"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getAllAppFiles = exports.AppFileType = void 0; const cross_spawn_promise_1 = require("@malept/cross-spawn-promise"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); const path = require("path"); const MACHO_PREFIX = 'Mach-O '; var AppFileType; (function (AppFileType) { AppFileType[AppFileType["MACHO"] = 0] = "MACHO"; AppFileType[AppFileType["PLAIN"] = 1] = "PLAIN"; AppFileType[AppFileType["INFO_PLIST"] = 2] = "INFO_PLIST"; AppFileType[AppFileType["SNAPSHOT"] = 3] = "SNAPSHOT"; AppFileType[AppFileType["APP_CODE"] = 4] = "APP_CODE"; })(AppFileType = exports.AppFileType || (exports.AppFileType = {})); /** * * @param appPath Path to the application */ exports.getAllAppFiles = async (appPath) => { const files = []; const visited = new Set(); const traverse = async (p) => { p = await fs.realpath(p); if (visited.has(p)) return; visited.add(p); const info = await fs.stat(p); if (info.isSymbolicLink()) return; if (info.isFile()) { let fileType = AppFileType.PLAIN; var fileOutput = ''; try { fileOutput = await cross_spawn_promise_1.spawn('file', ['--brief', '--no-pad', p]); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof cross_spawn_promise_1.ExitCodeError) { /* silently accept error codes from "file" */ } else { throw e; } } if (p.includes('app.asar')) { fileType = AppFileType.APP_CODE; } else if (fileOutput.startsWith(MACHO_PREFIX)) { fileType = AppFileType.MACHO; } else if (p.endsWith('.bin')) { fileType = AppFileType.SNAPSHOT; } else if (path.basename(p) === 'Info.plist') { fileType = AppFileType.INFO_PLIST; } files.push({ relativePath: path.relative(appPath, p), type: fileType, }); } if (info.isDirectory()) { for (const child of await fs.readdir(p)) { await traverse(path.resolve(p, child)); } } }; await traverse(appPath); return files; }; //# sourceMappingURL=file-utils.js.map