import { MatrixClient } from "./client";
export interface UIAFlow {
    stages: AuthType[];
export interface IInputs {
    emailAddress?: string;
    phoneCountry?: string;
    phoneNumber?: string;
    registrationToken?: string;
export interface IStageStatus {
    emailSid?: string;
    errcode?: string;
    error?: string;
export interface IAuthData {
    session?: string;
    type?: string;
    completed?: string[];
    flows?: UIAFlow[];
    available_flows?: UIAFlow[];
    stages?: string[];
    required_stages?: AuthType[];
    params?: Record<string, Record<string, any>>;
    data?: Record<string, string>;
    errcode?: string;
    error?: string;
    user_id?: string;
    device_id?: string;
    access_token?: string;
export declare enum AuthType {
    Password = "m.login.password",
    Recaptcha = "m.login.recaptcha",
    Terms = "m.login.terms",
    Email = "",
    Msisdn = "m.login.msisdn",
    Sso = "m.login.sso",
    SsoUnstable = "org.matrix.login.sso",
    Dummy = "m.login.dummy",
    RegistrationToken = "m.login.registration_token",
    UnstableRegistrationToken = "org.matrix.msc3231.login.registration_token"
export interface IAuthDict {
    type?: string;
    session?: string;
    user?: string;
    identifier?: any;
    password?: string;
    response?: string;
    threepid_creds?: any;
    threepidCreds?: any;
    token?: string;
interface IOpts {
     * A matrix client to use for the auth process
    matrixClient: MatrixClient;
     * Error response from the last request. If null, a request will be made with no auth before starting.
    authData?: IAuthData;
     * Inputs provided by the user and used by different stages of the auto process.
     * The inputs provided will affect what flow is chosen.
    inputs?: IInputs;
     * If resuming an existing interactive auth session, the sessionId of that session.
    sessionId?: string;
     * If resuming an existing interactive auth session, the client secret for that session
    clientSecret?: string;
     * If returning from having completed auth, the sid for the email verification session.
    emailSid?: string;
     * Called with the new auth dict to submit the request.
     * Also passes a second deprecated arg which is a flag set to true if this request is a background request.
     * The busyChanged callback should be used instead of the background flag.
     * Should return a promise which resolves to the successful response or rejects with a MatrixError.
    doRequest(auth: IAuthData | null, background: boolean): Promise<IAuthData>;
     * Called when the status of the UI auth changes,
     * ie. when the state of an auth stage changes of when the auth flow moves to a new stage.
     * The arguments are: the login type (eg m.login.password); and an object which is either an error or an
     * informational object specific to the login type.
     * If the 'errcode' key is defined, the object is an error, and has keys:
     *     errcode: string, the textual error code, eg. M_UNKNOWN
     *     error: string, human readable string describing the error
     * The login type specific objects are as follows:
     *         * emailSid: string, the sid of the active email auth session
    stateUpdated(nextStage: AuthType, status: IStageStatus): void;
     * A function that takes the email address (string), clientSecret (string), attempt number (int) and
     * sessionId (string) and calls the relevant requestToken function and returns the promise returned by that
     * function.
     * If the resulting promise rejects, the rejection will propagate through to the attemptAuth promise.
    requestEmailToken(email: string, secret: string, attempt: number, session: string): Promise<{
        sid: string;
     * Called whenever the interactive auth logic becomes busy submitting information provided by the user or finishes.
     * After this has been called with true the UI should indicate that a request is in progress
     * until it is called again with false.
    busyChanged?(busy: boolean): void;
    startAuthStage?(nextStage: string): Promise<void>;
 * Abstracts the logic used to drive the interactive auth process.
 * <p>Components implementing an interactive auth flow should instantiate one of
 * these, passing in the necessary callbacks to the constructor. They should
 * then call attemptAuth, which will return a promise which will resolve or
 * reject when the interactive-auth process completes.
 * <p>Meanwhile, calls will be made to the startAuthStage and doRequest
 * callbacks, and information gathered from the user can be submitted with
 * submitAuthDict.
 * @param opts - options object
export declare class InteractiveAuth {
    private readonly matrixClient;
    private readonly inputs;
    private readonly clientSecret;
    private readonly requestCallback;
    private readonly busyChangedCallback?;
    private readonly stateUpdatedCallback;
    private readonly requestEmailTokenCallback;
    private data;
    private emailSid?;
    private requestingEmailToken;
    private attemptAuthDeferred;
    private chosenFlow;
    private currentStage;
    private emailAttempt;
    private submitPromise;
    constructor(opts: IOpts);
     * begin the authentication process.
     * @returns which resolves to the response on success,
     * or rejects with the error on failure. Rejects with NoAuthFlowFoundError if
     *     no suitable authentication flow can be found
    attemptAuth(): Promise<IAuthData>;
     * Poll to check if the auth session or current stage has been
     * completed out-of-band. If so, the attemptAuth promise will
     * be resolved.
    poll(): Promise<void>;
     * get the auth session ID
     * @returns session id
    getSessionId(): string | undefined;
     * get the client secret used for validation sessions
     * with the identity server.
     * @returns client secret
    getClientSecret(): string;
     * get the server params for a given stage
     * @param loginType - login type for the stage
     * @returns any parameters from the server for this stage
    getStageParams(loginType: string): Record<string, any> | undefined;
    getChosenFlow(): UIAFlow | null;
     * submit a new auth dict and fire off the request. This will either
     * make attemptAuth resolve/reject, or cause the startAuthStage callback
     * to be called for a new stage.
     * @param authData - new auth dict to send to the server. Should
     *    include a `type` property denoting the login type, as well as any
     *    other params for that stage.
     * @param background - If true, this request failing will not result
     *    in the attemptAuth promise being rejected. This can be set to true
     *    for requests that just poll to see if auth has been completed elsewhere.
    submitAuthDict(authData: IAuthDict, background?: boolean): Promise<void>;
     * Gets the sid for the email validation session
     * Specific to
     * @returns The sid of the email auth session
    getEmailSid(): string | undefined;
     * Sets the sid for the email validation session
     * This must be set in order to successfully poll for completion
     * of the email validation.
     * Specific to
     * @param sid - The sid for the email validation session
    setEmailSid(sid: string): void;
     * Requests a new email token and sets the email sid for the validation session
    requestEmailToken: () => Promise<void>;
     * Fire off a request, and either resolve the promise, or call
     * startAuthStage.
     * @internal
     * @param auth - new auth dict, including session id
     * @param background - If true, this request is a background poll, so it
     *    failing will not result in the attemptAuth promise being rejected.
     *    This can be set to true for requests that just poll to see if auth has
     *    been completed elsewhere.
    private doRequest;
     * Pick the next stage and call the callback
     * @internal
     * @throws {@link NoAuthFlowFoundError} If no suitable authentication flow can be found
    private startNextAuthStage;
     * Pick the next auth stage
     * @internal
     * @returns login type
     * @throws {@link NoAuthFlowFoundError} If no suitable authentication flow can be found
    private chooseStage;
     * Pick one of the flows from the returned list
     * If a flow using all of the inputs is found, it will
     * be returned, otherwise, null will be returned.
     * Only flows using all given inputs are chosen because it
     * is likely to be surprising if the user provides a
     * credential and it is not used. For example, for registration,
     * this could result in the email not being used which would leave
     * the account with no means to reset a password.
     * @internal
     * @returns flow
     * @throws {@link NoAuthFlowFoundError} If no suitable authentication flow can be found
    private chooseFlow;
     * Get the first uncompleted stage in the given flow
     * @internal
     * @returns login type
    private firstUncompletedStage;
export {};