'use strict'; var forEach = require('foreach'); var availableTypedArrays = require('available-typed-arrays'); var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); var $toString = callBound('Object.prototype.toString'); var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')(); var hasToStringTag = hasSymbols && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === 'symbol'; var typedArrays = availableTypedArrays(); var $slice = callBound('String.prototype.slice'); var toStrTags = {}; var gOPD = require('es-abstract/helpers/getOwnPropertyDescriptor'); var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; // require('getprototypeof'); if (hasToStringTag && gOPD && getPrototypeOf) { forEach(typedArrays, function (typedArray) { if (typeof global[typedArray] === 'function') { var arr = new global[typedArray](); if (!(Symbol.toStringTag in arr)) { throw new EvalError('this engine has support for Symbol.toStringTag, but ' + typedArray + ' does not have the property! Please report this.'); } var proto = getPrototypeOf(arr); var descriptor = gOPD(proto, Symbol.toStringTag); if (!descriptor) { var superProto = getPrototypeOf(proto); descriptor = gOPD(superProto, Symbol.toStringTag); } toStrTags[typedArray] = descriptor.get; } }); } var tryTypedArrays = function tryAllTypedArrays(value) { var foundName = false; forEach(toStrTags, function (getter, typedArray) { if (!foundName) { try { var name = getter.call(value); if (name === typedArray) { foundName = name; } } catch (e) {} } }); return foundName; }; var isTypedArray = require('is-typed-array'); module.exports = function whichTypedArray(value) { if (!isTypedArray(value)) { return false; } if (!hasToStringTag) { return $slice($toString(value), 8, -1); } return tryTypedArrays(value); };