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Cold Haze crash report ====================== Code = $level ?> [] = $message ?> => In = $file ?> (line = $line ?>) <= 00 = strtoupper(substr(md5($level), 0, 8)) ?> 01 = strtoupper(substr(md5($message), 0, 8)) ?> 02 = strtoupper(substr(md5($file), 0, 8)) ?> 03 = strtoupper(substr(md5($line), 0, 8)) ?> = ($item["file"] ?? "[unknown file]") === $file ? "*" : " " ?> = str_repeat(" ", $sp) ?>= $item["file"] ?? "[unknown file]" ?>:= $item["line"] ?? "?" ?> => = $item["function"] ?? "???" ?> = $f === $file ? "*" : " " ?> = $f ?> $value): ?> = $item ?>: = ($item === "HTTP_COOKIE") ? "[redacted for privacy]" : $value ?> memory_get_usage(): memory_get_peak_usage(): phpversion(): php_uname(): zend_version(): getmypid(): getmyuid(): getmygid(): getmyinode():