Usage: electron-packager [options...] Required parameters sourcedir the base directory of the application source Examples: electron-packager ./ electron-packager ./ --all Optional parameters appname the name of the app, if it needs to be different from the "productName" or "name" in the nearest package.json Options version prints the version of Electron Packager and Node, plus the target platform and arch, for bug reporting purposes, and exits immediately * All platforms * all equivalent to --platform=all --arch=all app-copyright human-readable copyright line for the app app-version release version to set for the app arch all, or one or more of: ia32, x64, armv7l, arm64, mips64el, universal (comma-delimited if multiple). Defaults to the host arch. For info on arch/platform support see asar whether to package the source code within your app into an archive. You can either pass --asar by itself to use the default configuration, OR use dot notation to configure a list of sub-properties, e.g. --asar.unpackDir=sub_dir - do not use --asar and its sub-properties simultaneously. Properties supported include: - ordering: path to an ordering file for file packing - unpack: unpacks the files to the app.asar.unpacked directory whose filenames regex .match this string - unpackDir: unpacks the dir to the app.asar.unpacked directory whose names glob pattern or exactly match this string. It's relative to the . build-version build version to set for the app download a list of sub-options to pass to @electron/get. They are specified via dot notation, e.g., --download.cacheRoot=/tmp/cache Properties supported: - cacheRoot: directory of cached Electron downloads. For default value, see @electron/get documentation - mirrorOptions: alternate URL options for downloading Electron zips. See @electron/get documentation for details - rejectUnauthorized: whether SSL certs are required to be valid when downloading Electron. Defaults to true, use --no-download.rejectUnauthorized to disable checks. electron-version the version of Electron that is being packaged, see electron-zip-dir the local path to a directory containing Electron ZIP files executable-name the name of the executable file, sans file extension. Defaults to appname extra-resource a file to copy into the app's resources directory icon the local path to an icon file to use as the icon for the app. Note: Format depends on platform. ignore do not copy files into app whose filenames RegExp.match this string. See also: and --no-prune. Can be specified multiple times no-deref-symlinks make sure symlinks are not dereferenced within the app source no-junk do not ignore system junk files from the packaged app no-prune do not prune devDependencies from the packaged app out the dir to put the app into at the end. Defaults to current working dir overwrite if output directory for a platform already exists, replaces it rather than skipping it platform all, or one or more of: darwin, linux, mas, win32 (comma-delimited if multiple). Defaults to the host platform prebuilt-asar path to a prebuilt asar file (asar, ignore, no-prune, and no-deref-symlinks options are incompatible with this option and will be ignored) quiet Do not print informational or warning messages tmpdir temp directory. Defaults to system temp directory, use --no-tmpdir to disable use of a temporary directory. * darwin/mas target platforms only * app-bundle-id bundle identifier to use in the app plist app-category-type the application category type For example, `` will set the application category to 'Developer Tools'. darwin-dark-mode-support forces support for Mojave/10.14 dark mode in the packaged app extend-info a plist file to merge into the app plist helper-bundle-id bundle identifier to use in the app helper plist osx-sign (macOS host platform only) Whether to sign the macOS app packages. You can either pass --osx-sign by itself to use the default configuration, or use dot notation to configure a list of sub-properties, e.g. --osx-sign.identity="My Name" For info on supported values see Properties supported include: - identity: should contain the identity to be used when running `codesign` - entitlements: the path to entitlements used in signing - entitlements-inherit: the path to the 'child' entitlements osx-notarize (macOS host platform only, requires --osx-sign) Whether to notarize the macOS app packages. You must use dot notation to configure a list of sub-properties, e.g. --osx-notarize.appleId="" For info on supported values see Properties supported include: - appleId: should contain your apple ID username / email - appleIdPassword: should contain the password for the provided apple ID - appleApiKey: should contain an App Store Connect API key - appleApiIssuer: should contain the API key's issuer osx-universal (macOS host platform only, requires --arch=universal) Options to pass to `@electron/universal` when packaging a Universal macOS binary. You must use dot notation to configure a list of sub-properties, e.g. --osx-universal.mergeASARs="true" For info on supported values see protocol URL protocol scheme to register the app as an opener of. For example, `--protocol=myapp` would register the app to open URLs such as `myapp://path`. This argument requires a `--protocol-name` argument to also be specified. protocol-name Descriptive name of URL protocol scheme specified via `--protocol` usage-description Human-readable descriptions of how the app uses certain macOS features. Displayed in the App Store. A non-exhaustive list of properties supported: - Camera - Microphone * win32 target platform only * win32metadata a list of sub-properties used to set the application metadata embedded into the executable. They are specified via dot notation, e.g. --win32metadata.CompanyName="Company Inc." or --win32metadata.ProductName="Product" Properties supported: - CompanyName (default: author name from nearest package.json) - FileDescription (default: appname) - OriginalFilename (default: renamed exe) - ProductName (default: appname) - InternalName (default: appname) - requested-execution-level (user, asInvoker, or requireAdministrator) - application-manifest