dir-compare ========== Node JS directory compare **!! Important !!** Starting with v3.0.0 the CLI utility has been moved to [dir-compare-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dir-compare-cli). [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/fpnqkr2gfg7pwkxk/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/gliviu/dir-compare) [![codecov.io](http://codecov.io/github/gliviu/dir-compare/coverage.svg?branch=master)](http://codecov.io/github/gliviu/dir-compare?branch=master) - [Installation](#installation) - [Library](#library) * [Use](#use) * [Api](#api) * [Glob patterns](#glob-patterns) * [Custom file content comparators](#custom-file-content-comparators) + [Ignore line endings and white spaces](#ignore-line-endings-and-white-spaces) * [Custom name comparators](#custom-name-comparators) * [Custom result builder](#custom-result-builder) * [Symbolic links](#symbolic-links) * [Handling permission denied errors](#handling-permission-denied-errors) - [UI tools](#ui-tools) - [Changelog](#changelog) # Installation ```bash npm install dir-compare ``` # Library ## Use ```javascript const dircompare = require('dir-compare'); const options = { compareSize: true }; // Multiple compare strategy can be used simultaneously - compareSize, compareContent, compareDate, compareSymlink. // If one comparison fails for a pair of files, they are considered distinct. const path1 = '...'; const path2 = '...'; // Synchronous const res = dircompare.compareSync(path1, path2, options) print(res) // Asynchronous dircompare.compare(path1, path2, options) .then(res => print(res)) .catch(error => console.error(error)); function print(result) { console.log('Directories are %s', result.same ? 'identical' : 'different') console.log('Statistics - equal entries: %s, distinct entries: %s, left only entries: %s, right only entries: %s, differences: %s', result.equal, result.distinct, result.left, result.right, result.differences) result.diffSet.forEach(dif => console.log('Difference - name1: %s, type1: %s, name2: %s, type2: %s, state: %s', dif.name1, dif.type1, dif.name2, dif.type2, dif.state)) } ``` Typescript ```typescript import { compare, compareSync, Options, Result } from "dir-compare"; const path1 = '...'; const path2 = '...'; const options: Options = { compareSize: true }; const res: Result = compareSync(path1, path2, options); console.log(res) compare(path1, path2, options) .then(res => console.log(res)) .catch(error => console.error(error)); ``` ## Api ```typescript compare(path1: string, path2: string, options?: Options): Promise compareSync(path1: string, path2: string, options?: Options): Result ``` More details can be found in the reference documentation: * [compare](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/index.html#compare) * [compareSync](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/index.html#comparesync) * [Options](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html) * [Result](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/result.html) Common options: * [compareSize](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#comparesize) * [compareContent](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#comparecontent) * [compareDate](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#comparedate) * [excludeFilter](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#excludefilter) * [includeFilter](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#includefilter) * [ignoreCase](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#ignorecase) * [skipSubdirs](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#skipsubdirs) * [skipEmptyDirs](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#skipemptydirs) ## Glob patterns [Minimatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minimatch) patterns are used to include/exclude files to be compared. The pattern is matched against the relative path of the entry being compared. Following examples assume we are comparing two [dir-compare](https://github.com/gliviu/dir-compare) code bases. ```javascript const options = { excludeFilter: ".git,node_modules", // exclude git and node modules directories excludeFilter: "expected" , // exclude '/tests/expected' directory excludeFilter: "/tests/expected" , // exclude '/tests/expected' directory excludeFilter: "**/expected" , // exclude '/tests/expected' directory excludeFilter: "**/tests/**/*.js" , // exclude all js files in '/tests' directory and subdirectories includeFilter: "*.js,*.yml" , // include js and yaml files includeFilter: "/tests/**/*.js" , // include all js files in '/tests' directory and subdirectories includeFilter: "**/tests/**/*.ts" // include all js files in '/tests' directory and subdirectories } ``` ## Custom file content comparators By default file content is binary compared. As of version 1.5.0 custom file comparison handlers may be specified. Custom handlers are specified by `compareFileSync` and `compareFileAsync` options which correspond to `dircompare.compareSync()` or `dircompare.compare()` methods. A couple of handlers are included in the library: * binary sync compare - `dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.defaultFileCompare.compareSync` * binary async compare - `dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.defaultFileCompare.compareAsync` * text sync compare - `dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.lineBasedFileCompare.compareSync` * text async compare - `dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.lineBasedFileCompare.compareAsync` Use [defaultFileCompare.js](https://github.com/gliviu/dir-compare/blob/master/src/fileCompareHandler/defaultFileCompare.js) as an example to create your own. ### Ignore line endings and white spaces Line based comparator can be used to ignore line ending and white space differences. ```javascript const dircompare = require('dir-compare'); const options = { compareContent: true, compareFileSync: dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.lineBasedFileCompare.compareSync, compareFileAsync: dircompare.fileCompareHandlers.lineBasedFileCompare.compareAsync, ignoreLineEnding: true, // Ignore crlf/lf line ending differences ignoreWhiteSpaces: true, // Ignore white spaces at the beginning and ending of a line (similar to 'diff -b') ignoreAllWhiteSpaces: true, // Ignore all white space differences (similar to 'diff -w') ignoreEmptyLines: true // Ignores differences caused by empty lines (similar to 'diff -B') }; const path1 = '...'; const path2 = '...'; const res = dircompare.compareSync(path1, path2, options); console.log(res) dircompare.compare(path1, path2, options) .then(res => console.log(res)) ``` ## Custom name comparators If [default](https://github.com/gliviu/dir-compare/blob/master/src/nameCompare/defaultNameCompare.js) name comparison is not enough, custom behavior can be specified with [compareNameHandler](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/index.html#comparenamehandler) option. Following example adds the possibility to ignore file extensions. ```typescript import { Options, compare } from 'dir-compare' import path from 'path' const options: Options = { compareSize: false, // compare only name by disabling size and content criteria compareContent: false, compareNameHandler: customNameCompare, // new name comparator used to ignore extensions ignoreExtension: true, // supported by the custom name compare below }; function customNameCompare(name1: string, name2: string, options: Options) { if (options.ignoreCase) { name1 = name1.toLowerCase() name2 = name2.toLowerCase() } if (options.ignoreExtension) { name1 = path.basename(name1, path.extname(name1)) name2 = path.basename(name2, path.extname(name2)) } return ((name1 === name2) ? 0 : ((name1 > name2) ? 1 : -1)) } const path1 = '/tmp/a'; const path2 = '/tmp/b'; const res = compare(path1, path2, options).then(res => { console.log(`Same: ${res.same}`) if (!res.diffSet) { return } res.diffSet.forEach(dif => console.log(`${dif.name1} ${dif.name2} ${dif.state}`)) }) // Outputs // icon.svg icon.png equal // logo.svg logo.jpg equal ``` ## Custom result builder [Result builder](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/index.html#resultbuilder) is called for each pair of entries encountered during comparison. Its purpose is to append entries in `diffSet` and eventually update `statistics` object with new stats. If needed it can be replaced with custom implementation. ```javascript const dircompare = require("dircompare") const customResultBuilder = function (entry1, entry2, state, level, relativePath, options, statistics, diffSet, reason) { ... } const options = { compareSize: true, resultBuilder: customResultBuilder } const res = dircompare.compareSync('...', '...', options) ``` The [default](https://github.com/gliviu/dir-compare/blob/master/src/resultBuilder/defaultResultBuilderCallback.js) builder can be used as an example. ## Symbolic links Unless `compareSymlink` option is used, symbolic links are resolved and any comparison is applied to the file/directory they point to. Circular loops are handled by breaking the loop as soon as it is detected. Version `1.x` treats broken links as `ENOENT: no such file or directory`. Since `2.0` they are treated as a special type of entry - `broken-link` - and are available as stats (`totalBrokenLinks`, `distinctBrokenLinks`, ...). Using `compareSymlink` option causes `dircompare` to check symlink values for equality. In this mode two entries with identical name are considered different if * one is symlink, the other is not * both are symlinks but point to different locations These rules are applied in addition to the other comparison modes; ie. by content, by size... If entries are different because of symlinks, `reason` will be `different-symlink`. Also statistics summarizes differences caused by symbolik links. ## Handling permission denied errors Unreadable files or directories are normally reported as errors. The comparison will be intrerrupted with an `EACCES` exception. This behavior can be altered with [Options.handlePermissionDenied](https://gliviu.github.io/dc-api/interfaces/options.html#handlepermissiondenied). # UI tools * [dir-compare-cli](https://github.com/gliviu/dir-compare-cli) * [Visual Studio Code - Compare Folders](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=moshfeu.compare-folders) # Changelog * v3.3.0 Added `skipEmptyDirs` option * v3.2.0 [Handle permission denied errors](#handling-permission-denied-errors) * v3.1.0 Added `ignoreAllWhiteSpaces` and `ignoreEmptyLines` options * v3.0.0 Moved CLI component into separate project [dir-compare-cli](https://github.com/gliviu/dir-compare-cli) * v2.4.0 New option to customize file/folder name comparison * v2.3.0 Fixes * v2.1.0 Removed [bluebird](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/#note) dependency * v2.0.0 * New option to compare symlinks. * New field indicating reason for two entries being distinct. * Improved command line output format. * Tests are no longer part of published package. * Generated [Api](#api) documentation. Breaking changes: * Broken links are no longer treated as errors. As a result there are new statistics (leftBrokenLinks, rightBrokenLinks, distinctBrokenLinks, totalBrokenLinks) and new entry type - broken-link. Details in [Symbolic links](#symbolic-links). * Typescript correction: new interface `Result` replaced `Statistics`. * v1.8.0 * globstar patterns * typescript corrections * removed support for node 0.11, 0.12, iojs * v1.7.0 performance improvements * v1.6.0 typescript support * v1.5.0 added option to ignore line endings and white space differences * v1.3.0 added date tolerance option * v1.2.0 added compare by date option * v1.1.0 * detect symlink loops * improved color scheme for command line utility * v1.0.0 * asynchronous processing * new library options: noDiffSet, resultBuilder * new statistics: distinctFiles, equalFiles, leftFiles, rightFiles, distinctDirs, equalDirs, leftDirs, rightDirs * new --async command line option * Fix for https://github.com/tj/commander.js/issues/125 * v0.0.3 Fix fille ordering issue for newer node versions