Sex alert

Notice: Only can use the sex alert. If you wish to wake somepony up, use the wake-up alert instead.
" . ($front[0]["display_name"] ?? $front[0]["name"]) . " is currently at front and you cannot have sex with this pony."); } elseif (count($front) === 2) { echo("" . ($front[0]["display_name"] ?? $front[0]["name"]) . " and " . ($front[1]["display_name"] ?? $front[1]["name"]) . " are currently at front and you cannot have sex with them."); } else { echo("Ponies are currently at front and you cannot have sex with them."); } ?> However, if you wish, any of the ponies mentioned on this page can take control of the body for the amount of time required for sex.
" . ($front[0]["display_name"] ?? $front[0]["name"]) . " is currently at front and may not want to have sex with you."); } elseif (count($front) === 2) { echo("" . ($front[0]["display_name"] ?? $front[0]["name"]) . " and " . ($front[1]["display_name"] ?? $front[1]["name"]) . " are currently at front and may not want to have sex with you."); } else { echo("Ponies are currently at front and may not want to have sex with you."); } ?> However, if this pony is not wanting to have sex with you, any of the ponies mentioned on this page can take control of the body for the amount of time required for sex.
19) { $day = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400); } else { $day = date('Y-m-d'); } if (isset($school[$day]) && $school[$day]["firstClass"]["timestamp"] < time() * 1000) { $day = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400); } if (!isset($school[$day])) { echo('
No information about Raindrops\'s school schedule for ' . date('F jS', strtotime($day)) . ' currently, try again later.
'); } elseif (isset($school[$day]["firstClass"]["timestamp"])) { $tod = round($school[$day]["firstClass"]["timestamp"] / 1000) - strtotime($day); $hours = $tod / 3600; $time = date('g:i a', $tod); if ($hours < 8.5) { echo('
Raindrops starts school at ' . $time . ' (local time) tomorrow (' . date('F jS', strtotime($day)) . '), it is recommended that you don\'t wake them up to have sex.
'); } else if ($hours < 9.5) { echo('
Raindrops starts school at ' . $time . ' (local time) tomorrow (' . date('F jS', strtotime($day)) . '), they can be wakened up at night to have sex for at most an hour.
'); } else { echo('
Raindrops starts school at ' . $time . ' (local time) tomorrow (' . date('F jS', strtotime($day)) . '), they can be wakened up at night to have sex for over an hour.
'); } } else { echo('
Raindrops does not have school tomorrow (' . date('F jS', strtotime($day)) . '), they can be wakened up at night to have sex for as long as you wish.
'); } ?> class="disabled" data-bs-target="#turn-on" id="btn-on" style="background: #7f0000;font-size: 48px;padding: 10px 50px;border-radius: 10px;width: max-content;display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;cursor: pointer;">Turn ON

Sending next notification never · Local time for Raindrops: --:--
Make sure you run the /sex command on the server before turning the alert on.



