import { NoParamCallback } from 'fs';
declare type OpenFileFlags = string | undefined;
declare type OpenFileCallback = (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, fd: number) => void;
* Limits the number of concurrent file handlers.
* Use it as a wrapper over fs.open() and fs.close().
* Example:
* const fdQueue = new FileDescriptorQueue(8)
* fdQueue.open(path, flags, (err, fd) =>{
* ...
* fdQueue.close(fd, (err) =>{
* ...
* })
* })
* As of node v7, calling fd.close without a callback is deprecated.
export declare class FileDescriptorQueue {
private maxFilesNo;
private activeCount;
private pendingJobs;
constructor(maxFilesNo: number);
open(path: string, flags: OpenFileFlags, callback: OpenFileCallback): void;
process(): void;
close(fd: number, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
openPromise(path: string, flags: OpenFileFlags): Promise;
closePromise(fd: number): Promise;
export {};
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