path: root/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/external/school/node_modules/levn')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1085 deletions
diff --git a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/LICENSE b/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/LICENSE
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index 525b118..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-Copyright (c) George Zahariev
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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-# levn [![Build Status](]( <a name="levn" />
-__Light ECMAScript (JavaScript) Value Notation__
-Levn is a library which allows you to parse a string into a JavaScript value based on an expected type. It is meant for short amounts of human entered data (eg. config files, command line arguments).
-Levn aims to concisely describe JavaScript values in text, and allow for the extraction and validation of those values. Levn uses [type-check]( for its type format, and to validate the results. MIT license. Version 0.3.0.
-__How is this different than JSON?__ levn is meant to be written by humans only, is (due to the previous point) much more concise, can be validated against supplied types, has regex and date literals, and can easily be extended with custom types. On the other hand, it is probably slower and thus less efficient at transporting large amounts of data, which is fine since this is not its purpose.
- npm install levn
-For updates on levn, [follow me on twitter](
-## Quick Examples
-var parse = require('levn').parse;
-parse('Number', '2'); // 2
-parse('String', '2'); // '2'
-parse('String', 'levn'); // 'levn'
-parse('String', 'a b'); // 'a b'
-parse('Boolean', 'true'); // true
-parse('Date', '#2011-11-11#'); // (Date object)
-parse('Date', '2011-11-11'); // (Date object)
-parse('RegExp', '/[a-z]/gi'); // /[a-z]/gi
-parse('RegExp', 're'); // /re/
-parse('Int', '2'); // 2
-parse('Number | String', 'str'); // 'str'
-parse('Number | String', '2'); // 2
-parse('[Number]', '[1,2,3]'); // [1,2,3]
-parse('(String, Boolean)', '(hi, false)'); // ['hi', false]
-parse('{a: String, b: Number}', '{a: str, b: 2}'); // {a: 'str', b: 2}
-// at the top level, you can ommit surrounding delimiters
-parse('[Number]', '1,2,3'); // [1,2,3]
-parse('(String, Boolean)', 'hi, false'); // ['hi', false]
-parse('{a: String, b: Number}', 'a: str, b: 2'); // {a: 'str', b: 2}
-// wildcard - auto choose type
-parse('*', '[hi,(null,[42]),{k: true}]'); // ['hi', [null, [42]], {k: true}]
-## Usage
-`require('levn');` returns an object that exposes three properties. `VERSION` is the current version of the library as a string. `parse` and `parsedTypeParse` are functions.
-// parse(type, input, options);
-parse('[Number]', '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3]
-// parsedTypeParse(parsedType, input, options);
-var parsedType = require('type-check').parseType('[Number]');
-parsedTypeParse(parsedType, '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3]
-### parse(type, input, options)
-`parse` casts the string `input` into a JavaScript value according to the specified `type` in the [type format]( (and taking account the optional `options`) and returns the resulting JavaScript value.
-##### arguments
-* type - `String` - the type written in the [type format]( which to check against
-* input - `String` - the value written in the [levn format](#levn-format)
-* options - `Maybe Object` - an optional parameter specifying additional [options](#options)
-##### returns
-`*` - the resulting JavaScript value
-##### example
-parse('[Number]', '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3]
-### parsedTypeParse(parsedType, input, options)
-`parsedTypeParse` casts the string `input` into a JavaScript value according to the specified `type` which has already been parsed (and taking account the optional `options`) and returns the resulting JavaScript value. You can parse a type using the [type-check]( library's `parseType` function.
-##### arguments
-* type - `Object` - the type in the parsed type format which to check against
-* input - `String` - the value written in the [levn format](#levn-format)
-* options - `Maybe Object` - an optional parameter specifying additional [options](#options)
-##### returns
-`*` - the resulting JavaScript value
-##### example
-var parsedType = require('type-check').parseType('[Number]');
-parsedTypeParse(parsedType, '1,2,3'); // [1, 2, 3]
-## Levn Format
-Levn can use the type information you provide to choose the appropriate value to produce from the input. For the same input, it will choose a different output value depending on the type provided. For example, `parse('Number', '2')` will produce the number `2`, but `parse('String', '2')` will produce the string `"2"`.
-If you do not provide type information, and simply use `*`, levn will parse the input according the unambiguous "explicit" mode, which we will now detail - you can also set the `explicit` option to true manually in the [options](#options).
-* `"string"`, `'string'` are parsed as a String, eg. `"a msg"` is `"a msg"`
-* `#date#` is parsed as a Date, eg. `#2011-11-11#` is `new Date('2011-11-11')`
-* `/regexp/flags` is parsed as a RegExp, eg. `/re/gi` is `/re/gi`
-* `undefined`, `null`, `NaN`, `true`, and `false` are all their JavaScript equivalents
-* `[element1, element2, etc]` is an Array, and the casting procedure is recursively applied to each element. Eg. `[1,2,3]` is `[1,2,3]`.
-* `(element1, element2, etc)` is an tuple, and the casting procedure is recursively applied to each element. Eg. `(1, a)` is `(1, a)` (is `[1, 'a']`).
-* `{key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}` is an Object, and the casting procedure is recursively applied to each property. Eg. `{a: 1, b: 2}` is `{a: 1, b: 2}`.
-* Any test which does not fall under the above, and which does not contain special characters (`[``]``(``)``{``}``:``,`) is a string, eg. `$12- blah` is `"$12- blah"`.
-If you do provide type information, you can make your input more concise as the program already has some information about what it expects. Please see the [type format]( section of [type-check]( for more information about how to specify types. There are some rules about what levn can do with the information:
-* If a String is expected, and only a String, all characters of the input (including any special ones) will become part of the output. Eg. `[({})]` is `"[({})]"`, and `"hi"` is `'"hi"'`.
-* If a Date is expected, the surrounding `#` can be omitted from date literals. Eg. `2011-11-11` is `new Date('2011-11-11')`.
-* If a RegExp is expected, no flags need to be specified, and the regex is not using any of the special characters,the opening and closing `/` can be omitted - this will have the affect of setting the source of the regex to the input. Eg. `regex` is `/regex/`.
-* If an Array is expected, and it is the root node (at the top level), the opening `[` and closing `]` can be omitted. Eg. `1,2,3` is `[1,2,3]`.
-* If a tuple is expected, and it is the root node (at the top level), the opening `(` and closing `)` can be omitted. Eg. `1, a` is `(1, a)` (is `[1, 'a']`).
-* If an Object is expected, and it is the root node (at the top level), the opening `{` and closing `}` can be omitted. Eg `a: 1, b: 2` is `{a: 1, b: 2}`.
-If you list multiple types (eg. `Number | String`), it will first attempt to cast to the first type and then validate - if the validation fails it will move on to the next type and so forth, left to right. You must be careful as some types will succeed with any input, such as String. Thus put String at the end of your list. In non-explicit mode, Date and RegExp will succeed with a large variety of input - also be careful with these and list them near the end if not last in your list.
-Whitespace between special characters and elements is inconsequential.
-## Options
-Options is an object. It is an optional parameter to the `parse` and `parsedTypeParse` functions.
-### Explicit
-A `Boolean`. By default it is `false`.
-parse('RegExp', 're', {explicit: false}); // /re/
-parse('RegExp', 're', {explicit: true}); // Error: ... does not type check...
-parse('RegExp | String', 're', {explicit: true}); // 're'
-`explicit` sets whether to be in explicit mode or not. Using `*` automatically activates explicit mode. For more information, read the [levn format](#levn-format) section.
-### customTypes
-An `Object`. Empty `{}` by default.
-var options = {
- customTypes: {
- Even: {
- typeOf: 'Number',
- validate: function (x) {
- return x % 2 === 0;
- },
- cast: function (x) {
- return {type: 'Just', value: parseInt(x)};
- }
- }
- }
-parse('Even', '2', options); // 2
-parse('Even', '3', options); // Error: Value: "3" does not type check...
-__Another Example:__
-function Person(name, age){
- = name;
- this.age = age;
-var options = {
- customTypes: {
- Person: {
- typeOf: 'Object',
- validate: function (x) {
- x instanceof Person;
- },
- cast: function (value, options, typesCast) {
- var name, age;
- if ({}, -1) !== 'Object') {
- return {type: 'Nothing'};
- }
- name = typesCast(, [{type: 'String'}], options);
- age = typesCast(value.age, [{type: 'Numger'}], options);
- return {type: 'Just', value: new Person(name, age)};
- }
- }
-parse('Person', '{name: Laura, age: 25}', options); // Person {name: 'Laura', age: 25}
-`customTypes` is an object whose keys are the name of the types, and whose values are an object with three properties, `typeOf`, `validate`, and `cast`. For more information about `typeOf` and `validate`, please see the [custom types]( section of type-check.
-`cast` is a function which receives three arguments, the value under question, options, and the typesCast function. In `cast`, attempt to cast the value into the specified type. If you are successful, return an object in the format `{type: 'Just', value: CAST-VALUE}`, if you know it won't work, return `{type: 'Nothing'}`. You can use the `typesCast` function to cast any child values. Remember to pass `options` to it. In your function you can also check for `options.explicit` and act accordingly.
-## Technical About
-`levn` is written in [LiveScript]( - a language that compiles to JavaScript. It uses [type-check]( to both parse types and validate values. It also uses the []( library.
diff --git a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/cast.js b/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/cast.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 411e29d..0000000
--- a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/cast.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by LiveScript 1.4.0
- var parsedTypeCheck, types, toString$ = {}.toString;
- parsedTypeCheck = require('type-check').parsedTypeCheck;
- types = {
- '*': function(value, options){
- switch (toString$.call(value).slice(8, -1)) {
- case 'Array':
- return typeCast(value, {
- type: 'Array'
- }, options);
- case 'Object':
- return typeCast(value, {
- type: 'Object'
- }, options);
- default:
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: typesCast(value, [
- {
- type: 'Undefined'
- }, {
- type: 'Null'
- }, {
- type: 'NaN'
- }, {
- type: 'Boolean'
- }, {
- type: 'Number'
- }, {
- type: 'Date'
- }, {
- type: 'RegExp'
- }, {
- type: 'Array'
- }, {
- type: 'Object'
- }, {
- type: 'String'
- }
- ], (options.explicit = true, options))
- };
- }
- },
- Undefined: function(it){
- if (it === 'undefined' || it === void 8) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: void 8
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- Null: function(it){
- if (it === 'null') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: null
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- NaN: function(it){
- if (it === 'NaN') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: NaN
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- Boolean: function(it){
- if (it === 'true') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: true
- };
- } else if (it === 'false') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: false
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- Number: function(it){
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: +it
- };
- },
- Int: function(it){
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: +it
- };
- },
- Float: function(it){
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: +it
- };
- },
- Date: function(value, options){
- var that;
- if (that = /^\#([\s\S]*)\#$/.exec(value)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new Date(+that[1] || that[1])
- };
- } else if (options.explicit) {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new Date(+value || value)
- };
- }
- },
- RegExp: function(value, options){
- var that;
- if (that = /^\/([\s\S]*)\/([gimy]*)$/.exec(value)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new RegExp(that[1], that[2])
- };
- } else if (options.explicit) {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new RegExp(value)
- };
- }
- },
- Array: function(value, options){
- return castArray(value, {
- of: [{
- type: '*'
- }]
- }, options);
- },
- Object: function(value, options){
- return castFields(value, {
- of: {}
- }, options);
- },
- String: function(it){
- var that;
- if (toString$.call(it).slice(8, -1) !== 'String') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- if (that = it.match(/^'([\s\S]*)'$/)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: that[1].replace(/\\'/g, "'")
- };
- } else if (that = it.match(/^"([\s\S]*)"$/)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: that[1].replace(/\\"/g, '"')
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: it
- };
- }
- }
- };
- function castArray(node, type, options){
- var typeOf, element;
- if (toString$.call(node).slice(8, -1) !== 'Array') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- typeOf = type.of;
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: (function(){
- var i$, ref$, len$, results$ = [];
- for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = node).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
- element = ref$[i$];
- results$.push(typesCast(element, typeOf, options));
- }
- return results$;
- }())
- };
- }
- function castTuple(node, type, options){
- var result, i, i$, ref$, len$, types, cast;
- if (toString$.call(node).slice(8, -1) !== 'Array') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- result = [];
- i = 0;
- for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = type.of).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
- types = ref$[i$];
- cast = typesCast(node[i], types, options);
- if (toString$.call(cast).slice(8, -1) !== 'Undefined') {
- result.push(cast);
- }
- i++;
- }
- if (node.length <= i) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: result
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- }
- function castFields(node, type, options){
- var typeOf, key, value;
- if (toString$.call(node).slice(8, -1) !== 'Object') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- typeOf = type.of;
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: (function(){
- var ref$, resultObj$ = {};
- for (key in ref$ = node) {
- value = ref$[key];
- resultObj$[typesCast(key, [{
- type: 'String'
- }], options)] = typesCast(value, typeOf[key] || [{
- type: '*'
- }], options);
- }
- return resultObj$;
- }())
- };
- }
- function typeCast(node, typeObj, options){
- var type, structure, castFunc, ref$;
- type = typeObj.type, structure = typeObj.structure;
- if (type) {
- castFunc = ((ref$ = options.customTypes[type]) != null ? ref$.cast : void 8) || types[type];
- if (!castFunc) {
- throw new Error("Type not defined: " + type + ".");
- }
- return castFunc(node, options, typesCast);
- } else {
- switch (structure) {
- case 'array':
- return castArray(node, typeObj, options);
- case 'tuple':
- return castTuple(node, typeObj, options);
- case 'fields':
- return castFields(node, typeObj, options);
- }
- }
- }
- function typesCast(node, types, options){
- var i$, len$, type, ref$, valueType, value;
- for (i$ = 0, len$ = types.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
- type = types[i$];
- ref$ = typeCast(node, type, options), valueType = ref$.type, value = ref$.value;
- if (valueType === 'Nothing') {
- continue;
- }
- if (parsedTypeCheck([type], value, {
- customTypes: options.customTypes
- })) {
- return value;
- }
- }
- throw new Error("Value " + JSON.stringify(node) + " does not type check against " + JSON.stringify(types) + ".");
- }
- module.exports = typesCast;
diff --git a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/coerce.js b/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/coerce.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 027b6da..0000000
--- a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/coerce.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by LiveScript 1.2.0
- var parsedTypeCheck, types, toString$ = {}.toString;
- parsedTypeCheck = require('type-check').parsedTypeCheck;
- types = {
- '*': function(it){
- switch (toString$.call(it).slice(8, -1)) {
- case 'Array':
- return coerceType(it, {
- type: 'Array'
- });
- case 'Object':
- return coerceType(it, {
- type: 'Object'
- });
- default:
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: coerceTypes(it, [
- {
- type: 'Undefined'
- }, {
- type: 'Null'
- }, {
- type: 'NaN'
- }, {
- type: 'Boolean'
- }, {
- type: 'Number'
- }, {
- type: 'Date'
- }, {
- type: 'RegExp'
- }, {
- type: 'Array'
- }, {
- type: 'Object'
- }, {
- type: 'String'
- }
- ], {
- explicit: true
- })
- };
- }
- },
- Undefined: function(it){
- if (it === 'undefined' || it === void 8) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: void 8
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- Null: function(it){
- if (it === 'null') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: null
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- NaN: function(it){
- if (it === 'NaN') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: NaN
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- Boolean: function(it){
- if (it === 'true') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: true
- };
- } else if (it === 'false') {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: false
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- },
- Number: function(it){
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: +it
- };
- },
- Int: function(it){
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: parseInt(it)
- };
- },
- Float: function(it){
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: parseFloat(it)
- };
- },
- Date: function(value, options){
- var that;
- if (that = /^\#(.*)\#$/.exec(value)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new Date(+that[1] || that[1])
- };
- } else if (options.explicit) {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new Date(+value || value)
- };
- }
- },
- RegExp: function(value, options){
- var that;
- if (that = /^\/(.*)\/([gimy]*)$/.exec(value)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new RegExp(that[1], that[2])
- };
- } else if (options.explicit) {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: new RegExp(value)
- };
- }
- },
- Array: function(it){
- return coerceArray(it, {
- of: [{
- type: '*'
- }]
- });
- },
- Object: function(it){
- return coerceFields(it, {
- of: {}
- });
- },
- String: function(it){
- var that;
- if (toString$.call(it).slice(8, -1) !== 'String') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- if (that = it.match(/^'(.*)'$/)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: that[1]
- };
- } else if (that = it.match(/^"(.*)"$/)) {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: that[1]
- };
- } else {
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: it
- };
- }
- }
- };
- function coerceArray(node, type){
- var typeOf, element;
- if (toString$.call(node).slice(8, -1) !== 'Array') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- typeOf = type.of;
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: (function(){
- var i$, ref$, len$, results$ = [];
- for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = node).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
- element = ref$[i$];
- results$.push(coerceTypes(element, typeOf));
- }
- return results$;
- }())
- };
- }
- function coerceTuple(node, type){
- var result, i$, ref$, len$, i, types, that;
- if (toString$.call(node).slice(8, -1) !== 'Array') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- result = [];
- for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = type.of).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
- i = i$;
- types = ref$[i$];
- if (that = coerceTypes(node[i], types)) {
- result.push(that);
- }
- }
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: result
- };
- }
- function coerceFields(node, type){
- var typeOf, key, value;
- if (toString$.call(node).slice(8, -1) !== 'Object') {
- return {
- type: 'Nothing'
- };
- }
- typeOf = type.of;
- return {
- type: 'Just',
- value: (function(){
- var ref$, results$ = {};
- for (key in ref$ = node) {
- value = ref$[key];
- results$[key] = coerceTypes(value, typeOf[key] || [{
- type: '*'
- }]);
- }
- return results$;
- }())
- };
- }
- function coerceType(node, typeObj, options){
- var type, structure, coerceFunc;
- type = typeObj.type, structure = typeObj.structure;
- if (type) {
- coerceFunc = types[type];
- return coerceFunc(node, options);
- } else {
- switch (structure) {
- case 'array':
- return coerceArray(node, typeObj);
- case 'tuple':
- return coerceTuple(node, typeObj);
- case 'fields':
- return coerceFields(node, typeObj);
- }
- }
- }
- function coerceTypes(node, types, options){
- var i$, len$, type, ref$, valueType, value;
- for (i$ = 0, len$ = types.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
- type = types[i$];
- ref$ = coerceType(node, type, options), valueType = ref$.type, value = ref$.value;
- if (valueType === 'Nothing') {
- continue;
- }
- if (parsedTypeCheck([type], value)) {
- return value;
- }
- }
- throw new Error("Value " + JSON.stringify(node) + " does not type check against " + JSON.stringify(types) + ".");
- }
- module.exports = coerceTypes;
diff --git a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/index.js b/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4adae30..0000000
--- a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by LiveScript 1.4.0
- var parseString, cast, parseType, VERSION, parsedTypeParse, parse;
- parseString = require('./parse-string');
- cast = require('./cast');
- parseType = require('type-check').parseType;
- VERSION = '0.3.0';
- parsedTypeParse = function(parsedType, string, options){
- options == null && (options = {});
- options.explicit == null && (options.explicit = false);
- options.customTypes == null && (options.customTypes = {});
- return cast(parseString(parsedType, string, options), parsedType, options);
- };
- parse = function(type, string, options){
- return parsedTypeParse(parseType(type), string, options);
- };
- module.exports = {
- parse: parse,
- parsedTypeParse: parsedTypeParse
- };
diff --git a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/parse-string.js b/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/parse-string.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d573975..0000000
--- a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/parse-string.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by LiveScript 1.4.0
- var reject, special, tokenRegex;
- reject = require('prelude-ls').reject;
- function consumeOp(tokens, op){
- if (tokens[0] === op) {
- return tokens.shift();
- } else {
- throw new Error("Expected '" + op + "', but got '" + tokens[0] + "' instead in " + JSON.stringify(tokens) + ".");
- }
- }
- function maybeConsumeOp(tokens, op){
- if (tokens[0] === op) {
- return tokens.shift();
- }
- }
- function consumeList(tokens, arg$, hasDelimiters){
- var open, close, result, untilTest;
- open = arg$[0], close = arg$[1];
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, open);
- }
- result = [];
- untilTest = "," + (hasDelimiters ? close : '');
- while (tokens.length && (hasDelimiters && tokens[0] !== close)) {
- result.push(consumeElement(tokens, untilTest));
- maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ',');
- }
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, close);
- }
- return result;
- }
- function consumeArray(tokens, hasDelimiters){
- return consumeList(tokens, ['[', ']'], hasDelimiters);
- }
- function consumeTuple(tokens, hasDelimiters){
- return consumeList(tokens, ['(', ')'], hasDelimiters);
- }
- function consumeFields(tokens, hasDelimiters){
- var result, untilTest, key;
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, '{');
- }
- result = {};
- untilTest = "," + (hasDelimiters ? '}' : '');
- while (tokens.length && (!hasDelimiters || tokens[0] !== '}')) {
- key = consumeValue(tokens, ':');
- consumeOp(tokens, ':');
- result[key] = consumeElement(tokens, untilTest);
- maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ',');
- }
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, '}');
- }
- return result;
- }
- function consumeValue(tokens, untilTest){
- var out;
- untilTest == null && (untilTest = '');
- out = '';
- while (tokens.length && -1 === untilTest.indexOf(tokens[0])) {
- out += tokens.shift();
- }
- return out;
- }
- function consumeElement(tokens, untilTest){
- switch (tokens[0]) {
- case '[':
- return consumeArray(tokens, true);
- case '(':
- return consumeTuple(tokens, true);
- case '{':
- return consumeFields(tokens, true);
- default:
- return consumeValue(tokens, untilTest);
- }
- }
- function consumeTopLevel(tokens, types, options){
- var ref$, type, structure, origTokens, result, finalResult, x$, y$;
- ref$ = types[0], type = ref$.type, structure = ref$.structure;
- origTokens = tokens.concat();
- if (!options.explicit && types.length === 1 && ((!type && structure) || (type === 'Array' || type === 'Object'))) {
- result = structure === 'array' || type === 'Array'
- ? consumeArray(tokens, tokens[0] === '[')
- : structure === 'tuple'
- ? consumeTuple(tokens, tokens[0] === '(')
- : consumeFields(tokens, tokens[0] === '{');
- finalResult = tokens.length ? consumeElement(structure === 'array' || type === 'Array'
- ? (x$ = origTokens, x$.unshift('['), x$.push(']'), x$)
- : (y$ = origTokens, y$.unshift('('), y$.push(')'), y$)) : result;
- } else {
- finalResult = consumeElement(tokens);
- }
- return finalResult;
- }
- special = /\[\]\(\)}{:,/.source;
- tokenRegex = RegExp('("(?:\\\\"|[^"])*")|(\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*\')|(/(?:\\\\/|[^/])*/[a-zA-Z]*)|(#.*#)|([' + special + '])|([^\\s' + special + '](?:\\s*[^\\s' + special + ']+)*)|\\s*');
- module.exports = function(types, string, options){
- var tokens, node;
- options == null && (options = {});
- if (!options.explicit && types.length === 1 && types[0].type === 'String') {
- return "'" + string.replace(/\\'/g, "\\\\'") + "'";
- }
- tokens = reject(not$, string.split(tokenRegex));
- node = consumeTopLevel(tokens, types, options);
- if (!node) {
- throw new Error("Error parsing '" + string + "'.");
- }
- return node;
- };
- function not$(x){ return !x; }
diff --git a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/parse.js b/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/parse.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2beff0f..0000000
--- a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/lib/parse.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by LiveScript 1.2.0
- var reject, special, tokenRegex;
- reject = require('prelude-ls').reject;
- function consumeOp(tokens, op){
- if (tokens[0] === op) {
- return tokens.shift();
- } else {
- throw new Error("Expected '" + op + "', but got '" + tokens[0] + "' instead in " + JSON.stringify(tokens) + ".");
- }
- }
- function maybeConsumeOp(tokens, op){
- if (tokens[0] === op) {
- return tokens.shift();
- }
- }
- function consumeList(tokens, delimiters, hasDelimiters){
- var result;
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, delimiters[0]);
- }
- result = [];
- while (tokens.length && tokens[0] !== delimiters[1]) {
- result.push(consumeElement(tokens));
- maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ',');
- }
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, delimiters[1]);
- }
- return result;
- }
- function consumeArray(tokens, hasDelimiters){
- return consumeList(tokens, ['[', ']'], hasDelimiters);
- }
- function consumeTuple(tokens, hasDelimiters){
- return consumeList(tokens, ['(', ')'], hasDelimiters);
- }
- function consumeFields(tokens, hasDelimiters){
- var result, key;
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, '{');
- }
- result = {};
- while (tokens.length && (!hasDelimiters || tokens[0] !== '}')) {
- key = tokens.shift();
- consumeOp(tokens, ':');
- result[key] = consumeElement(tokens);
- maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ',');
- }
- if (hasDelimiters) {
- consumeOp(tokens, '}');
- }
- return result;
- }
- function consumeElement(tokens){
- switch (tokens[0]) {
- case '[':
- return consumeArray(tokens, true);
- case '(':
- return consumeTuple(tokens, true);
- case '{':
- return consumeFields(tokens, true);
- default:
- return tokens.shift();
- }
- }
- function consumeTopLevel(tokens, types){
- var ref$, type, structure, origTokens, result, finalResult, x$, y$;
- ref$ = types[0], type = ref$.type, structure = ref$.structure;
- origTokens = tokens.concat();
- if (types.length === 1 && (structure || (type === 'Array' || type === 'Object'))) {
- result = structure === 'array' || type === 'Array'
- ? consumeArray(tokens, tokens[0] === '[')
- : structure === 'tuple'
- ? consumeTuple(tokens, tokens[0] === '(')
- : consumeFields(tokens, tokens[0] === '{');
- finalResult = tokens.length ? consumeElement(structure === 'array' || type === 'Array'
- ? (x$ = origTokens, x$.unshift('['), x$.push(']'), x$)
- : (y$ = origTokens, y$.unshift('('), y$.push(')'), y$)) : result;
- } else {
- finalResult = consumeElement(tokens);
- }
- if (tokens.length && origTokens.length) {
- throw new Error("Unable to parse " + JSON.stringify(origTokens) + " of type " + JSON.stringify(types) + ".");
- } else {
- return finalResult;
- }
- }
- special = /\[\]\(\)}{:,/.source;
- tokenRegex = RegExp('("(?:[^"]|\\\\")*")|(\'(?:[^\']|\\\\\')*\')|(#.*#)|(/(?:\\\\/|[^/])*/[gimy]*)|([' + special + '])|([^\\s' + special + ']+)|\\s*');
- module.exports = function(string, types){
- var tokens, node;
- tokens = reject(function(it){
- return !it || /^\s+$/.test(it);
- }, string.split(tokenRegex));
- node = consumeTopLevel(tokens, types);
- if (!node) {
- throw new Error("Error parsing '" + string + "'.");
- }
- return node;
- };
diff --git a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/package.json b/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 56dfbc4..0000000
--- a/includes/external/school/node_modules/levn/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- "name": "levn",
- "version": "0.3.0",
- "author": "George Zahariev <>",
- "description": "Light ECMAScript (JavaScript) Value Notation - human written, concise, typed, flexible",
- "homepage": "",
- "keywords": [
- "levn",
- "light",
- "ecmascript",
- "value",
- "notation",
- "json",
- "typed",
- "human",
- "concise",
- "typed",
- "flexible"
- ],
- "files": [
- "lib",
- "",
- ],
- "main": "./lib/",
- "bugs": "",
- "license": "MIT",
- "engines": {
- "node": ">= 0.8.0"
- },
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "git://"
- },
- "scripts": {
- "test": "make test"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "prelude-ls": "~1.1.2",
- "type-check": "~0.3.2"
- },
- "devDependencies": {
- "livescript": "~1.4.0",
- "mocha": "~2.3.4",
- "istanbul": "~0.4.1"
- }