"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * array of meta tags ogs is looking for * * @return {array} array of meta tags * */ const fields = [ { multiple: false, property: 'og:title', fieldName: 'ogTitle', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:type', fieldName: 'ogType', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:logo', fieldName: 'ogLogo', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:image', fieldName: 'ogImage', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:image:url', fieldName: 'ogImageURL', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:image:secure_url', fieldName: 'ogImageSecureURL', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:image:width', fieldName: 'ogImageWidth', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:image:height', fieldName: 'ogImageHeight', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:image:type', fieldName: 'ogImageType', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:url', fieldName: 'ogUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:audio', fieldName: 'ogAudio', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:audio:url', fieldName: 'ogAudioURL', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:audio:secure_url', fieldName: 'ogAudioSecureURL', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:audio:type', fieldName: 'ogAudioType', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:description', fieldName: 'ogDescription', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:determiner', fieldName: 'ogDeterminer', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:locale', fieldName: 'ogLocale', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:locale:alternate', fieldName: 'ogLocaleAlternate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:site_name', fieldName: 'ogSiteName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:product:retailer_item_id', fieldName: 'ogProductRetailerItemId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:product:price:amount', fieldName: 'ogProductPriceAmount', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:product:price:currency', fieldName: 'ogProductPriceCurrency', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:product:availability', fieldName: 'ogProductAvailability', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:product:condition', fieldName: 'ogProductCondition', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:price:amount', fieldName: 'ogPriceAmount', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:price:currency', fieldName: 'ogPriceCurrency', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:availability', fieldName: 'ogAvailability', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:video', fieldName: 'ogVideo', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:video:url', fieldName: 'ogVideo', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:video:secure_url', fieldName: 'ogVideoSecureURL', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:video:actor:id', fieldName: 'ogVideoActorId', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:video:width', fieldName: 'ogVideoWidth', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:video:height', fieldName: 'ogVideoHeight', }, { multiple: true, property: 'og:video:type', fieldName: 'ogVideoType', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:card', fieldName: 'twitterCard', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:url', fieldName: 'twitterUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:site', fieldName: 'twitterSite', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:site:id', fieldName: 'twitterSiteId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:creator', fieldName: 'twitterCreator', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:creator:id', fieldName: 'twitterCreatorId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:title', fieldName: 'twitterTitle', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:description', fieldName: 'twitterDescription', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:image', fieldName: 'twitterImage', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:image:height', fieldName: 'twitterImageHeight', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:image:width', fieldName: 'twitterImageWidth', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:image:src', fieldName: 'twitterImageSrc', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:image:alt', fieldName: 'twitterImageAlt', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:player', fieldName: 'twitterPlayer', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:player:width', fieldName: 'twitterPlayerWidth', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:player:height', fieldName: 'twitterPlayerHeight', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:player:stream', fieldName: 'twitterPlayerStream', }, { multiple: true, property: 'twitter:player:stream:content_type', fieldName: 'twitterPlayerStreamContentType', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:name:iphone', fieldName: 'twitterAppNameiPhone', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:id:iphone', fieldName: 'twitterAppIdiPhone', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:url:iphone', fieldName: 'twitterAppUrliPhone', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:name:ipad', fieldName: 'twitterAppNameiPad', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:id:ipad', fieldName: 'twitterAppIdiPad', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:url:ipad', fieldName: 'twitterAppUrliPad', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:name:googleplay', fieldName: 'twitterAppNameGooglePlay', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:id:googleplay', fieldName: 'twitterAppIdGooglePlay', }, { multiple: false, property: 'twitter:app:url:googleplay', fieldName: 'twitterAppUrlGooglePlay', }, { multiple: true, property: 'music:song', fieldName: 'musicSong', }, { multiple: true, property: 'music:song:disc', fieldName: 'musicSongDisc', }, { multiple: true, property: 'music:song:track', fieldName: 'musicSongTrack', }, { multiple: true, property: 'music:song:url', fieldName: 'musicSongUrl', }, { multiple: true, property: 'music:musician', fieldName: 'musicMusician', }, { multiple: false, property: 'music:release_date', fieldName: 'musicReleaseDate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'music:duration', fieldName: 'musicDuration', }, { multiple: true, property: 'music:creator', fieldName: 'musicCreator', }, { multiple: true, property: 'music:album', fieldName: 'musicAlbum', }, { multiple: false, property: 'music:album:disc', fieldName: 'musicAlbumDisc', }, { multiple: false, property: 'music:album:track', fieldName: 'musicAlbumTrack', }, { multiple: false, property: 'music:album:url', fieldName: 'musicAlbumUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:published_date', fieldName: 'articlePublishedDate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:published_time', fieldName: 'articlePublishedTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:modified_date', fieldName: 'articleModifiedDate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:modified_time', fieldName: 'articleModifiedTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:expiration_time', fieldName: 'articleExpirationTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:author', fieldName: 'articleAuthor', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:section', fieldName: 'articleSection', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:tag', fieldName: 'articleTag', }, { multiple: false, property: 'article:publisher', fieldName: 'articlePublisher', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:article:published_time', fieldName: 'ogArticlePublishedTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:article:modified_time', fieldName: 'ogArticleModifiedTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:article:expiration_time', fieldName: 'ogArticleExpirationTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:article:author', fieldName: 'ogArticleAuthor', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:article:section', fieldName: 'ogArticleSection', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:article:tag', fieldName: 'ogArticleTag', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:article:publisher', fieldName: 'ogArticlePublisher', }, { multiple: false, property: 'books:book', fieldName: 'booksBook', }, { multiple: false, property: 'book:author', fieldName: 'bookAuthor', }, { multiple: false, property: 'book:isbn', fieldName: 'bookIsbn', }, { multiple: false, property: 'book:release_date', fieldName: 'bookReleaseDate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'book:canonical_name', fieldName: 'bookCanonicalName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'book:tag', fieldName: 'bookTag', }, { multiple: false, property: 'books:rating:value', fieldName: 'booksRatingValue', }, { multiple: false, property: 'books:rating:scale', fieldName: 'booksRatingScale', }, { multiple: false, property: 'profile:first_name', fieldName: 'profileFirstName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'profile:last_name', fieldName: 'profileLastName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'profile:username', fieldName: 'profileUsername', }, { multiple: false, property: 'profile:gender', fieldName: 'profileGender', }, { multiple: false, property: 'business:contact_data:street_address', fieldName: 'businessContactDataStreetAddress', }, { multiple: false, property: 'business:contact_data:locality', fieldName: 'businessContactDataLocality', }, { multiple: false, property: 'business:contact_data:region', fieldName: 'businessContactDataRegion', }, { multiple: false, property: 'business:contact_data:postal_code', fieldName: 'businessContactDataPostalCode', }, { multiple: false, property: 'business:contact_data:country_name', fieldName: 'businessContactDataCountryName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:menu', fieldName: 'restaurantMenu', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:restaurant', fieldName: 'restaurantRestaurant', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:section', fieldName: 'restaurantSection', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:variation:price:amount', fieldName: 'restaurantVariationPriceAmount', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:variation:price:currency', fieldName: 'restaurantVariationPriceCurrency', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:website', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoWebsite', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:street_address', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoStreetAddress', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:locality', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoLocality', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:region', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoRegion', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:postal_code', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoPostalCode', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:country_name', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoCountryName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:email', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoEmail', }, { multiple: false, property: 'restaurant:contact_info:phone_number', fieldName: 'restaurantContactInfoPhoneNumber', }, { multiple: false, property: 'place:location:latitude', fieldName: 'placeLocationLatitude', }, { multiple: false, property: 'place:location:longitude', fieldName: 'placeLocationLongitude', }, { multiple: false, property: 'og:date', fieldName: 'ogDate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'author', fieldName: 'author', }, { multiple: false, property: 'updated_time', fieldName: 'updatedTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'modified_time', fieldName: 'modifiedTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'published_time', fieldName: 'publishedTime', }, { multiple: false, property: 'release_date', fieldName: 'releaseDate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.source', fieldName: 'dcSource', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.subject', fieldName: 'dcSubject', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.title', fieldName: 'dcTitle', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.type', fieldName: 'dcType', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.creator', fieldName: 'dcCreator', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.coverage', fieldName: 'dcCoverage', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.language', fieldName: 'dcLanguage', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.contributor', fieldName: 'dcContributor', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.date', fieldName: 'dcDate', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.date.issued', fieldName: 'dcDateIssued', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.date.created', fieldName: 'dcDateCreated', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.description', fieldName: 'dcDescription', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.identifier', fieldName: 'dcIdentifier', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.publisher', fieldName: 'dcPublisher', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.rights', fieldName: 'dcRights', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.relation', fieldName: 'dcRelation', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.format.media', fieldName: 'dcFormatMedia', }, { multiple: false, property: 'dc.format.size', fieldName: 'dcFormatSize', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:ios:url', fieldName: 'alIosUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:ios:app_store_id', fieldName: 'alIosAppStoreId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:ios:app_name', fieldName: 'alIosAppName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:iphone:url', fieldName: 'alIphoneUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:iphone:app_store_id', fieldName: 'alIphoneAppStoreId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:iphone:app_name', fieldName: 'alIphoneAppName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:ipad:url', fieldName: 'alIpadUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:ipad:app_store_id', fieldName: 'alIpadAppStoreId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:ipad:app_name', fieldName: 'alIpadAppName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:android:url', fieldName: 'alAndroidUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:android:package', fieldName: 'alAndroidPackage', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:android:class', fieldName: 'alAndroidClass', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:android:app_name', fieldName: 'alAndroidAppName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows_phone:url', fieldName: 'alWindowsPhoneUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows_phone:app_id', fieldName: 'alWindowsPhoneAppId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows_phone:app_name', fieldName: 'alWindowsPhoneAppName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows:url', fieldName: 'alWindowsUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows:app_id', fieldName: 'alWindowsAppId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows:app_name', fieldName: 'alWindowsAppName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows_universal:url', fieldName: 'alWindowsUniversalUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows_universal:app_id', fieldName: 'alWindowsUniversalAppId', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:windows_universal:app_name', fieldName: 'alWindowsUniversalAppName', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:web:url', fieldName: 'alWebUrl', }, { multiple: false, property: 'al:web:should_fallback', fieldName: 'alWebShouldFallback', }, ]; exports.default = fields;