"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.mediaSetup = void 0; const fields_1 = require("./fields"); const mediaMapperTwitterImage = (item) => ({ alt: item[3], height: item[2], url: item[0], width: item[1], }); const mediaMapperTwitterPlayer = (item) => ({ height: item[2], stream: item[3], url: item[0], width: item[1], }); const mediaMapperMusicSong = (item) => ({ disc: item[2], track: item[1], url: item[0], }); const mediaMapper = (item) => ({ height: item[2], type: item[3], url: item[0], width: item[1], }); const mediaSorter = (a, b) => { if (!(a.url && b.url)) { return 0; } const aRes = a.url.match(/\.(\w{2,5})$/); const aExt = (aRes && aRes[1].toLowerCase()) || null; const bRes = b.url.match(/\.(\w{2,5})$/); const bExt = (bRes && bRes[1].toLowerCase()) || null; if (aExt === 'gif' && bExt !== 'gif') { return -1; } if (aExt !== 'gif' && bExt === 'gif') { return 1; } return Math.max(b.width, b.height) - Math.max(a.width, a.height); }; const mediaSorterMusicSong = (a, b) => { if (!(a.track && b.track)) { return 0; } if (a.disc > b.disc) { return 1; } if (a.disc < b.disc) { return -1; } return a.track - b.track; }; // lodash zip replacement const zip = (array, ...args) => { if (array === undefined) return []; return array .map((value, idx) => [value, ...args.map((arr) => arr[idx])]); }; /** * formats the multiple media values * * @param {object} ogObject - the current ogObject * @param {object} options - options for ogs * @return {object} object with ogs results with updated media values * */ function mediaSetup(ogObject, options) { // sets ogImage image/width/height/type to null if one these exists if (ogObject.ogImage || ogObject.ogImageWidth || ogObject.ogImageHeight || ogObject.ogImageType) { ogObject.ogImage = ogObject.ogImage ? ogObject.ogImage : [null]; ogObject.ogImageWidth = ogObject.ogImageWidth ? ogObject.ogImageWidth : [null]; ogObject.ogImageHeight = ogObject.ogImageHeight ? ogObject.ogImageHeight : [null]; ogObject.ogImageType = ogObject.ogImageType ? ogObject.ogImageType : [null]; } // format images const ogImages = zip(ogObject.ogImage, ogObject.ogImageWidth, ogObject.ogImageHeight, ogObject.ogImageType) .map(mediaMapper) .sort(mediaSorter); // sets ogVideo video/width/height/type to null if one these exists if (ogObject.ogVideo || ogObject.ogVideoWidth || ogObject.ogVideoHeight || ogObject.ogVideoType) { ogObject.ogVideo = ogObject.ogVideo ? ogObject.ogVideo : [null]; ogObject.ogVideoWidth = ogObject.ogVideoWidth ? ogObject.ogVideoWidth : [null]; ogObject.ogVideoHeight = ogObject.ogVideoHeight ? ogObject.ogVideoHeight : [null]; ogObject.ogVideoType = ogObject.ogVideoType ? ogObject.ogVideoType : [null]; } // format videos const ogVideos = zip(ogObject.ogVideo, ogObject.ogVideoWidth, ogObject.ogVideoHeight, ogObject.ogVideoType) .map(mediaMapper) .sort(mediaSorter); // sets twitter image image/width/height/type to null if one these exists if (ogObject.twitterImageSrc || ogObject.twitterImage || ogObject.twitterImageWidth || ogObject.twitterImageHeight || ogObject.twitterImageAlt) { ogObject.twitterImageSrc = ogObject.twitterImageSrc ? ogObject.twitterImageSrc : [null]; ogObject.twitterImage = ogObject.twitterImage ? ogObject.twitterImage : ogObject.twitterImageSrc; // deafult to twitterImageSrc ogObject.twitterImageWidth = ogObject.twitterImageWidth ? ogObject.twitterImageWidth : [null]; ogObject.twitterImageHeight = ogObject.twitterImageHeight ? ogObject.twitterImageHeight : [null]; ogObject.twitterImageAlt = ogObject.twitterImageAlt ? ogObject.twitterImageAlt : [null]; } // format twitter images const twitterImages = zip(ogObject.twitterImage, ogObject.twitterImageWidth, ogObject.twitterImageHeight, ogObject.twitterImageAlt).map(mediaMapperTwitterImage).sort(mediaSorter); // sets twitter player/width/height/stream to null if one these exists if (ogObject.twitterPlayer || ogObject.twitterPlayerWidth || ogObject.twitterPlayerHeight || ogObject.twitterPlayerStream) { ogObject.twitterPlayer = ogObject.twitterPlayer ? ogObject.twitterPlayer : [null]; ogObject.twitterPlayerWidth = ogObject.twitterPlayerWidth ? ogObject.twitterPlayerWidth : [null]; ogObject.twitterPlayerHeight = ogObject.twitterPlayerHeight ? ogObject.twitterPlayerHeight : [null]; ogObject.twitterPlayerStream = ogObject.twitterPlayerStream ? ogObject.twitterPlayerStream : [null]; } // format twitter player const twitterPlayers = zip(ogObject.twitterPlayer, ogObject.twitterPlayerWidth, ogObject.twitterPlayerHeight, ogObject.twitterPlayerStream).map(mediaMapperTwitterPlayer) .sort(mediaSorter); // sets music song/songTrack/songDisc to null if one these exists if (ogObject.musicSong || ogObject.musicSongTrack || ogObject.musicSongDisc) { ogObject.musicSong = ogObject.musicSong ? ogObject.musicSong : [null]; ogObject.musicSongTrack = ogObject.musicSongTrack ? ogObject.musicSongTrack : [null]; ogObject.musicSongDisc = ogObject.musicSongDisc ? ogObject.musicSongDisc : [null]; } // format music songs const musicSongs = zip(ogObject.musicSong, ogObject.musicSongTrack, ogObject.musicSongDisc) .map(mediaMapperMusicSong) .sort(mediaSorterMusicSong); // remove old values since everything will live under the main property fields_1.default.filter((item) => (item.multiple && item.fieldName && item.fieldName.match('(ogImage|ogVideo|twitter|musicSong).*'))) .forEach((item) => { delete ogObject[item.fieldName]; }); if (options.allMedia) { if (ogImages.length) ogObject.ogImage = ogImages; if (ogVideos.length) ogObject.ogVideo = ogVideos; if (twitterImages.length) ogObject.twitterImage = twitterImages; if (twitterPlayers.length) ogObject.twitterPlayer = twitterPlayers; if (musicSongs.length) ogObject.musicSong = musicSongs; } else { if (ogImages.length) [ogObject.ogImage] = ogImages; if (ogVideos.length) [ogObject.ogVideo] = ogVideos; if (twitterImages.length) [ogObject.twitterImage] = twitterImages; if (twitterPlayers.length) [ogObject.twitterPlayer] = twitterPlayers; if (musicSongs.length) [ogObject.musicSong] = musicSongs; } return ogObject; } exports.mediaSetup = mediaSetup; exports.default = mediaSetup;