" style="grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); background-color: = isset($memberData["color"]) ? '#' . $memberData["color"] . "44" : "transparent" ?>; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: -20px; padding: 10px 20px;">
" alt="" style="background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, .125);width:128px;height:128px;border-radius:5px;">
Hazel Stardawn
This pony takes a human appearance when she is around Leah or other humans in Cloudburst System. However, her pony appearance remains her preferred one and she will use it with other creatures and pony members of Cloudburst System.
" style="grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); background-color: = isset($memberData["color"]) ? '#' . $memberData["color"] . "33" : "transparent" ?>; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: -20px;">
= $lang["details"]["food"] ?>
= match ($metadata["food"]) {
0 => "" . $lang["details"]["food_states"][0] . "",
1 => "" . $lang["details"]["food_states"][1] . "",
2 => "" . $lang["details"]["food_states"][2] . "",
3 => "" . $lang["details"]["food_states"][3] . "",
} ?>
= $lang["details"]["memory"] ?>
= match ($metadata["shared_memory"]) {
0 => "" . $lang["details"]["memory_states"][0] . "",
1 => "" . $lang["details"]["memory_states"][1] . "",
2 => "" . $lang["details"]["memory_states"][2] . "",
} ?>
0 || $metadata["birth"]["age"] === -1): ?>
INF ?>
= "Eternal" ?>
= "" . $metadata["birth"]["age"] . "* years old" ?>
= "Sliding " . explode("-", $metadata["birth"]["age"])[0] . " to " . explode("-", $metadata["birth"]["age"])[1] . "" ?>
= "" . $age . " years old" ?>
Primary interest:
= trim($metadata["interest"]) ?>
; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: -20px;grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);">
= 15 && $metadata["little"] !== 1) || (!isset($age2) && $metadata["little"] !== 1)) || $metadata["sexual_features"]): ?>
Sexual consent:
= 15 && $metadata["little"] !== 1) || (!isset($age) && $metadata["little"] !== 1))): ?>
Sexual alignmentSex. algn.:
This pony is too young to be in a sexual relationship.
Romantic alignmentRom. algn.:
= date('F jS', strtotime(date('Y') . "-" . $metadata["birth"]["date"])) ?>