After a few months of good service, Mist will be going offline on April 10. Learn what happens and what this means for Mist and for you on this page. Mist's end of support is being extended over the span of 3 months, from January 10 to April 10. During these 3 months, Mist will be progressively disabled according to this schedule:
If you were not using Mist, nothing. If you are using Mist, nothing special, other than playing your music through another streaming platform. Regardless, all of your Mist user data will be permanently deleted after Mist goes offline, so you don't have to worry about asking us to delete it. However, you can request a copy of it if you like.
If you don't mind paying for your music, we recommend Apple Music or Deezer. Avoid Spotify and YouTube Music at all costs! If you want to try emerging streaming platforms, you can also try Tidal or Amazon Music Unlimited. And if you want to own your music, check out Qobuz.
If you don't want to pay for music, you can download music from Mist and use any music player to play them back (assuming you have downloaded the FLAC version). On macOS, use the Music app. On Windows, use the Media Player app. On Linux, use Lollypop or Elisa. On Android, use Retro Music Player, Samsung Music, VLC, or Vanilla Music Player.