const { initCipher } = require('./cipher'); const getAccountType = require('./accounts'); const timetable = require('./fetch/timetable'); const marks = require('./fetch/marks'); const evaluations = require('./fetch/evaluations'); const absences = require('./fetch/absences'); const infos = require('./fetch/infos'); const contents = require('./fetch/contents'); const homeworks = require('./fetch/homeworks'); const menu = require('./fetch/menu'); const files = require('./fetch/files'); const keepAlive = require('./fetch/pronote/keepAlive'); const logout = require('./fetch/pronote/logout'); const DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_RATE = 120; // In seconds. 120 is the Pronote default 'Presence' request rate. const GENERAL_REQUESTS = { keepAlive, logout }; const REQUESTS = { timetable, marks, evaluations, absences, contents, infos, homeworks, menu, files }; class PronoteSession { constructor({ serverURL, sessionID, type, disableAES, disableCompress, keyModulus, keyExponent }) { = ~~sessionID; this.server = serverURL; this.type = typeof type === 'string' ? getAccountType(type) : type; this.disableAES = disableAES; this.disableCompress = disableCompress; initCipher(this, keyModulus, keyExponent); this.request = -1; this.isKeptAlive = false; for (const [req, method] of Object.entries(GENERAL_REQUESTS)) { this[req] = () => method(this); } for (const [req, method] of Object.entries(REQUESTS)) { this[req] = (...args) => callRequest(method, this, args); } } setKeepAlive(enabled, onError, rate = DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_RATE) { if (enabled === this.isKeptAlive) { return; } if (enabled) { this.interval = setInterval(() => { this.keepAlive().catch(err => { this.setKeepAlive(false); if (onError) { onError(err); } }); }, rate * 1000); } else { clearInterval(this.interval); } this.isKeptAlive = enabled; } } function callRequest(method, session, args) { switch ( { case 'student': return method(session, session.user, ...args); default: return method(session, ...args); } } module.exports = PronoteSession;