'use strict'; // @ts-check // ================================================================================== // osinfo.js // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description: System Information - library // for Node.js // Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2022 // Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // License: MIT // ================================================================================== // 3. Operating System // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); const util = require('./util'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; let _platform = process.platform; const _linux = (_platform === 'linux' || _platform === 'android'); const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin'); const _windows = (_platform === 'win32'); const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd'); const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd'); const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd'); const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos'); // -------------------------- // Get current time and OS uptime function time() { let t = new Date().toString().split(' '); return { current: Date.now(), uptime: os.uptime(), timezone: (t.length >= 7) ? t[5] : '', timezoneName: Intl ? Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone : (t.length >= 7) ? t.slice(6).join(' ').replace(/\(/g, '').replace(/\)/g, '') : '' }; } exports.time = time; // -------------------------- // Get logo filename of OS distribution function getLogoFile(distro) { distro = distro || ''; distro = distro.toLowerCase(); let result = _platform; if (_windows) { result = 'windows'; } else if (distro.indexOf('mac os') !== -1) { result = 'apple'; } else if (distro.indexOf('arch') !== -1) { result = 'arch'; } else if (distro.indexOf('centos') !== -1) { result = 'centos'; } else if (distro.indexOf('coreos') !== -1) { result = 'coreos'; } else if (distro.indexOf('debian') !== -1) { result = 'debian'; } else if (distro.indexOf('deepin') !== -1) { result = 'deepin'; } else if (distro.indexOf('elementary') !== -1) { result = 'elementary'; } else if (distro.indexOf('fedora') !== -1) { result = 'fedora'; } else if (distro.indexOf('gentoo') !== -1) { result = 'gentoo'; } else if (distro.indexOf('mageia') !== -1) { result = 'mageia'; } else if (distro.indexOf('mandriva') !== -1) { result = 'mandriva'; } else if (distro.indexOf('manjaro') !== -1) { result = 'manjaro'; } else if (distro.indexOf('mint') !== -1) { result = 'mint'; } else if (distro.indexOf('mx') !== -1) { result = 'mx'; } else if (distro.indexOf('openbsd') !== -1) { result = 'openbsd'; } else if (distro.indexOf('freebsd') !== -1) { result = 'freebsd'; } else if (distro.indexOf('opensuse') !== -1) { result = 'opensuse'; } else if (distro.indexOf('pclinuxos') !== -1) { result = 'pclinuxos'; } else if (distro.indexOf('puppy') !== -1) { result = 'puppy'; } else if (distro.indexOf('raspbian') !== -1) { result = 'raspbian'; } else if (distro.indexOf('reactos') !== -1) { result = 'reactos'; } else if (distro.indexOf('redhat') !== -1) { result = 'redhat'; } else if (distro.indexOf('slackware') !== -1) { result = 'slackware'; } else if (distro.indexOf('sugar') !== -1) { result = 'sugar'; } else if (distro.indexOf('steam') !== -1) { result = 'steam'; } else if (distro.indexOf('suse') !== -1) { result = 'suse'; } else if (distro.indexOf('mate') !== -1) { result = 'ubuntu-mate'; } else if (distro.indexOf('lubuntu') !== -1) { result = 'lubuntu'; } else if (distro.indexOf('xubuntu') !== -1) { result = 'xubuntu'; } else if (distro.indexOf('ubuntu') !== -1) { result = 'ubuntu'; } else if (distro.indexOf('solaris') !== -1) { result = 'solaris'; } else if (distro.indexOf('tails') !== -1) { result = 'tails'; } else if (distro.indexOf('feren') !== -1) { result = 'ferenos'; } else if (distro.indexOf('robolinux') !== -1) { result = 'robolinux'; } else if (_linux && distro) { result = distro.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-'); } return result; } // -------------------------- // FQDN function getFQDN() { let fqdn = os.hostname; if (_linux || _darwin) { try { const stdout = execSync('hostname -f'); fqdn = stdout.toString().split(os.EOL)[0]; } catch (e) { util.noop(); } } if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { try { const stdout = execSync('hostname'); fqdn = stdout.toString().split(os.EOL)[0]; } catch (e) { util.noop(); } } if (_windows) { try { const stdout = execSync('echo %COMPUTERNAME%.%USERDNSDOMAIN%', util.execOptsWin); fqdn = stdout.toString().replace('.%USERDNSDOMAIN%', '').split(os.EOL)[0]; } catch (e) { util.noop(); } } return fqdn; } // -------------------------- // OS Information function osInfo(callback) { return new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(() => { let result = { platform: (_platform === 'win32' ? 'Windows' : _platform), distro: 'unknown', release: 'unknown', codename: '', kernel: os.release(), arch: os.arch(), hostname: os.hostname(), fqdn: getFQDN(), codepage: '', logofile: '', serial: '', build: '', servicepack: '', uefi: false }; if (_linux) { exec('cat /etc/*-release; cat /usr/lib/os-release; cat /etc/openwrt_release', function (error, stdout) { /** * @namespace * @property {string} DISTRIB_ID * @property {string} NAME * @property {string} DISTRIB_RELEASE * @property {string} VERSION_ID * @property {string} DISTRIB_CODENAME */ let release = {}; let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.indexOf('=') !== -1) { release[line.split('=')[0].trim().toUpperCase()] = line.split('=')[1].trim(); } }); let releaseVersion = (release.VERSION || '').replace(/"/g, ''); let codename = (release.DISTRIB_CODENAME || release.VERSION_CODENAME || '').replace(/"/g, ''); if (releaseVersion.indexOf('(') >= 0) { codename = releaseVersion.split('(')[1].replace(/[()]/g, '').trim(); releaseVersion = releaseVersion.split('(')[0].trim(); } result.distro = (release.DISTRIB_ID || release.NAME || 'unknown').replace(/"/g, ''); result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro); result.release = (releaseVersion || release.DISTRIB_RELEASE || release.VERSION_ID || 'unknown').replace(/"/g, ''); result.codename = codename; result.codepage = util.getCodepage(); result.build = (release.BUILD_ID || '').replace(/"/g, '').trim(); isUefiLinux().then(uefi => { result.uefi = uefi; uuid().then((data) => { result.serial = data.os; if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); }); }); } if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { exec('sysctl kern.ostype kern.osrelease kern.osrevision kern.hostuuid machdep.bootmethod', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result.distro = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.ostype'); result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro); result.release = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.osrelease').split('-')[0]; result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.uuid'); result.codename = ''; result.codepage = util.getCodepage(); result.uefi = util.getValue(lines, 'machdep.bootmethod').toLowerCase().indexOf('uefi') >= 0; } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } if (_darwin) { exec('sw_vers; sysctl kern.ostype kern.osrelease kern.osrevision kern.uuid', function (error, stdout) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.uuid'); result.distro = util.getValue(lines, 'ProductName'); result.release = util.getValue(lines, 'ProductVersion'); result.build = util.getValue(lines, 'BuildVersion'); result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro); result.codename = 'macOS'; result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.4') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Tiger' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.4') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Tiger' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.4') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Tiger' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.5') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Leopard' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.6') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Snow Leopard' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.7') > -1 ? 'Mac OS X Lion' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.8') > -1 ? 'OS X Mountain Lion' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.9') > -1 ? 'OS X Mavericks' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.10') > -1 ? 'OS X Yosemite' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.11') > -1 ? 'OS X El Capitan' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.12') > -1 ? 'macOS Sierra' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.13') > -1 ? 'macOS High Sierra' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.14') > -1 ? 'macOS Mojave' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.indexOf('10.15') > -1 ? 'macOS Catalina' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.startsWith('11.') ? 'macOS Big Sur' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.startsWith('12.') ? 'macOS Monterey' : result.codename); result.codename = (result.release.startsWith('13.') ? 'macOS Ventura' : result.codename); result.uefi = true; result.codepage = util.getCodepage(); if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } if (_sunos) { result.release = result.kernel; exec('uname -o', function (error, stdout) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result.distro = lines[0]; result.logofile = getLogoFile(result.distro); if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } if (_windows) { result.logofile = getLogoFile(); result.release = result.kernel; try { const workload = []; workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | select Caption,SerialNumber,BuildNumber,ServicePackMajorVersion,ServicePackMinorVersion | fl')); workload.push(util.powerShell('(Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent')); workload.push(util.powerShell('Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::TerminalServerSession')); util.promiseAll( workload ).then((data) => { let lines = data.results[0] ? data.results[0].toString().split('\r\n') : ['']; result.distro = util.getValue(lines, 'Caption', ':').trim(); result.serial = util.getValue(lines, 'SerialNumber', ':').trim(); result.build = util.getValue(lines, 'BuildNumber', ':').trim(); result.servicepack = util.getValue(lines, 'ServicePackMajorVersion', ':').trim() + '.' + util.getValue(lines, 'ServicePackMinorVersion', ':').trim(); result.codepage = util.getCodepage(); const hyperv = data.results[1] ? data.results[1].toString().toLowerCase() : ''; result.hypervisor = hyperv.indexOf('true') !== -1; const term = data.results[2] ? data.results[2].toString() : ''; result.remoteSession = (term.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('true') >= 0); isUefiWindows().then(uefi => { result.uefi = uefi; if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); }); } catch (e) { if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); } } }); }); } exports.osInfo = osInfo; function isUefiLinux() { return new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(() => { fs.stat('/sys/firmware/efi', function (err) { if (!err) { return resolve(true); } else { exec('dmesg | grep -E "EFI v"', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); return resolve(lines.length > 0); } return resolve(false); }); } }); }); }); } function isUefiWindows() { return new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(() => { try { exec('findstr /C:"Detected boot environment" "%windir%\\Panther\\setupact.log"', util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const line = stdout.toString().split('\n\r')[0]; return resolve(line.toLowerCase().indexOf('efi') >= 0); } else { exec('echo %firmware_type%', util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const line = stdout.toString() || ''; return resolve(line.toLowerCase().indexOf('efi') >= 0); } else { return resolve(false); } }); } }); } catch (e) { return resolve(false); } }); }); } function versions(apps, callback) { let versionObject = { kernel: os.release(), openssl: '', systemOpenssl: '', systemOpensslLib: '', node: process.versions.node, v8: process.versions.v8, npm: '', yarn: '', pm2: '', gulp: '', grunt: '', git: '', tsc: '', mysql: '', redis: '', mongodb: '', apache: '', nginx: '', php: '', docker: '', postfix: '', postgresql: '', perl: '', python: '', python3: '', pip: '', pip3: '', java: '', gcc: '', virtualbox: '', bash: '', zsh: '', fish: '', powershell: '', dotnet: '' }; function checkVersionParam(apps) { if (apps === '*') { return { versions: versionObject, counter: 30 }; } if (!Array.isArray(apps)) { apps = apps.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/,+/g, '|').replace(/ /g, '|'); apps = apps.split('|'); const result = { versions: {}, counter: 0 }; apps.forEach(el => { if (el) { for (let key in versionObject) { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(versionObject, key)) { if (key.toLowerCase() === el.toLowerCase() && !{}.hasOwnProperty.call(result.versions, key)) { result.versions[key] = versionObject[key]; if (key === 'openssl') { result.versions.systemOpenssl = ''; result.versions.systemOpensslLib = ''; } if (!result.versions[key]) { result.counter++; } } } } } }); return result; } } return new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(() => { if (util.isFunction(apps) && !callback) { callback = apps; apps = '*'; } else { apps = apps || '*'; if (typeof apps !== 'string') { if (callback) { callback({}); } return resolve({}); } } const appsObj = checkVersionParam(apps); let totalFunctions = appsObj.counter; let functionProcessed = (function () { return function () { if (--totalFunctions === 0) { if (callback) { callback(appsObj.versions); } resolve(appsObj.versions); } }; })(); let cmd = ''; try { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'openssl')) { appsObj.versions.openssl = process.versions.openssl; exec('openssl version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let openssl_string = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim(); let openssl = openssl_string.split(' '); appsObj.versions.systemOpenssl = openssl.length > 0 ? openssl[1] : openssl[0]; appsObj.versions.systemOpensslLib = openssl.length > 0 ? openssl[0] : 'openssl'; } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'npm')) { exec('npm -v', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { appsObj.versions.npm = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0]; } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'pm2')) { cmd = 'pm2'; if (_windows) { cmd += '.cmd'; } exec(`${cmd} -v`, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let pm2 = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim(); if (!pm2.startsWith('[PM2]')) { appsObj.versions.pm2 = pm2; } } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'yarn')) { exec('yarn --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { appsObj.versions.yarn = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0]; } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'gulp')) { cmd = 'gulp'; if (_windows) { cmd += '.cmd'; } exec(`${cmd} --version`, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const gulp = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.gulp = (gulp.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'tsc')) { cmd = 'tsc'; if (_windows) { cmd += '.cmd'; } exec(`${cmd} --version`, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const tsc = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.tsc = (tsc.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'grunt')) { cmd = 'grunt'; if (_windows) { cmd += '.cmd'; } exec(`${cmd} --version`, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const grunt = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.grunt = (grunt.toLowerCase().split('cli v')[1] || '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'git')) { if (_darwin) { const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/git') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/git'); if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) { exec('git --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let git = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; git = (git.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim(); appsObj.versions.git = (git.split(' ')[0] || '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } else { exec('git --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let git = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; git = (git.toLowerCase().split('version')[1] || '').trim(); appsObj.versions.git = (git.split(' ')[0] || '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'apache')) { exec('apachectl -v 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const apache = (stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || '').split(':'); appsObj.versions.apache = (apache.length > 1 ? apache[1].replace('Apache', '').replace('/', '').split('(')[0].trim() : ''); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'nginx')) { exec('nginx -v 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const nginx = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.nginx = (nginx.toLowerCase().split('/')[1] || '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'mysql')) { exec('mysql -V', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let mysql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; mysql = mysql.toLowerCase(); if (mysql.indexOf(',') > -1) { mysql = (mysql.split(',')[0] || '').trim(); const parts = mysql.split(' '); appsObj.versions.mysql = (parts[parts.length - 1] || '').trim(); } else { if (mysql.indexOf(' ver ') > -1) { mysql = mysql.split(' ver ')[1]; appsObj.versions.mysql = mysql.split(' ')[0]; } } } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'php')) { exec('php -v', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const php = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; let parts = php.split('('); if (parts[0].indexOf('-')) { parts = parts[0].split('-'); } appsObj.versions.php = parts[0].replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ''); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'redis')) { exec('redis-server --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const redis = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = redis.split(' '); appsObj.versions.redis = util.getValue(parts, 'v', '=', true); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'docker')) { exec('docker --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const docker = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = docker.split(' '); appsObj.versions.docker = parts.length > 2 && parts[2].endsWith(',') ? parts[2].slice(0, -1) : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'postfix')) { exec('postconf -d | grep mail_version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const postfix = stdout.toString().split('\n') || []; appsObj.versions.postfix = util.getValue(postfix, 'mail_version', '=', true); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'mongodb')) { exec('mongod --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const mongodb = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.mongodb = (mongodb.toLowerCase().split(',')[0] || '').replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ''); } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'postgresql')) { if (_linux) { exec('locate bin/postgres', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const postgresqlBin = stdout.toString().split('\n').sort(); if (postgresqlBin.length) { exec(postgresqlBin[postgresqlBin.length - 1] + ' -V', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const postgresql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].split(' ') || []; appsObj.versions.postgresql = postgresql.length ? postgresql[postgresql.length - 1] : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } else { exec('psql -V', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const postgresql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].split(' ') || []; appsObj.versions.postgresql = postgresql.length ? postgresql[postgresql.length - 1] : ''; appsObj.versions.postgresql = appsObj.versions.postgresql.split('-')[0]; } functionProcessed(); }); } }); } else { if (_windows) { util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | select caption | fl').then((stdout) => { let serviceSections = stdout.split(/\n\s*\n/); for (let i = 0; i < serviceSections.length; i++) { if (serviceSections[i].trim() !== '') { let lines = serviceSections[i].trim().split('\r\n'); let srvCaption = util.getValue(lines, 'caption', ':', true).toLowerCase(); if (srvCaption.indexOf('postgresql') > -1) { const parts = srvCaption.split(' server '); if (parts.length > 1) { appsObj.versions.postgresql = parts[1]; } } } } functionProcessed(); }); } else { exec('postgres -V', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const postgresql = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].split(' ') || []; appsObj.versions.postgresql = postgresql.length ? postgresql[postgresql.length - 1] : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'perl')) { exec('perl -v', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const perl = stdout.toString().split('\n') || ''; while (perl.length > 0 && perl[0].trim() === '') { perl.shift(); } if (perl.length > 0) { appsObj.versions.perl = perl[0].split('(').pop().split(')')[0].replace('v', ''); } } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'python')) { if (_darwin) { const stdout = execSync('sw_vers'); const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); const osVersion = util.getValue(lines, 'ProductVersion', ':'); const gitHomebrewExists1 = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/python'); const gitHomebrewExists2 = fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/python'); if ((util.darwinXcodeExists() && util.semverCompare('12.0.1', osVersion) < 0) || gitHomebrewExists1 || gitHomebrewExists2) { const cmd = gitHomebrewExists1 ? '/usr/local/Cellar/python -V 2>&1' : (gitHomebrewExists2 ? '/opt/homebrew/bin/python -V 2>&1' : 'python -V 2>&1'); exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.python = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } else { exec('python -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.python = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'python3')) { if (_darwin) { const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/python3') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/python3'); if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) { exec('python3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.python3 = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } else { exec('python3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const python = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; appsObj.versions.python3 = python.toLowerCase().replace('python', '').trim(); } functionProcessed(); }); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'pip')) { if (_darwin) { const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/pip') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/pip'); if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) { exec('pip -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = pip.split(' '); appsObj.versions.pip = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } else { exec('pip -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = pip.split(' '); appsObj.versions.pip = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'pip3')) { if (_darwin) { const gitHomebrewExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/local/Cellar/pip3') || fs.existsSync('/opt/homebrew/bin/pip3'); if (util.darwinXcodeExists() || gitHomebrewExists) { exec('pip3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = pip.split(' '); appsObj.versions.pip3 = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } else { exec('pip3 -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const pip = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = pip.split(' '); appsObj.versions.pip3 = parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'java')) { if (_darwin) { // check if any JVM is installed but avoid dialog box that Java needs to be installed exec('/usr/libexec/java_home -V 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error && stdout.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('no java runtime') === -1) { // now this can be done savely exec('java -version 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const java = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = java.split('"'); appsObj.versions.java = parts.length === 3 ? parts[1].trim() : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } }); } else { exec('java -version 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const java = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = java.split('"'); appsObj.versions.java = parts.length === 3 ? parts[1].trim() : ''; } functionProcessed(); }); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'gcc')) { if ((_darwin && util.darwinXcodeExists()) || !_darwin) { exec('gcc -dumpversion', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { appsObj.versions.gcc = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim() || ''; } if (appsObj.versions.gcc.indexOf('.') > -1) { functionProcessed(); } else { exec('gcc --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const gcc = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0].trim(); if (gcc.indexOf('gcc') > -1 && gcc.indexOf(')') > -1) { const parts = gcc.split(')'); appsObj.versions.gcc = parts[1].trim() || appsObj.versions.gcc; } } functionProcessed(); }); } }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'virtualbox')) { exec(util.getVboxmanage() + ' -v 2>&1', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const vbox = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0] || ''; const parts = vbox.split('r'); appsObj.versions.virtualbox = parts[0]; } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'bash')) { exec('bash --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const line = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0]; const parts = line.split(' version '); if (parts.length > 1) { appsObj.versions.bash = parts[1].split(' ')[0].split('(')[0]; } } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'zsh')) { exec('zsh --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const line = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0]; const parts = line.split('zsh '); if (parts.length > 1) { appsObj.versions.zsh = parts[1].split(' ')[0]; } } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'fish')) { exec('fish --version', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { const line = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0]; const parts = line.split(' version '); if (parts.length > 1) { appsObj.versions.fish = parts[1].split(' ')[0]; } } functionProcessed(); }); } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'powershell')) { if (_windows) { util.powerShell('$PSVersionTable').then(stdout => { const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n').map(line => line.replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace(/ +/g, ':')); appsObj.versions.powershell = util.getValue(lines, 'psversion'); functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(appsObj.versions, 'dotnet')) { if (_windows) { util.powerShell('gci "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP" -recurse | gp -name Version,Release -EA 0 | where { $_.PSChildName -match "^(?!S)\\p{L}"} | select PSChildName, Version, Release').then(stdout => { const lines = stdout.toString().split('\r\n'); let dotnet = ''; lines.forEach(line => { line = line.replace(/ +/g, ' '); const parts = line.split(' '); dotnet = dotnet || (parts[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('client') && parts.length > 2 ? parts[1].trim() : (parts[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('full') && parts.length > 2 ? parts[1].trim() : '')); }); appsObj.versions.dotnet = dotnet.trim(); functionProcessed(); }); } else { functionProcessed(); } } } catch (e) { if (callback) { callback(appsObj.versions); } resolve(appsObj.versions); } }); }); } exports.versions = versions; function shell(callback) { return new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(() => { if (_windows) { resolve('cmd'); } else { let result = ''; exec('echo $SHELL', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { result = stdout.toString().split('\n')[0]; } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } }); }); } exports.shell = shell; function getUniqueMacAdresses() { const ifaces = os.networkInterfaces(); let macs = []; for (let dev in ifaces) { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(ifaces, dev)) { ifaces[dev].forEach(function (details) { if (details && details.mac && details.mac !== '00:00:00:00:00:00') { const mac = details.mac.toLowerCase(); if (macs.indexOf(mac) === -1) { macs.push(mac); } } }); } } macs = macs.sort(function (a, b) { if (a < b) { return -1; } if (a > b) { return 1; } return 0; }); return macs; } function uuid(callback) { return new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(() => { let result = { os: '', hardware: '', macs: getUniqueMacAdresses() }; let parts; if (_darwin) { exec('system_profiler SPHardwareDataType -json', function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { try { const jsonObj = JSON.parse(stdout.toString()); if (jsonObj.SPHardwareDataType && jsonObj.SPHardwareDataType.length > 0) { const spHardware = jsonObj.SPHardwareDataType[0]; result.os = spHardware.platform_UUID.toLowerCase(); result.hardware = spHardware.serial_number; } } catch (e) { util.noop(); } } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } if (_linux) { const cmd = `echo -n "os: "; cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id 2> /dev/null; echo; echo -n "os: "; cat /etc/machine-id 2> /dev/null; echo; echo -n "hardware: "; cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid 2> /dev/null; echo;`; exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) { const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result.os = util.getValue(lines, 'os').toLowerCase(); result.hardware = util.getValue(lines, 'hardware').toLowerCase(); if (!result.hardware) { const lines = fs.readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo', { encoding: 'utf8' }).toString().split('\n'); const serial = util.getValue(lines, 'serial'); result.hardware = serial || ''; } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { exec('sysctl -i kern.hostid kern.hostuuid', function (error, stdout) { const lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result.os = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.hostid', ':').toLowerCase(); result.hardware = util.getValue(lines, 'kern.hostuuid', ':').toLowerCase(); if (result.os.indexOf('unknown') >= 0) { result.os = ''; } if (result.hardware.indexOf('unknown') >= 0) { result.hardware = ''; } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } if (_windows) { let sysdir = '%windir%\\System32'; if (process.arch === 'ia32' && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(process.env, 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432')) { sysdir = '%windir%\\sysnative\\cmd.exe /c %windir%\\System32'; } util.powerShell('Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct | select UUID | fl').then((stdout) => { let lines = stdout.split('\r\n'); result.hardware = util.getValue(lines, 'uuid', ':').toLowerCase(); exec(`${sysdir}\\reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography" /v MachineGuid`, util.execOptsWin, function (error, stdout) { parts = stdout.toString().split('\n\r')[0].split('REG_SZ'); result.os = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].replace(/\r+|\n+|\s+/ig, '').toLowerCase() : ''; if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); }); } }); }); } exports.uuid = uuid;