import { MBeaconEventContent, MBeaconInfoContent, MBeaconInfoEventContent } from "./@types/beacon"; import { LocationAssetType, LocationEventWireContent, MLocationEventContent, MLocationContent, LegacyLocationEventContent } from "./@types/location"; import { MRoomTopicEventContent } from "./@types/topic"; import { IContent } from "./models/event"; /** * Generates the content for a HTML Message event * @param body - the plaintext body of the message * @param htmlBody - the HTML representation of the message * @returns */ export declare function makeHtmlMessage(body: string, htmlBody: string): IContent; /** * Generates the content for a HTML Notice event * @param body - the plaintext body of the notice * @param htmlBody - the HTML representation of the notice * @returns */ export declare function makeHtmlNotice(body: string, htmlBody: string): IContent; /** * Generates the content for a HTML Emote event * @param body - the plaintext body of the emote * @param htmlBody - the HTML representation of the emote * @returns */ export declare function makeHtmlEmote(body: string, htmlBody: string): IContent; /** * Generates the content for a Plaintext Message event * @param body - the plaintext body of the emote * @returns */ export declare function makeTextMessage(body: string): IContent; /** * Generates the content for a Plaintext Notice event * @param body - the plaintext body of the notice * @returns */ export declare function makeNotice(body: string): IContent; /** * Generates the content for a Plaintext Emote event * @param body - the plaintext body of the emote * @returns */ export declare function makeEmoteMessage(body: string): IContent; /** Location content helpers */ export declare const getTextForLocationEvent: (uri: string | undefined, assetType: LocationAssetType, timestamp?: number, description?: string | null) => string; /** * Generates the content for a Location event * @param uri - a geo:// uri for the location * @param timestamp - the timestamp when the location was correct (milliseconds since the UNIX epoch) * @param description - the (optional) label for this location on the map * @param assetType - the (optional) asset type of this location e.g. "m.self" * @param text - optional. A text for the location */ export declare const makeLocationContent: (text?: string, uri?: string, timestamp?: number, description?: string | null, assetType?: LocationAssetType) => LegacyLocationEventContent & MLocationEventContent; /** * Parse location event content and transform to * a backwards compatible modern m.location event format */ export declare const parseLocationEvent: (wireEventContent: LocationEventWireContent) => MLocationEventContent; /** * Topic event helpers */ export type MakeTopicContent = (topic: string, htmlTopic?: string) => MRoomTopicEventContent; export declare const makeTopicContent: MakeTopicContent; export type TopicState = { text: string; html?: string; }; export declare const parseTopicContent: (content: MRoomTopicEventContent) => TopicState; /** * Beacon event helpers */ export type MakeBeaconInfoContent = (timeout: number, isLive?: boolean, description?: string, assetType?: LocationAssetType, timestamp?: number) => MBeaconInfoEventContent; export declare const makeBeaconInfoContent: MakeBeaconInfoContent; export type BeaconInfoState = MBeaconInfoContent & { assetType?: LocationAssetType; timestamp?: number; }; /** * Flatten beacon info event content */ export declare const parseBeaconInfoContent: (content: MBeaconInfoEventContent) => BeaconInfoState; export type MakeBeaconContent = (uri: string, timestamp: number, beaconInfoEventId: string, description?: string) => MBeaconEventContent; export declare const makeBeaconContent: MakeBeaconContent; export type BeaconLocationState = Omit & { uri?: string; timestamp?: number; }; export declare const parseBeaconContent: (content: MBeaconEventContent) => BeaconLocationState; //#