // events with unknown state keys should be ignored // and should not aggregate onto members power levels if (event.getStateKey() !== "") { return; } const members = Object.values(this.members); members.forEach(member => { // We only propagate `RoomState.members` event if the // power levels has been changed // large room suffer from large re-rendering especially when not needed const oldLastModified = member.getLastModifiedTime(); member.setPowerLevelEvent(event); if (oldLastModified !== member.getLastModifiedTime()) { this.emit(RoomStateEvent.Members, event, this, member); } }); // assume all our sentinels are now out-of-date this.sentinels = {}; } else if (_event.UNSTABLE_MSC2716_MARKER.matches(event.getType())) { this.emit(RoomStateEvent.Marker, event, markerFoundOptions); } }); this.emit(RoomStateEvent.Update, this); } async processBeaconEvents(events, matrixClient) { if (!events.length || // discard locations if we have no beacons !this.beacons.size) { return; } const beaconByEventIdDict = [...this.beacons.values()].reduce((dict, beacon) => { dict[beacon.beaconInfoId] = beacon; return dict; }, {}); const processBeaconRelation = (beaconInfoEventId, event) => { if (!_beacon2.M_BEACON.matches(event.getType())) { return; } const beacon = beaconByEventIdDict[beaconInfoEventId]; if (beacon) { beacon.addLocations([event]); } }; for (const event of events) { var _event$getRelation; const relatedToEventId = (_event$getRelation = event.getRelation()) === null || _event$getRelation === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$getRelation.event_id; // not related to a beacon we know about; discard if (!relatedToEventId || !beaconByEventIdDict[relatedToEventId]) return; if (!_beacon2.M_BEACON.matches(event.getType()) && !event.isEncrypted()) return; try { await matrixClient.decryptEventIfNeeded(event); processBeaconRelation(relatedToEventId, event); } catch { if (event.isDecryptionFailure()) { // add an event listener for once the event is decrypted. event.once(_event2.MatrixEventEvent.Decrypted, async () => { processBeaconRelation(relatedToEventId, event); }); } } } } /** * Looks up a member by the given userId, and if it doesn't exist, * create it and emit the `RoomState.newMember` event. * This method makes sure the member is added to the members dictionary * before emitting, as this is done from setStateEvents and setOutOfBandMember. * @param userId - the id of the user to look up * @param event - the membership event for the (new) member. Used to emit. * @returns the member, existing or newly created. * * @remarks * Fires {@link RoomStateEvent.NewMember} */ getOrCreateMember(userId, event) { let member = this.members[userId]; if (!member) { member = new _roomMember.RoomMember(this.roomId, userId); // add member to members before emitting any events, // as event handlers often lookup the member this.members[userId] = member; this.emit(RoomStateEvent.NewMember, event, this, member); } return member; } setStateEvent(event) { if (!this.events.has(event.getType())) { this.events.set(event.getType(), new Map()); } this.events.get(event.getType()).set(event.getStateKey(), event); } /** * @experimental */ setBeacon(event) { const beaconIdentifier = (0, _beacon.getBeaconInfoIdentifier)(event); if (this.beacons.has(beaconIdentifier)) { const beacon = this.beacons.get(beaconIdentifier); if (event.isRedacted()) { var _event$getRedactionEv; if (beacon.beaconInfoId === ((_event$getRedactionEv = event.getRedactionEvent()) === null || _event$getRedactionEv === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$getRedactionEv.redacts)) { beacon.destroy(); this.beacons.delete(beaconIdentifier); } return; } return beacon.update(event); } if (event.isRedacted()) { return; } const beacon = new _beacon.Beacon(event); this.reEmitter.reEmit(beacon, [_beacon.BeaconEvent.New, _beacon.BeaconEvent.Update, _beacon.BeaconEvent.Destroy, _beacon.BeaconEvent.LivenessChange]); this.emit(_beacon.BeaconEvent.New, event, beacon); beacon.on(_beacon.BeaconEvent.LivenessChange, this.onBeaconLivenessChange.bind(this)); beacon.on(_beacon.BeaconEvent.Destroy, this.onBeaconLivenessChange.bind(this)); this.beacons.set(beacon.identifier, beacon); } /** * @experimental * Check liveness of room beacons * emit RoomStateEvent.BeaconLiveness event */ onBeaconLivenessChange() { this._liveBeaconIds = Array.from(this.beacons.values()).filter(beacon => beacon.isLive).map(beacon => beacon.identifier); this.emit(RoomStateEvent.BeaconLiveness, this, this.hasLiveBeacons); } getStateEventMatching(event) { var _this$events$get$get, _this$events$get; return (_this$events$get$get = (_this$events$get = this.events.get(event.getType())) === null || _this$events$get === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$events$get.get(event.getStateKey())) !== null && _this$events$get$get !== void 0 ? _this$events$get$get : null; } updateMember(member) { // this member may have a power level already, so set it. const pwrLvlEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels, ""); if (pwrLvlEvent) { member.setPowerLevelEvent(pwrLvlEvent); } // blow away the sentinel which is now outdated delete this.sentinels[member.userId]; this.members[member.userId] = member; this.joinedMemberCount = null; this.invitedMemberCount = null; } /** * Get the out-of-band members loading state, whether loading is needed or not. * Note that loading might be in progress and hence isn't needed. * @returns whether or not the members of this room need to be loaded */ needsOutOfBandMembers() { return this.oobMemberFlags.status === OobStatus.NotStarted; } /** * Check if loading of out-of-band-members has completed * * @returns true if the full membership list of this room has been loaded. False if it is not started or is in * progress. */ outOfBandMembersReady() { return this.oobMemberFlags.status === OobStatus.Finished; } /** * Mark this room state as waiting for out-of-band members, * ensuring it doesn't ask for them to be requested again * through needsOutOfBandMembers */ markOutOfBandMembersStarted() { if (this.oobMemberFlags.status !== OobStatus.NotStarted) { return; } this.oobMemberFlags.status = OobStatus.InProgress; } /** * Mark this room state as having failed to fetch out-of-band members */ markOutOfBandMembersFailed() { if (this.oobMemberFlags.status !== OobStatus.InProgress) { return; } this.oobMemberFlags.status = OobStatus.NotStarted; } /** * Clears the loaded out-of-band members */ clearOutOfBandMembers() { let count = 0; Object.keys(this.members).forEach(userId => { const member = this.members[userId]; if (member.isOutOfBand()) { ++count; delete this.members[userId]; } }); _logger.logger.log(`LL: RoomState removed ${count} members...`); this.oobMemberFlags.status = OobStatus.NotStarted; } /** * Sets the loaded out-of-band members. * @param stateEvents - array of membership state events */ setOutOfBandMembers(stateEvents) { _logger.logger.log(`LL: RoomState about to set ${stateEvents.length} OOB members ...`); if (this.oobMemberFlags.status !== OobStatus.InProgress) { return; } _logger.logger.log(`LL: RoomState put in finished state ...`); this.oobMemberFlags.status = OobStatus.Finished; stateEvents.forEach(e => this.setOutOfBandMember(e)); this.emit(RoomStateEvent.Update, this); } /** * Sets a single out of band member, used by both setOutOfBandMembers and clone * @param stateEvent - membership state event */ setOutOfBandMember(stateEvent) { if (stateEvent.getType() !== _event.EventType.RoomMember) { return; } const userId = stateEvent.getStateKey(); const existingMember = this.getMember(userId); // never replace members received as part of the sync if (existingMember && !existingMember.isOutOfBand()) { return; } const member = this.getOrCreateMember(userId, stateEvent); member.setMembershipEvent(stateEvent, this); // needed to know which members need to be stored seperately // as they are not part of the sync accumulator // this is cleared by setMembershipEvent so when it's updated through /sync member.markOutOfBand(); this.updateDisplayNameCache(member.userId, member.name); this.setStateEvent(stateEvent); this.updateMember(member); this.emit(RoomStateEvent.Members, stateEvent, this, member); } /** * Set the current typing event for this room. * @param event - The typing event */ setTypingEvent(event) { Object.values(this.members).forEach(function (member) { member.setTypingEvent(event); }); } /** * Get the m.room.member event which has the given third party invite token. * * @param token - The token * @returns The m.room.member event or null */ getInviteForThreePidToken(token) { return this.tokenToInvite[token] || null; } /** * Update the last modified time to the current time. */ updateModifiedTime() { this.modified = Date.now(); } /** * Get the timestamp when this room state was last updated. This timestamp is * updated when this object has received new state events. * @returns The timestamp */ getLastModifiedTime() { return this.modified; } /** * Get user IDs with the specified or similar display names. * @param displayName - The display name to get user IDs from. * @returns An array of user IDs or an empty array. */ getUserIdsWithDisplayName(displayName) { var _this$displayNameToUs; return (_this$displayNameToUs = this.displayNameToUserIds.get(utils.removeHiddenChars(displayName))) !== null && _this$displayNameToUs !== void 0 ? _this$displayNameToUs : []; } /** * Returns true if userId is in room, event is not redacted and either sender of * mxEvent or has power level sufficient to redact events other than their own. * @param mxEvent - The event to test permission for * @param userId - The user ID of the user to test permission for * @returns true if the given used ID can redact given event */ maySendRedactionForEvent(mxEvent, userId) { const member = this.getMember(userId); if (!member || member.membership === "leave") return false; if (mxEvent.status || mxEvent.isRedacted()) return false; // The user may have been the sender, but they can't redact their own message // if redactions are blocked. const canRedact = this.maySendEvent(_event.EventType.RoomRedaction, userId); if (mxEvent.getSender() === userId) return canRedact; return this.hasSufficientPowerLevelFor("redact", member.powerLevel); } /** * Returns true if the given power level is sufficient for action * @param action - The type of power level to check * @param powerLevel - The power level of the member * @returns true if the given power level is sufficient */ hasSufficientPowerLevelFor(action, powerLevel) { const powerLevelsEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels, ""); let powerLevels = {}; if (powerLevelsEvent) { powerLevels = powerLevelsEvent.getContent(); } let requiredLevel = 50; if (utils.isNumber(powerLevels[action])) { requiredLevel = powerLevels[action]; } return powerLevel >= requiredLevel; } /** * Short-form for maySendEvent('m.room.message', userId) * @param userId - The user ID of the user to test permission for * @returns true if the given user ID should be permitted to send * message events into the given room. */ maySendMessage(userId) { return this.maySendEventOfType(_event.EventType.RoomMessage, userId, false); } /** * Returns true if the given user ID has permission to send a normal * event of type `eventType` into this room. * @param eventType - The type of event to test * @param userId - The user ID of the user to test permission for * @returns true if the given user ID should be permitted to send * the given type of event into this room, * according to the room's state. */ maySendEvent(eventType, userId) { return this.maySendEventOfType(eventType, userId, false); } /** * Returns true if the given MatrixClient has permission to send a state * event of type `stateEventType` into this room. * @param stateEventType - The type of state events to test * @param cli - The client to test permission for * @returns true if the given client should be permitted to send * the given type of state event into this room, * according to the room's state. */ mayClientSendStateEvent(stateEventType, cli) { if (cli.isGuest() || !cli.credentials.userId) { return false; } return this.maySendStateEvent(stateEventType, cli.credentials.userId); } /** * Returns true if the given user ID has permission to send a state * event of type `stateEventType` into this room. * @param stateEventType - The type of state events to test * @param userId - The user ID of the user to test permission for * @returns true if the given user ID should be permitted to send * the given type of state event into this room, * according to the room's state. */ maySendStateEvent(stateEventType, userId) { return this.maySendEventOfType(stateEventType, userId, true); } /** * Returns true if the given user ID has permission to send a normal or state * event of type `eventType` into this room. * @param eventType - The type of event to test * @param userId - The user ID of the user to test permission for * @param state - If true, tests if the user may send a state event of this type. Otherwise tests whether they may send a regular event. * @returns true if the given user ID should be permitted to send * the given type of event into this room, * according to the room's state. */ maySendEventOfType(eventType, userId, state) { const powerLevelsEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels, ""); let powerLevels; let eventsLevels = {}; let stateDefault = 0; let eventsDefault = 0; let powerLevel = 0; if (powerLevelsEvent) { powerLevels = powerLevelsEvent.getContent(); eventsLevels = powerLevels.events || {}; if (Number.isSafeInteger(powerLevels.state_default)) { stateDefault = powerLevels.state_default; } else { stateDefault = 50; } const userPowerLevel = powerLevels.users && powerLevels.users[userId]; if (Number.isSafeInteger(userPowerLevel)) { powerLevel = userPowerLevel; } else if (Number.isSafeInteger(powerLevels.users_default)) { powerLevel = powerLevels.users_default; } if (Number.isSafeInteger(powerLevels.events_default)) { eventsDefault = powerLevels.events_default; } } let requiredLevel = state ? stateDefault : eventsDefault; if (Number.isSafeInteger(eventsLevels[eventType])) { requiredLevel = eventsLevels[eventType]; } return powerLevel >= requiredLevel; } /** * Returns true if the given user ID has permission to trigger notification * of type `notifLevelKey` * @param notifLevelKey - The level of notification to test (eg. 'room') * @param userId - The user ID of the user to test permission for * @returns true if the given user ID has permission to trigger a * notification of this type. */ mayTriggerNotifOfType(notifLevelKey, userId) { const member = this.getMember(userId); if (!member) { return false; } const powerLevelsEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomPowerLevels, ""); let notifLevel = 50; if (powerLevelsEvent && powerLevelsEvent.getContent() && powerLevelsEvent.getContent().notifications && utils.isNumber(powerLevelsEvent.getContent().notifications[notifLevelKey])) { notifLevel = powerLevelsEvent.getContent().notifications[notifLevelKey]; } return member.powerLevel >= notifLevel; } /** * Returns the join rule based on the m.room.join_rule state event, defaulting to `invite`. * @returns the join_rule applied to this room */ getJoinRule() { var _joinRuleEvent$getCon; const joinRuleEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomJoinRules, ""); const joinRuleContent = (_joinRuleEvent$getCon = joinRuleEvent === null || joinRuleEvent === void 0 ? void 0 : joinRuleEvent.getContent()) !== null && _joinRuleEvent$getCon !== void 0 ? _joinRuleEvent$getCon : {}; return joinRuleContent["join_rule"] || _partials.JoinRule.Invite; } /** * Returns the history visibility based on the m.room.history_visibility state event, defaulting to `shared`. * @returns the history_visibility applied to this room */ getHistoryVisibility() { var _historyVisibilityEve; const historyVisibilityEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomHistoryVisibility, ""); const historyVisibilityContent = (_historyVisibilityEve = historyVisibilityEvent === null || historyVisibilityEvent === void 0 ? void 0 : historyVisibilityEvent.getContent()) !== null && _historyVisibilityEve !== void 0 ? _historyVisibilityEve : {}; return historyVisibilityContent["history_visibility"] || _partials.HistoryVisibility.Shared; } /** * Returns the guest access based on the m.room.guest_access state event, defaulting to `shared`. * @returns the guest_access applied to this room */ getGuestAccess() { var _guestAccessEvent$get; const guestAccessEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomGuestAccess, ""); const guestAccessContent = (_guestAccessEvent$get = guestAccessEvent === null || guestAccessEvent === void 0 ? void 0 : guestAccessEvent.getContent()) !== null && _guestAccessEvent$get !== void 0 ? _guestAccessEvent$get : {}; return guestAccessContent["guest_access"] || _partials.GuestAccess.Forbidden; } /** * Find the predecessor room based on this room state. * * @param msc3946ProcessDynamicPredecessor - if true, look for an * m.room.predecessor state event and use it if found (MSC3946). * @returns null if this room has no predecessor. Otherwise, returns * the roomId, last eventId and viaServers of the predecessor room. * * If msc3946ProcessDynamicPredecessor is true, use m.predecessor events * as well as m.room.create events to find predecessors. * * Note: if an m.predecessor event is used, eventId may be undefined * since last_known_event_id is optional. * * Note: viaServers may be undefined, and will definitely be undefined if * this predecessor comes from a RoomCreate event (rather than a * RoomPredecessor, which has the optional via_servers property). */ findPredecessor(msc3946ProcessDynamicPredecessor = false) { // Note: the tests for this function are against Room.findPredecessor, // which just calls through to here. if (msc3946ProcessDynamicPredecessor) { const predecessorEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomPredecessor, ""); if (predecessorEvent) { const content = predecessorEvent.getContent(); const roomId = content.predecessor_room_id; let eventId = content.last_known_event_id; if (typeof eventId !== "string") { eventId = undefined; } let viaServers = content.via_servers; if (!Array.isArray(viaServers)) { viaServers = undefined; } if (typeof roomId === "string") { return { roomId, eventId, viaServers }; } } } const createEvent = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomCreate, ""); if (createEvent) { const predecessor = createEvent.getContent()["predecessor"]; if (predecessor) { const roomId = predecessor["room_id"]; if (typeof roomId === "string") { let eventId = predecessor["event_id"]; if (typeof eventId !== "string" || eventId === "") { eventId = undefined; } return { roomId, eventId }; } } } return null; } updateThirdPartyTokenCache(memberEvent) { if (!memberEvent.getContent().third_party_invite) { return; } const token = (memberEvent.getContent().third_party_invite.signed || {}).token; if (!token) { return; } const threePidInvite = this.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.RoomThirdPartyInvite, token); if (!threePidInvite) { return; } this.tokenToInvite[token] = memberEvent; } updateDisplayNameCache(userId, displayName) { const oldName = this.userIdsToDisplayNames[userId]; delete this.userIdsToDisplayNames[userId]; if (oldName) { // Remove the old name from the cache. // We clobber the user_id > name lookup but the name -> [user_id] lookup // means we need to remove that user ID from that array rather than nuking // the lot. const strippedOldName = utils.removeHiddenChars(oldName); const existingUserIds = this.displayNameToUserIds.get(strippedOldName); if (existingUserIds) { // remove this user ID from this array const filteredUserIDs = existingUserIds.filter(id => id !== userId); this.displayNameToUserIds.set(strippedOldName, filteredUserIDs); } } this.userIdsToDisplayNames[userId] = displayName; const strippedDisplayname = displayName && utils.removeHiddenChars(displayName); // an empty stripped displayname (undefined/'') will be set to MXID in room-member.js if (strippedDisplayname) { var _this$displayNameToUs2; const arr = (_this$displayNameToUs2 = this.displayNameToUserIds.get(strippedDisplayname)) !== null && _this$displayNameToUs2 !== void 0 ? _this$displayNameToUs2 : []; arr.push(userId); this.displayNameToUserIds.set(strippedDisplayname, arr); } } } exports.RoomState = RoomState; //# sourceMappingURL=room-state.js.map