path: root/school/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'school/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.test.js')
1 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/school/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.test.js b/school/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fa8ed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/school/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/CSSStyleDeclaration.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+'use strict';
+var { CSSStyleDeclaration } = require('./CSSStyleDeclaration');
+var allProperties = require('./allProperties');
+var allExtraProperties = require('./allExtraProperties');
+var implementedProperties = require('./implementedProperties');
+var parsers = require('./parsers');
+var dashedProperties = [...allProperties, ...allExtraProperties];
+var allowedProperties =;
+implementedProperties = Array.from(implementedProperties).map(parsers.dashedToCamelCase);
+var invalidProperties = implementedProperties.filter(prop => !allowedProperties.includes(prop));
+describe('CSSStyleDeclaration', () => {
+ test('has only valid properties implemented', () => {
+ expect(invalidProperties.length).toEqual(0);
+ });
+ test('has all properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ allProperties.forEach(property => {
+ expect(style.__lookupGetter__(property)).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(style.__lookupSetter__(property)).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ });
+ test('has dashed properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ dashedProperties.forEach(property => {
+ expect(style.__lookupGetter__(property)).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(style.__lookupSetter__(property)).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ });
+ test('has all functions', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ expect(typeof style.item).toEqual('function');
+ expect(typeof style.getPropertyValue).toEqual('function');
+ expect(typeof style.setProperty).toEqual('function');
+ expect(typeof style.getPropertyPriority).toEqual('function');
+ expect(typeof style.removeProperty).toEqual('function');
+ // TODO - deprecated according to MDN and not implemented at all, can we remove?
+ expect(typeof style.getPropertyCSSValue).toEqual('function');
+ });
+ test('has special properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ expect(style.__lookupGetter__('cssText')).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(style.__lookupSetter__('cssText')).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(style.__lookupGetter__('length')).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(style.__lookupSetter__('length')).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(style.__lookupGetter__('parentRule')).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ test('from style string', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.cssText = 'color: blue; background-color: red; width: 78%; height: 50vh;';
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(4);
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('color: blue; background-color: red; width: 78%; height: 50vh;');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('color')).toEqual('blue');
+ expect(style.item(0)).toEqual('color');
+ expect(style[1]).toEqual('background-color');
+ expect(style.backgroundColor).toEqual('red');
+ style.cssText = '';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(0);
+ });
+ test('from properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.color = 'blue';
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(style[0]).toEqual('color');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('color: blue;');
+ expect(style.item(0)).toEqual('color');
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('blue');
+ style.backgroundColor = 'red';
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(2);
+ expect(style[0]).toEqual('color');
+ expect(style[1]).toEqual('background-color');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('color: blue; background-color: red;');
+ expect(style.backgroundColor).toEqual('red');
+ style.removeProperty('color');
+ expect(style[0]).toEqual('background-color');
+ });
+ test('shorthand properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.background = 'blue url(';
+ expect(style.backgroundColor).toEqual('blue');
+ expect(style.backgroundImage).toEqual('url(');
+ expect(style.background).toEqual('blue url(');
+ style.border = '0 solid black';
+ expect(style.borderWidth).toEqual('0px');
+ expect(style.borderStyle).toEqual('solid');
+ expect(style.borderColor).toEqual('black');
+ expect(style.borderTopWidth).toEqual('0px');
+ expect(style.borderLeftStyle).toEqual('solid');
+ expect(style.borderBottomColor).toEqual('black');
+ style.font = '12em monospace';
+ expect(style.fontSize).toEqual('12em');
+ expect(style.fontFamily).toEqual('monospace');
+ });
+ test('width and height properties and null and empty strings', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.height = 6;
+ expect(style.height).toEqual('');
+ style.width = 0;
+ expect(style.width).toEqual('0px');
+ style.height = '34%';
+ expect(style.height).toEqual('34%');
+ style.height = '100vh';
+ expect(style.height).toEqual('100vh');
+ style.height = '100vw';
+ expect(style.height).toEqual('100vw');
+ style.height = '';
+ expect(1).toEqual(style.length);
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('width: 0px;');
+ style.width = null;
+ expect(0).toEqual(style.length);
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('implicit properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.borderWidth = 0;
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(style.borderWidth).toEqual('0px');
+ expect(style.borderTopWidth).toEqual('0px');
+ expect(style.borderBottomWidth).toEqual('0px');
+ expect(style.borderLeftWidth).toEqual('0px');
+ expect(style.borderRightWidth).toEqual('0px');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-width: 0px;');
+ });
+ test('top, left, right, bottom properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ = 0;
+ style.left = '0%';
+ style.right = '5em';
+ style.bottom = '12pt';
+ expect('0px');
+ expect(style.left).toEqual('0%');
+ expect(style.right).toEqual('5em');
+ expect(style.bottom).toEqual('12pt');
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(4);
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('top: 0px; left: 0%; right: 5em; bottom: 12pt;');
+ });
+ test('clear and clip properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.clear = 'none';
+ expect(style.clear).toEqual('none');
+ style.clear = 'lfet';
+ expect(style.clear).toEqual('none');
+ style.clear = 'left';
+ expect(style.clear).toEqual('left');
+ style.clear = 'right';
+ expect(style.clear).toEqual('right');
+ style.clear = 'both';
+ expect(style.clear).toEqual('both');
+ style.clip = 'elipse(5px, 10px)';
+ expect(style.clip).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(1);
+ style.clip = 'rect(0, 3Em, 2pt, 50%)';
+ expect(style.clip).toEqual('rect(0px, 3em, 2pt, 50%)');
+ expect(style.length).toEqual(2);
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('clear: both; clip: rect(0px, 3em, 2pt, 50%);');
+ });
+ test('colors', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.color = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)');
+ style.color = 'rgba(5%, 10%, 20%, 0.4)';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgba(12, 25, 51, 0.4)');
+ style.color = 'rgb(33%, 34%, 33%)';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgb(84, 86, 84)');
+ style.color = 'rgba(300, 200, 100, 1.5)';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgb(255, 200, 100)');
+ style.color = 'hsla(0, 1%, 2%, 0.5)';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgba(5, 5, 5, 0.5)');
+ style.color = 'hsl(0, 1%, 2%)';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgb(5, 5, 5)');
+ style.color = 'rebeccapurple';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rebeccapurple');
+ style.color = 'transparent';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('transparent');
+ style.color = 'currentcolor';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('currentcolor');
+ style.color = '#ffffffff';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)');
+ style.color = '#fffa';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.667)');
+ style.color = '#ffffff66';
+ expect(style.color).toEqual('rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)');
+ });
+ test('short hand properties with embedded spaces', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.background = 'rgb(0, 0, 0) url(/something/somewhere.jpg)';
+ expect(style.backgroundColor).toEqual('rgb(0, 0, 0)');
+ expect(style.backgroundImage).toEqual('url(/something/somewhere.jpg)');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('background: rgb(0, 0, 0) url(/something/somewhere.jpg);');
+ style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.border = ' 1px solid black ';
+ expect(style.border).toEqual('1px solid black');
+ });
+ test('setting shorthand properties to an empty string should clear all dependent properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.borderWidth = '1px';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-width: 1px;');
+ style.border = '';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('setting implicit properties to an empty string should clear all dependent properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-top-width: 1px;');
+ style.borderWidth = '';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('setting a shorthand property, whose shorthands are implicit properties, to an empty string should clear all dependent properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-top-width: 1px;');
+ style.border = '';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ style.borderTop = '1px solid black';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-top: 1px solid black;');
+ style.border = '';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('setting border values to "none" should clear dependent values', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-top-width: 1px;');
+ style.border = 'none';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-top-width: 1px;');
+ style.borderTopStyle = 'none';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-top-width: 1px;');
+ style.borderTop = 'none';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
+ style.borderLeftWidth = '1px';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-top-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px;');
+ style.borderTop = 'none';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-left-width: 1px;');
+ });
+ test('setting border to 0 should be okay', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.border = 0;
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border: 0px;');
+ });
+ test('setting values implicit and shorthand properties via csstext and setproperty should propagate to dependent properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.cssText = 'border: 1px solid black;';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border: 1px solid black;');
+ expect(style.borderTop).toEqual('1px solid black');
+ style.border = '';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ style.setProperty('border', '1px solid black');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border: 1px solid black;');
+ });
+ test('setting opacity should work', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('opacity', 0.75);
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('opacity: 0.75;');
+ style.opacity = '0.50';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('opacity: 0.5;');
+ style.opacity = 1;
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('opacity: 1;');
+ });
+ test('width and height of auto should work', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.width = 'auto';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('width: auto;');
+ expect(style.width).toEqual('auto');
+ style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.height = 'auto';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('height: auto;');
+ expect(style.height).toEqual('auto');
+ });
+ test('padding and margin should set/clear shorthand properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ var parts = ['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'];
+ var testParts = function(name, v, V) {
+ style[name] = v;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ var part = name + parts[i];
+ expect(style[part]).toEqual(V[i]);
+ }
+ expect(style[name]).toEqual(v);
+ style[name] = '';
+ };
+ testParts('padding', '1px', ['1px', '1px', '1px', '1px']);
+ testParts('padding', '1px 2%', ['1px', '2%', '1px', '2%']);
+ testParts('padding', '1px 2px 3px', ['1px', '2px', '3px', '2px']);
+ testParts('padding', '1px 2px 3px 4px', ['1px', '2px', '3px', '4px']);
+ style.paddingTop = style.paddingRight = style.paddingBottom = style.paddingLeft = '1px';
+ testParts('padding', '', ['', '', '', '']);
+ testParts('margin', '1px', ['1px', '1px', '1px', '1px']);
+ testParts('margin', '1px auto', ['1px', 'auto', '1px', 'auto']);
+ testParts('margin', '1px 2% 3px', ['1px', '2%', '3px', '2%']);
+ testParts('margin', '1px 2px 3px 4px', ['1px', '2px', '3px', '4px']);
+ style.marginTop = style.marginRight = style.marginBottom = style.marginLeft = '1px';
+ testParts('margin', '', ['', '', '', '']);
+ });
+ test('padding and margin shorthands should set main properties', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ var parts = ['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'];
+ var testParts = function(name, v, V) {
+ var expected;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ style[name] = v;
+ style[name + parts[i]] = V;
+ expected = v.split(/ /);
+ expected[i] = V;
+ expected = expected.join(' ');
+ expect(style[name]).toEqual(expected);
+ }
+ };
+ testParts('padding', '1px 2px 3px 4px', '10px');
+ testParts('margin', '1px 2px 3px 4px', '10px');
+ testParts('margin', '1px 2px 3px 4px', 'auto');
+ });
+ test('setting a value to 0 should return the string value', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('fill-opacity', 0);
+ expect(style.fillOpacity).toEqual('0');
+ });
+ test('onchange callback should be called when the csstext changes', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration(function(cssText) {
+ expect(cssText).toEqual('opacity: 0;');
+ });
+ style.setProperty('opacity', 0);
+ });
+ test('setting float should work the same as cssfloat', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.float = 'left';
+ expect(style.cssFloat).toEqual('left');
+ });
+ test('setting improper css to csstext should not throw', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.cssText = 'color: ';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ style.color = 'black';
+ style.cssText = 'float: ';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('url parsing works with quotes', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.backgroundImage = 'url(http://some/url/here1.png)';
+ expect(style.backgroundImage).toEqual('url(http://some/url/here1.png)');
+ style.backgroundImage = "url('http://some/url/here2.png')";
+ expect(style.backgroundImage).toEqual('url(http://some/url/here2.png)');
+ style.backgroundImage = 'url("http://some/url/here3.png")';
+ expect(style.backgroundImage).toEqual('url(http://some/url/here3.png)');
+ });
+ test('setting 0 to a padding or margin works', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.padding = 0;
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('padding: 0px;');
+ style.margin = '1em';
+ style.marginTop = '0';
+ expect(style.marginTop).toEqual('0px');
+ });
+ test('setting ex units to a padding or margin works', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.padding = '1ex';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('padding: 1ex;');
+ style.margin = '1em';
+ style.marginTop = '0.5ex';
+ expect(style.marginTop).toEqual('0.5ex');
+ });
+ test('setting null to background works', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.background = 'red';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('background: red;');
+ style.background = null;
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('flex properties should keep their values', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.flexDirection = 'column';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('flex-direction: column;');
+ style.flexDirection = 'row';
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('flex-direction: row;');
+ });
+ test('camelcase properties are not assigned with `.setproperty()`', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('fontSize', '12px');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('casing is ignored in `.setproperty()`', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('FoNt-SiZe', '12px');
+ expect(style.fontSize).toEqual('12px');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('font-size')).toEqual('12px');
+ });
+ test('support non string entries in border-spacing', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.borderSpacing = 0;
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('border-spacing: 0px;');
+ });
+ test('float should be valid property for `.setproperty()`', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('float', 'left');
+ expect(style.float).toEqual('left');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('float')).toEqual('left');
+ });
+ test('flex-shrink works', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('flex-shrink', 0);
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('0');
+ style.setProperty('flex-shrink', 1);
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('1');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('flex-shrink: 1;');
+ });
+ test('flex-grow works', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('flex-grow', 2);
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-grow')).toEqual('2');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('flex-grow: 2;');
+ });
+ test('flex-basis works', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('flex-basis', 0);
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('0px');
+ style.setProperty('flex-basis', '250px');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('250px');
+ style.setProperty('flex-basis', '10em');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('10em');
+ style.setProperty('flex-basis', '30%');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('30%');
+ expect(style.cssText).toEqual('flex-basis: 30%;');
+ });
+ test('shorthand flex works', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('flex', 'none');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-grow')).toEqual('0');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('0');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('auto');
+ style.removeProperty('flex');
+ style.removeProperty('flex-basis');
+ style.setProperty('flex', 'auto');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-grow')).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('auto');
+ style.removeProperty('flex');
+ style.setProperty('flex', '0 1 250px');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex')).toEqual('0 1 250px');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-grow')).toEqual('0');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('1');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('250px');
+ style.removeProperty('flex');
+ style.setProperty('flex', '2');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-grow')).toEqual('2');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('');
+ style.removeProperty('flex');
+ style.setProperty('flex', '20%');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-grow')).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('20%');
+ style.removeProperty('flex');
+ style.setProperty('flex', '2 2');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-grow')).toEqual('2');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-shrink')).toEqual('2');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('flex-basis')).toEqual('');
+ style.removeProperty('flex');
+ });
+ test('font-size get a valid value', () => {
+ var style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ const invalidValue = '1r5px';
+ style.cssText = 'font-size: 15px';
+ expect(1).toEqual(style.length);
+ style.cssText = `font-size: ${invalidValue}`;
+ expect(0).toEqual(style.length);
+ expect(undefined).toEqual(style[0]);
+ });
+ test('getPropertyValue for custom properties in cssText', () => {
+ const style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.cssText = '--foo: red';
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('--foo')).toEqual('red');
+ });
+ test('getPropertyValue for custom properties with setProperty', () => {
+ const style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('--bar', 'blue');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('--bar')).toEqual('blue');
+ });
+ test('getPropertyValue for custom properties with object setter', () => {
+ const style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style['--baz'] = 'yellow';
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('--baz')).toEqual('');
+ });
+ test('custom properties are case-sensitive', () => {
+ const style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.cssText = '--fOo: purple';
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('--foo')).toEqual('');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('--fOo')).toEqual('purple');
+ });
+ test('supports calc', () => {
+ const style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
+ style.setProperty('width', 'calc(100% - 100px)');
+ expect(style.getPropertyValue('width')).toEqual('calc(100% - 100px)');
+ });