$metadata["robot"] ? "robot earth pony" : (!$metadata["plush"] ? "earth pony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") : "earth pony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"), "alicorn" => $metadata["robot"] ? "robot alicorn" : (!$metadata["plush"] ? "alicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") : "alicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"), "crystal" => $metadata["robot"] ? "robot crystal pony" : (!$metadata["plush"] ? "crystal pony" : "crystal pony plush"), "pegasus" => $metadata["robot"] ? "robot pegasus" : (!$metadata["plush"] ? "pegasus" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") : "pegasus" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"), "batpony" => $metadata["robot"] ? "robot batpony" : (!$metadata["plush"] ? "batpony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") : "batpony" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"), "unicorn" => $metadata["robot"] ? "robot unicorn" : (!$metadata["plush"] ? "unicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") : "unicorn" . (component(2, 2) && $canHaveMareSuffix ? " mare" : "") . " plush"), default => $species . "_" . $metadata["robot"] }; } } if (!function_exists("listing")) { function listing(array $list): string { $out = ""; foreach (array_values($list) as $index => $value) { $mem = getSystemMember(explode("/", $value)[0], explode("/", $value)[1]); $value = "" . getMiniName($mem["display_name"] ?? $mem["name"]) . ""; if ($index === 0) { $out = $value; } else if ($index < count(array_values($list)) - 1) { $out .= ", " . $value; } else { $out .= " and " . $value; } } return $out; } } $iam = 0; $multipleNames = count(explode("/", $memberData["display_name"])) > 1; $otherNames = explode("/", $memberData["display_name"]); array_shift($otherNames); if ($memberData["name"] === "scootaloo" && ((int)date('N') - 1) % 2 === 0) { $metadata["marefriends"] = array_reverse($metadata["marefriends"]); } ?>

Hello, Hi, Hey, Hey there!

, the most common fronter a protector of the , 0): $source = getMember($metadata["median"]); ?> ">, = 3) ? "and" : (component(2, 2, 1) ? "I'm" : "I am") ?> = 3 && component(2, 1, 4)): ?>also a and a a , a and a a = 3 && component(2, 2, 4)): ?> too , .

Depending on the circumstances, I may not share memories with my headmates I may not share memories with my headmates depending on the circumstances I sometimes share memories with my headmates I share memories with my headmates I have access to my headmates' memories I have access to my headmates' memories a fictive from Equestria I come from Equestria fronting less often less often at front I like to front less often nonverbal in real life not talking in real life I don't talk in real life 0): ?> an age regressor 0): ?> capable of age regression I can age regress 0): ?> younger than the body is 0): ?> younger but not enough to be considered a little I feel younger than my headmates 0)): ?> 0): ?> affected by spells to make me feel younger 0): ?> affected by age spells age regression spells can affect me 0): ?> a lot younger than the body is 0): ?> a little I feel a lot younger than my headmates

0): ?> 0): ?> 1): ?>in relationships within a relationship with 0): ?> 1): ?>My marefriends areMy marefriend is 0): ?> 1): ?>are my marefriendsis my marefriend I love 0): ?> 0): ?> 1): ?>in relationships within a relationship with 0): ?> 1): ?> sisters are sister is 0): ?> 1): ?>are my sistersis my sister I also love as sister 1): ?>s 1): ?>are my familyis my family 0): ?> 0): ?> being taken care of by 0): ?> 1): ?> mares who take care of me are mare who takes care of me is 0): ?> 1): ?>are my caretakersis my caretaker I like having take care of me take care of me