// @flow strict import defineInspect from '../jsutils/defineInspect'; import type { Source } from './source'; import type { TokenKindEnum } from './tokenKind'; /** * Contains a range of UTF-8 character offsets and token references that * identify the region of the source from which the AST derived. */ export class Location { /** * The character offset at which this Node begins. */ +start: number; /** * The character offset at which this Node ends. */ +end: number; /** * The Token at which this Node begins. */ +startToken: Token; /** * The Token at which this Node ends. */ +endToken: Token; /** * The Source document the AST represents. */ +source: Source; constructor(startToken: Token, endToken: Token, source: Source) { this.start = startToken.start; this.end = endToken.end; this.startToken = startToken; this.endToken = endToken; this.source = source; } toJSON(): {| start: number, end: number |} { return { start: this.start, end: this.end }; } } // Print a simplified form when appearing in `inspect` and `util.inspect`. defineInspect(Location); /** * Represents a range of characters represented by a lexical token * within a Source. */ export class Token { /** * The kind of Token. */ +kind: TokenKindEnum; /** * The character offset at which this Node begins. */ +start: number; /** * The character offset at which this Node ends. */ +end: number; /** * The 1-indexed line number on which this Token appears. */ +line: number; /** * The 1-indexed column number at which this Token begins. */ +column: number; /** * For non-punctuation tokens, represents the interpreted value of the token. */ +value: string | void; /** * Tokens exist as nodes in a double-linked-list amongst all tokens * including ignored tokens. <SOF> is always the first node and <EOF> * the last. */ +prev: Token | null; +next: Token | null; constructor( kind: TokenKindEnum, start: number, end: number, line: number, column: number, prev: Token | null, value?: string, ) { this.kind = kind; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.line = line; this.column = column; this.value = value; this.prev = prev; this.next = null; } toJSON(): {| kind: TokenKindEnum, value: string | void, line: number, column: number, |} { return { kind: this.kind, value: this.value, line: this.line, column: this.column, }; } } // Print a simplified form when appearing in `inspect` and `util.inspect`. defineInspect(Token); /** * @internal */ export function isNode(maybeNode: mixed): boolean %checks { return maybeNode != null && typeof maybeNode.kind === 'string'; } /** * The list of all possible AST node types. */ export type ASTNode = | NameNode | DocumentNode | OperationDefinitionNode | VariableDefinitionNode | VariableNode | SelectionSetNode | FieldNode | ArgumentNode | FragmentSpreadNode | InlineFragmentNode | FragmentDefinitionNode | IntValueNode | FloatValueNode | StringValueNode | BooleanValueNode | NullValueNode | EnumValueNode | ListValueNode | ObjectValueNode | ObjectFieldNode | DirectiveNode | NamedTypeNode | ListTypeNode | NonNullTypeNode | SchemaDefinitionNode | OperationTypeDefinitionNode | ScalarTypeDefinitionNode | ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | FieldDefinitionNode | InputValueDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode | UnionTypeDefinitionNode | EnumTypeDefinitionNode | EnumValueDefinitionNode | InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode | SchemaExtensionNode | ScalarTypeExtensionNode | ObjectTypeExtensionNode | InterfaceTypeExtensionNode | UnionTypeExtensionNode | EnumTypeExtensionNode | InputObjectTypeExtensionNode; /** * Utility type listing all nodes indexed by their kind. */ export type ASTKindToNode = {| Name: NameNode, Document: DocumentNode, OperationDefinition: OperationDefinitionNode, VariableDefinition: VariableDefinitionNode, Variable: VariableNode, SelectionSet: SelectionSetNode, Field: FieldNode, Argument: ArgumentNode, FragmentSpread: FragmentSpreadNode, InlineFragment: InlineFragmentNode, FragmentDefinition: FragmentDefinitionNode, IntValue: IntValueNode, FloatValue: FloatValueNode, StringValue: StringValueNode, BooleanValue: BooleanValueNode, NullValue: NullValueNode, EnumValue: EnumValueNode, ListValue: ListValueNode, ObjectValue: ObjectValueNode, ObjectField: ObjectFieldNode, Directive: DirectiveNode, NamedType: NamedTypeNode, ListType: ListTypeNode, NonNullType: NonNullTypeNode, SchemaDefinition: SchemaDefinitionNode, OperationTypeDefinition: OperationTypeDefinitionNode, ScalarTypeDefinition: ScalarTypeDefinitionNode, ObjectTypeDefinition: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, FieldDefinition: FieldDefinitionNode, InputValueDefinition: InputValueDefinitionNode, InterfaceTypeDefinition: InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode, UnionTypeDefinition: UnionTypeDefinitionNode, EnumTypeDefinition: EnumTypeDefinitionNode, EnumValueDefinition: EnumValueDefinitionNode, InputObjectTypeDefinition: InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, DirectiveDefinition: DirectiveDefinitionNode, SchemaExtension: SchemaExtensionNode, ScalarTypeExtension: ScalarTypeExtensionNode, ObjectTypeExtension: ObjectTypeExtensionNode, InterfaceTypeExtension: InterfaceTypeExtensionNode, UnionTypeExtension: UnionTypeExtensionNode, EnumTypeExtension: EnumTypeExtensionNode, InputObjectTypeExtension: InputObjectTypeExtensionNode, |}; // Name export type NameNode = {| +kind: 'Name', +loc?: Location, +value: string, |}; // Document export type DocumentNode = {| +kind: 'Document', +loc?: Location, +definitions: $ReadOnlyArray<DefinitionNode>, |}; export type DefinitionNode = | ExecutableDefinitionNode | TypeSystemDefinitionNode | TypeSystemExtensionNode; export type ExecutableDefinitionNode = | OperationDefinitionNode | FragmentDefinitionNode; export type OperationDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'OperationDefinition', +loc?: Location, +operation: OperationTypeNode, +name?: NameNode, +variableDefinitions?: $ReadOnlyArray<VariableDefinitionNode>, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +selectionSet: SelectionSetNode, |}; export type OperationTypeNode = 'query' | 'mutation' | 'subscription'; export type VariableDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'VariableDefinition', +loc?: Location, +variable: VariableNode, +type: TypeNode, +defaultValue?: ValueNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, |}; export type VariableNode = {| +kind: 'Variable', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, |}; export type SelectionSetNode = {| kind: 'SelectionSet', loc?: Location, selections: $ReadOnlyArray<SelectionNode>, |}; export type SelectionNode = FieldNode | FragmentSpreadNode | InlineFragmentNode; export type FieldNode = {| +kind: 'Field', +loc?: Location, +alias?: NameNode, +name: NameNode, +arguments?: $ReadOnlyArray<ArgumentNode>, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +selectionSet?: SelectionSetNode, |}; export type ArgumentNode = {| +kind: 'Argument', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +value: ValueNode, |}; // Fragments export type FragmentSpreadNode = {| +kind: 'FragmentSpread', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, |}; export type InlineFragmentNode = {| +kind: 'InlineFragment', +loc?: Location, +typeCondition?: NamedTypeNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +selectionSet: SelectionSetNode, |}; export type FragmentDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'FragmentDefinition', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, // Note: fragment variable definitions are experimental and may be changed // or removed in the future. +variableDefinitions?: $ReadOnlyArray<VariableDefinitionNode>, +typeCondition: NamedTypeNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +selectionSet: SelectionSetNode, |}; // Values export type ValueNode = | VariableNode | IntValueNode | FloatValueNode | StringValueNode | BooleanValueNode | NullValueNode | EnumValueNode | ListValueNode | ObjectValueNode; export type IntValueNode = {| +kind: 'IntValue', +loc?: Location, +value: string, |}; export type FloatValueNode = {| +kind: 'FloatValue', +loc?: Location, +value: string, |}; export type StringValueNode = {| +kind: 'StringValue', +loc?: Location, +value: string, +block?: boolean, |}; export type BooleanValueNode = {| +kind: 'BooleanValue', +loc?: Location, +value: boolean, |}; export type NullValueNode = {| +kind: 'NullValue', +loc?: Location, |}; export type EnumValueNode = {| +kind: 'EnumValue', +loc?: Location, +value: string, |}; export type ListValueNode = {| +kind: 'ListValue', +loc?: Location, +values: $ReadOnlyArray<ValueNode>, |}; export type ObjectValueNode = {| +kind: 'ObjectValue', +loc?: Location, +fields: $ReadOnlyArray<ObjectFieldNode>, |}; export type ObjectFieldNode = {| +kind: 'ObjectField', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +value: ValueNode, |}; // Directives export type DirectiveNode = {| +kind: 'Directive', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +arguments?: $ReadOnlyArray<ArgumentNode>, |}; // Type Reference export type TypeNode = NamedTypeNode | ListTypeNode | NonNullTypeNode; export type NamedTypeNode = {| +kind: 'NamedType', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, |}; export type ListTypeNode = {| +kind: 'ListType', +loc?: Location, +type: TypeNode, |}; export type NonNullTypeNode = {| +kind: 'NonNullType', +loc?: Location, +type: NamedTypeNode | ListTypeNode, |}; // Type System Definition export type TypeSystemDefinitionNode = | SchemaDefinitionNode | TypeDefinitionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode; export type SchemaDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'SchemaDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +operationTypes: $ReadOnlyArray<OperationTypeDefinitionNode>, |}; export type OperationTypeDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'OperationTypeDefinition', +loc?: Location, +operation: OperationTypeNode, +type: NamedTypeNode, |}; // Type Definition export type TypeDefinitionNode = | ScalarTypeDefinitionNode | ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode | UnionTypeDefinitionNode | EnumTypeDefinitionNode | InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode; export type ScalarTypeDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'ScalarTypeDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, |}; export type ObjectTypeDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'ObjectTypeDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +interfaces?: $ReadOnlyArray<NamedTypeNode>, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +fields?: $ReadOnlyArray<FieldDefinitionNode>, |}; export type FieldDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'FieldDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +arguments?: $ReadOnlyArray<InputValueDefinitionNode>, +type: TypeNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, |}; export type InputValueDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'InputValueDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +type: TypeNode, +defaultValue?: ValueNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, |}; export type InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'InterfaceTypeDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +interfaces?: $ReadOnlyArray<NamedTypeNode>, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +fields?: $ReadOnlyArray<FieldDefinitionNode>, |}; export type UnionTypeDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'UnionTypeDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +types?: $ReadOnlyArray<NamedTypeNode>, |}; export type EnumTypeDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'EnumTypeDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +values?: $ReadOnlyArray<EnumValueDefinitionNode>, |}; export type EnumValueDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'EnumValueDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, |}; export type InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'InputObjectTypeDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +fields?: $ReadOnlyArray<InputValueDefinitionNode>, |}; // Directive Definitions export type DirectiveDefinitionNode = {| +kind: 'DirectiveDefinition', +loc?: Location, +description?: StringValueNode, +name: NameNode, +arguments?: $ReadOnlyArray<InputValueDefinitionNode>, +repeatable: boolean, +locations: $ReadOnlyArray<NameNode>, |}; // Type System Extensions export type TypeSystemExtensionNode = SchemaExtensionNode | TypeExtensionNode; export type SchemaExtensionNode = {| +kind: 'SchemaExtension', +loc?: Location, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +operationTypes?: $ReadOnlyArray<OperationTypeDefinitionNode>, |}; // Type Extensions export type TypeExtensionNode = | ScalarTypeExtensionNode | ObjectTypeExtensionNode | InterfaceTypeExtensionNode | UnionTypeExtensionNode | EnumTypeExtensionNode | InputObjectTypeExtensionNode; export type ScalarTypeExtensionNode = {| +kind: 'ScalarTypeExtension', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, |}; export type ObjectTypeExtensionNode = {| +kind: 'ObjectTypeExtension', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +interfaces?: $ReadOnlyArray<NamedTypeNode>, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +fields?: $ReadOnlyArray<FieldDefinitionNode>, |}; export type InterfaceTypeExtensionNode = {| +kind: 'InterfaceTypeExtension', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +interfaces?: $ReadOnlyArray<NamedTypeNode>, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +fields?: $ReadOnlyArray<FieldDefinitionNode>, |}; export type UnionTypeExtensionNode = {| +kind: 'UnionTypeExtension', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +types?: $ReadOnlyArray<NamedTypeNode>, |}; export type EnumTypeExtensionNode = {| +kind: 'EnumTypeExtension', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +values?: $ReadOnlyArray<EnumValueDefinitionNode>, |}; export type InputObjectTypeExtensionNode = {| +kind: 'InputObjectTypeExtension', +loc?: Location, +name: NameNode, +directives?: $ReadOnlyArray<DirectiveNode>, +fields?: $ReadOnlyArray<InputValueDefinitionNode>, |};