/** * @name ranges-apply * @fileoverview Take an array of string index ranges, delete/replace the string according to them * @version 5.1.0 * @author Roy Revelt, Codsen Ltd * @license MIT * {@link https://codsen.com/os/ranges-apply/} */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.rangesApply = {})); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /** * @name ranges-sort * @fileoverview Sort string index ranges * @version 4.1.0 * @author Roy Revelt, Codsen Ltd * @license MIT * {@link https://codsen.com/os/ranges-sort/} */ const defaults$1 = { strictlyTwoElementsInRangeArrays: false, progressFn: null }; function rSort(arrOfRanges, originalOptions) { if (!Array.isArray(arrOfRanges) || !arrOfRanges.length) { return arrOfRanges; } const opts = { ...defaults$1, ...originalOptions }; let culpritsIndex; let culpritsLen; if (opts.strictlyTwoElementsInRangeArrays && !arrOfRanges.filter(range => range).every((rangeArr, indx) => { if (rangeArr.length !== 2) { culpritsIndex = indx; culpritsLen = rangeArr.length; return false; } return true; })) { throw new TypeError(`ranges-sort: [THROW_ID_03] The first argument should be an array and must consist of arrays which are natural number indexes representing TWO string index ranges. However, ${culpritsIndex}th range (${JSON.stringify(arrOfRanges[culpritsIndex], null, 4)}) has not two but ${culpritsLen} elements!`); } if (!arrOfRanges.filter(range => range).every((rangeArr, indx) => { if (!Number.isInteger(rangeArr[0]) || rangeArr[0] < 0 || !Number.isInteger(rangeArr[1]) || rangeArr[1] < 0) { culpritsIndex = indx; return false; } return true; })) { throw new TypeError(`ranges-sort: [THROW_ID_04] The first argument should be an array and must consist of arrays which are natural number indexes representing string index ranges. However, ${culpritsIndex}th range (${JSON.stringify(arrOfRanges[culpritsIndex], null, 4)}) does not consist of only natural numbers!`); } const maxPossibleIterations = arrOfRanges.filter(range => range).length ** 2; let counter = 0; return Array.from(arrOfRanges).filter(range => range).sort((range1, range2) => { if (opts.progressFn) { counter += 1; opts.progressFn(Math.floor(counter * 100 / maxPossibleIterations)); } if (range1[0] === range2[0]) { if (range1[1] < range2[1]) { return -1; } if (range1[1] > range2[1]) { return 1; } return 0; } if (range1[0] < range2[0]) { return -1; } return 1; }); } /** * @name ranges-merge * @fileoverview Merge and sort string index ranges * @version 7.1.0 * @author Roy Revelt, Codsen Ltd * @license MIT * {@link https://codsen.com/os/ranges-merge/} */ const defaults = { mergeType: 1, progressFn: null, joinRangesThatTouchEdges: true }; function rMerge(arrOfRanges, originalOpts) { function isObj(something) { return something && typeof something === "object" && !Array.isArray(something); } if (!Array.isArray(arrOfRanges) || !arrOfRanges.length) { return null; } let opts; if (originalOpts) { if (isObj(originalOpts)) { opts = { ...defaults, ...originalOpts }; if (opts.progressFn && isObj(opts.progressFn) && !Object.keys(opts.progressFn).length) { opts.progressFn = null; } else if (opts.progressFn && typeof opts.progressFn !== "function") { throw new Error(`ranges-merge: [THROW_ID_01] opts.progressFn must be a function! It was given of a type: "${typeof opts.progressFn}", equal to ${JSON.stringify(opts.progressFn, null, 4)}`); } if (opts.mergeType && +opts.mergeType !== 1 && +opts.mergeType !== 2) { throw new Error(`ranges-merge: [THROW_ID_02] opts.mergeType was customised to a wrong thing! It was given of a type: "${typeof opts.mergeType}", equal to ${JSON.stringify(opts.mergeType, null, 4)}`); } if (typeof opts.joinRangesThatTouchEdges !== "boolean") { throw new Error(`ranges-merge: [THROW_ID_04] opts.joinRangesThatTouchEdges was customised to a wrong thing! It was given of a type: "${typeof opts.joinRangesThatTouchEdges}", equal to ${JSON.stringify(opts.joinRangesThatTouchEdges, null, 4)}`); } } else { throw new Error(`emlint: [THROW_ID_03] the second input argument must be a plain object. It was given as:\n${JSON.stringify(originalOpts, null, 4)} (type ${typeof originalOpts})`); } } else { opts = { ...defaults }; } const filtered = arrOfRanges .filter(range => range).map(subarr => [...subarr]).filter( rangeArr => rangeArr[2] !== undefined || rangeArr[0] !== rangeArr[1]); let sortedRanges; let lastPercentageDone; let percentageDone; if (opts.progressFn) { sortedRanges = rSort(filtered, { progressFn: percentage => { percentageDone = Math.floor(percentage / 5); if (percentageDone !== lastPercentageDone) { lastPercentageDone = percentageDone; opts.progressFn(percentageDone); } } }); } else { sortedRanges = rSort(filtered); } if (!sortedRanges) { return null; } const len = sortedRanges.length - 1; for (let i = len; i > 0; i--) { if (opts.progressFn) { percentageDone = Math.floor((1 - i / len) * 78) + 21; if (percentageDone !== lastPercentageDone && percentageDone > lastPercentageDone) { lastPercentageDone = percentageDone; opts.progressFn(percentageDone); } } if (sortedRanges[i][0] <= sortedRanges[i - 1][0] || !opts.joinRangesThatTouchEdges && sortedRanges[i][0] < sortedRanges[i - 1][1] || opts.joinRangesThatTouchEdges && sortedRanges[i][0] <= sortedRanges[i - 1][1]) { sortedRanges[i - 1][0] = Math.min(sortedRanges[i][0], sortedRanges[i - 1][0]); sortedRanges[i - 1][1] = Math.max(sortedRanges[i][1], sortedRanges[i - 1][1]); if (sortedRanges[i][2] !== undefined && (sortedRanges[i - 1][0] >= sortedRanges[i][0] || sortedRanges[i - 1][1] <= sortedRanges[i][1])) { if (sortedRanges[i - 1][2] !== null) { if (sortedRanges[i][2] === null && sortedRanges[i - 1][2] !== null) { sortedRanges[i - 1][2] = null; } else if (sortedRanges[i - 1][2] != null) { if (+opts.mergeType === 2 && sortedRanges[i - 1][0] === sortedRanges[i][0]) { sortedRanges[i - 1][2] = sortedRanges[i][2]; } else { sortedRanges[i - 1][2] += sortedRanges[i][2]; } } else { sortedRanges[i - 1][2] = sortedRanges[i][2]; } } } sortedRanges.splice(i, 1); i = sortedRanges.length; } } return sortedRanges.length ? sortedRanges : null; } var version$1 = "5.1.0"; const version = version$1; function rApply(str, originalRangesArr, progressFn) { let percentageDone = 0; let lastPercentageDone = 0; if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error("ranges-apply: [THROW_ID_01] inputs missing!"); } if (typeof str !== "string") { throw new TypeError(`ranges-apply: [THROW_ID_02] first input argument must be a string! Currently it's: ${typeof str}, equal to: ${JSON.stringify(str, null, 4)}`); } if (originalRangesArr && !Array.isArray(originalRangesArr)) { throw new TypeError(`ranges-apply: [THROW_ID_03] second input argument must be an array (or null)! Currently it's: ${typeof originalRangesArr}, equal to: ${JSON.stringify(originalRangesArr, null, 4)}`); } if (progressFn && typeof progressFn !== "function") { throw new TypeError(`ranges-apply: [THROW_ID_04] the third input argument must be a function (or falsey)! Currently it's: ${typeof progressFn}, equal to: ${JSON.stringify(progressFn, null, 4)}`); } if (!originalRangesArr || !originalRangesArr.filter((range) => range).length) { // quick ending - no ranges passed return str; } let rangesArr; if (Array.isArray(originalRangesArr) && Number.isInteger(originalRangesArr[0]) && Number.isInteger(originalRangesArr[1])) { // if single array was passed, wrap it into an array rangesArr = [Array.from(originalRangesArr)]; } else { rangesArr = Array.from(originalRangesArr); } // allocate first 10% of progress to this stage const len = rangesArr.length; let counter = 0; rangesArr .filter((range) => range) .forEach((el, i) => { if (progressFn) { percentageDone = Math.floor((counter / len) * 10); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (percentageDone !== lastPercentageDone) { lastPercentageDone = percentageDone; progressFn(percentageDone); } } if (!Array.isArray(el)) { throw new TypeError(`ranges-apply: [THROW_ID_05] ranges array, second input arg., has ${i}th element not an array: ${JSON.stringify(el, null, 4)}, which is ${typeof el}`); } if (!Number.isInteger(el[0])) { if (!Number.isInteger(+el[0]) || +el[0] < 0) { throw new TypeError(`ranges-apply: [THROW_ID_06] ranges array, second input arg. has ${i}th element, array ${JSON.stringify(el, null, 0)}. Its first element is not an integer, string index, but ${typeof el[0]}, equal to: ${JSON.stringify(el[0], null, 4)}.`); } else { rangesArr[i][0] = +rangesArr[i][0]; } } if (!Number.isInteger(el[1])) { if (!Number.isInteger(+el[1]) || +el[1] < 0) { throw new TypeError(`ranges-apply: [THROW_ID_07] ranges array, second input arg. has ${i}th element, array ${JSON.stringify(el, null, 0)}. Its second element is not an integer, string index, but ${typeof el[1]}, equal to: ${JSON.stringify(el[1], null, 4)}.`); } else { rangesArr[i][1] = +rangesArr[i][1]; } } counter += 1; }); // allocate another 10% of the progress indicator length to the rangesMerge step: const workingRanges = rMerge(rangesArr, { progressFn: (perc) => { if (progressFn) { // since "perc" is already from zero to hundred, we just divide by 10 and // get the range from zero to ten: percentageDone = 10 + Math.floor(perc / 10); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (percentageDone !== lastPercentageDone) { lastPercentageDone = percentageDone; progressFn(percentageDone); } } }, }); // allocate the rest 80% to the actual string assembly: const len2 = Array.isArray(workingRanges) ? workingRanges.length : 0; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (len2 > 0) { const tails = str.slice(workingRanges[len2 - 1][1]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign str = workingRanges.reduce((acc, _val, i, arr) => { if (progressFn) { // since "perc" is already from zero to hundred, we just divide by 10 and // get the range from zero to ten: percentageDone = 20 + Math.floor((i / len2) * 80); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (percentageDone !== lastPercentageDone) { lastPercentageDone = percentageDone; progressFn(percentageDone); } } const beginning = i === 0 ? 0 : arr[i - 1][1]; const ending = arr[i][0]; return acc + str.slice(beginning, ending) + (arr[i][2] || ""); }, ""); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign str += tails; } return str; } exports.rApply = rApply; exports.version = version; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })));