import EventEmitter from 'node:events'; import urlLib from 'node:url'; import crypto from 'node:crypto'; import stream, { PassThrough as PassThroughStream } from 'node:stream'; import normalizeUrl from 'normalize-url'; import getStream from 'get-stream'; import CachePolicy from 'http-cache-semantics'; import Response from 'responselike'; import Keyv from 'keyv'; import mimicResponse from 'mimic-response'; import { CacheError, RequestError } from './types.js'; class CacheableRequest { constructor(cacheRequest, cacheAdapter) { this.hooks = new Map(); this.request = () => (options, cb) => { let url; if (typeof options === 'string') { url = normalizeUrlObject(urlLib.parse(options)); options = {}; } else if (options instanceof urlLib.URL) { url = normalizeUrlObject(urlLib.parse(options.toString())); options = {}; } else { const [pathname, ...searchParts] = (options.path ?? '').split('?'); const search = searchParts.length > 0 ? `?${searchParts.join('?')}` : ''; url = normalizeUrlObject({ ...options, pathname, search }); } options = { headers: {}, method: 'GET', cache: true, strictTtl: false, automaticFailover: false, ...options, ...urlObjectToRequestOptions(url), }; options.headers = Object.fromEntries(entries(options.headers).map(([key, value]) => [key.toLowerCase(), value])); const ee = new EventEmitter(); const normalizedUrlString = normalizeUrl(urlLib.format(url), { stripWWW: false, removeTrailingSlash: false, stripAuthentication: false, }); let key = `${options.method}:${normalizedUrlString}`; // POST, PATCH, and PUT requests may be cached, depending on the response // cache-control headers. As a result, the body of the request should be // added to the cache key in order to avoid collisions. if (options.body && options.method !== undefined && ['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT'].includes(options.method)) { if (options.body instanceof stream.Readable) { // Streamed bodies should completely skip the cache because they may // or may not be hashable and in either case the stream would need to // close before the cache key could be generated. options.cache = false; } else { key += `:${crypto.createHash('md5').update(options.body).digest('hex')}`; } } let revalidate = false; let madeRequest = false; const makeRequest = (options_) => { madeRequest = true; let requestErrored = false; let requestErrorCallback = () => { }; const requestErrorPromise = new Promise(resolve => { requestErrorCallback = () => { if (!requestErrored) { requestErrored = true; resolve(); } }; }); const handler = async (response) => { if (revalidate) { response.status = response.statusCode; const revalidatedPolicy = CachePolicy.fromObject(revalidate.cachePolicy).revalidatedPolicy(options_, response); if (!revalidatedPolicy.modified) { response.resume(); await new Promise(resolve => { // Skipping 'error' handler cause 'error' event should't be emitted for 304 response response .once('end', resolve); }); const headers = convertHeaders(revalidatedPolicy.policy.responseHeaders()); response = new Response({ statusCode: revalidate.statusCode, headers, body: revalidate.body, url: revalidate.url }); response.cachePolicy = revalidatedPolicy.policy; response.fromCache = true; } } if (!response.fromCache) { response.cachePolicy = new CachePolicy(options_, response, options_); response.fromCache = false; } let clonedResponse; if (options_.cache && response.cachePolicy.storable()) { clonedResponse = cloneResponse(response); (async () => { try { const bodyPromise = getStream.buffer(response); await Promise.race([ requestErrorPromise, new Promise(resolve => response.once('end', resolve)), new Promise(resolve => response.once('close', resolve)), // eslint-disable-line no-promise-executor-return ]); const body = await bodyPromise; let value = { url: response.url, statusCode: response.fromCache ? revalidate.statusCode : response.statusCode, body, cachePolicy: response.cachePolicy.toObject(), }; let ttl = options_.strictTtl ? response.cachePolicy.timeToLive() : undefined; if (options_.maxTtl) { ttl = ttl ? Math.min(ttl, options_.maxTtl) : options_.maxTtl; } if (this.hooks.size > 0) { /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ for (const key_ of this.hooks.keys()) { value = await this.runHook(key_, value, response); } /* eslint-enable no-await-in-loop */ } await this.cache.set(key, value, ttl); } catch (error) { ee.emit('error', new CacheError(error)); } })(); } else if (options_.cache && revalidate) { (async () => { try { await this.cache.delete(key); } catch (error) { ee.emit('error', new CacheError(error)); } })(); } ee.emit('response', clonedResponse ?? response); if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(clonedResponse ?? response); } }; try { const request_ = this.cacheRequest(options_, handler); request_.once('error', requestErrorCallback); request_.once('abort', requestErrorCallback); request_.once('destroy', requestErrorCallback); ee.emit('request', request_); } catch (error) { ee.emit('error', new RequestError(error)); } }; (async () => { const get = async (options_) => { await Promise.resolve(); const cacheEntry = options_.cache ? await this.cache.get(key) : undefined; if (typeof cacheEntry === 'undefined' && !options_.forceRefresh) { makeRequest(options_); return; } const policy = CachePolicy.fromObject(cacheEntry.cachePolicy); if (policy.satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(options_) && !options_.forceRefresh) { const headers = convertHeaders(policy.responseHeaders()); const response = new Response({ statusCode: cacheEntry.statusCode, headers, body: cacheEntry.body, url: cacheEntry.url }); response.cachePolicy = policy; response.fromCache = true; ee.emit('response', response); if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(response); } } else if (policy.satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(options_) && >= policy.timeToLive() && options_.forceRefresh) { await this.cache.delete(key); options_.headers = policy.revalidationHeaders(options_); makeRequest(options_); } else { revalidate = cacheEntry; options_.headers = policy.revalidationHeaders(options_); makeRequest(options_); } }; const errorHandler = (error) => ee.emit('error', new CacheError(error)); if (this.cache instanceof Keyv) { const cachek = this.cache; cachek.once('error', errorHandler); ee.on('error', () => cachek.removeListener('error', errorHandler)); ee.on('response', () => cachek.removeListener('error', errorHandler)); } try { await get(options); } catch (error) { if (options.automaticFailover && !madeRequest) { makeRequest(options); } ee.emit('error', new CacheError(error)); } })(); return ee; }; this.addHook = (name, fn) => { if (!this.hooks.has(name)) { this.hooks.set(name, fn); } }; this.removeHook = (name) => this.hooks.delete(name); this.getHook = (name) => this.hooks.get(name); this.runHook = async (name, ...args) => this.hooks.get(name)?.(...args); if (cacheAdapter instanceof Keyv) { this.cache = cacheAdapter; } else if (typeof cacheAdapter === 'string') { this.cache = new Keyv({ uri: cacheAdapter, namespace: 'cacheable-request', }); } else { this.cache = new Keyv({ store: cacheAdapter, namespace: 'cacheable-request', }); } this.request = this.request.bind(this); this.cacheRequest = cacheRequest; } } const entries = Object.entries; const cloneResponse = (response) => { const clone = new PassThroughStream({ autoDestroy: false }); mimicResponse(response, clone); return response.pipe(clone); }; const urlObjectToRequestOptions = (url) => { const options = { ...url }; options.path = `${url.pathname || '/'}${ || ''}`; delete options.pathname; delete; return options; }; const normalizeUrlObject = (url) => // If url was parsed by url.parse or new URL: // - hostname will be set // - host will be hostname[:port] // - port will be set if it was explicit in the parsed string // Otherwise, url was from request options: // - hostname or host may be set // - host shall not have port encoded ({ protocol: url.protocol, auth: url.auth, hostname: url.hostname || || 'localhost', port: url.port, pathname: url.pathname, search:, }); const convertHeaders = (headers) => { const result = []; for (const name of Object.keys(headers)) { result[name.toLowerCase()] = headers[name]; } return result; }; export default CacheableRequest; export * from './types.js'; export const onResponse = 'onResponse'; //#