const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const chalk = require("chalk"); let fixLength = (string, length) => { let end = " ".repeat(length); if (string.length > length) return string.substring(0, length); return string + end.substring(0, length - string.length); } let hexEight = (dec) => { let hex = Math.round(dec).toString(16); let zero = "00000000"; return zero.substring(0, 8 - hex.length) + hex; } let errorName = (name) => { switch (name) { case "InternalError": case "Error": return "TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN"; case "RangeError": return "OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION"; case "ReferenceError": return "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT"; case "SyntaxError": return "INSTRUCTION_COHERENCY_EXCEPTION"; case "TypeError": return "NO_USER_MODE_CONTEXT"; case "URIError": return "INTERRUPT_UNWIND_ATTEMPTED"; default: return null; } } module.exports = (error, currentStage, version) => { let lines = error.stack.split("\n").map(i => i.trim()); let dump = => i.substring(3)); dump.shift(); let name = lines[0].split(":")[0]; let baseCodes = [...Buffer.from(name).toString("hex").match(/.{1,8}/g).map(i => parseInt(i, 16)).map(i => hexEight(i).toUpperCase()), "00000000", "00000000", "00000000", "00000000"]; let addressesRaw = dump.filter(i => i.includes("(")).map(i => i.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].trim()).map((i) => { if (i.startsWith("node:internal/")) { if (i.startsWith("node:internal/modules/")) { return "__" + i.substring(21); } else { return "_" + i.substring(13); } } else { return i; } }); let addressesFull = [ Set(dump.filter(i => i.includes("(")).map(i => i.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].trim()).map(i => i.split(":")[0]))]; let bases = => { if (fs.existsSync(i)) { try { fs.accessSync(i, fs.constants.R_OK); return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(fs.readFileSync(i)).digest("hex").substring(0, 8); } catch (e) { return "ffffffff"; } } else { return "ffffffff"; } }); let dateStamps = => { if (fs.existsSync(i)) { try { fs.accessSync(i, fs.constants.R_OK); return hexEight(Math.round((new Date().getTime() / 1000) - (fs.lstatSync(i).mtimeMs / 1000))); } catch (e) { return "ffffffff"; } } else { return "ffffffff"; } }); let fileNamesFull = => path.basename(i.split(":")[0])); let fileNames = => path.basename(i.split(":")[0])); let dumpsRaws = dump.filter(i => i.includes("(")).map(i => i.split("(")[0].trim()); let addresses = => { let hex = Buffer.from(i).toString("hex"); return hex.substring(0, 4) + hex.substring(hex.length - 4, hex.length); }); let dumps = => { let arr = ["00000000", "00000000", "00000000", "00000000", "00000000", "00000000"]; let hex = Buffer.from(i).toString("hex"); arr.unshift(hex.substring(0, 8), hex.substring(8, 16), hex.substring(16, 24), hex.substring(24, 32), hex.substring(32, 40), hex.substring(40, 48)); arr = arr.filter(i => i.trim() !== "").map(i => hexEight(parseInt(i, 16))); return arr; }); console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("*** STOP: 0x" + hexEight(process.uptime()).toUpperCase() + " (0x" + baseCodes[0] + ",0x" + baseCodes[1] + ",0x" + baseCodes[2] + ",0x" + baseCodes[3] + ")")); let pName = errorName(name); if (pName) { console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white(pName)); } console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("")); console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("CPUID:" + (require('os').cpus()[0] ?? { model: "???" }).model + " SYSVER 0x" + hexEight(parseInt(Buffer.from(version.replace(/(\.| \(.*\))/gm, "")).toString("hex"), 16)))); console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("")); console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("Sys Base DateStmp - Name Sys Base DateStmp - Name")); for (let indexes of [ [0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9], [10, 11] ]) { if (bases[indexes[0]] && bases[indexes[1]]) { console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white(bases[indexes[0]], dateStamps[indexes[0]], "-", fixLength(fileNamesFull[indexes[0]], 18), bases[indexes[1]], dateStamps[indexes[1]], "-", fixLength(fileNamesFull[indexes[1]], 18))); } else if (bases[indexes[0]]) { console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white(bases[indexes[0]], dateStamps[indexes[0]], "-", fixLength(fileNamesFull[indexes[0]], 18))); } else { console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("")); } } console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("")); console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("Address dword dump - Name")); for (let index in addresses) { let address = addresses[index]; let dump = dumps[index]; let fileName = fileNames[index]; console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white(address, dump[0], dump[1], dump[2], dump[3], dump[4], dump[5], "-", fileName)); } console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("")); console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("Restart and press Shift on startup to access recovery options")); console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("or read the system journal information. If this message reappears,")) console.log(chalk.bgYellow.white("contact your system administrator or technical support group.")) }