import test from 'ava' import Chance from '../chance.js' import _ from 'lodash' const chance = new Chance() // age constants const CHILD_AGE_MIN = 0 const CHILD_AGE_MAX = 12 const TEEN_AGE_MIN = 13 const TEEN_AGE_MAX = 19 const ADULT_AGE_MIN = 18 const ADULT_AGE_MAX = 65 const SENIOR_AGE_MIN = 65 const SENIOR_AGE_MAX = 100 const AGE_MIN = 0 const AGE_MAX = 100 const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear() // chance.age() test('age() returns a random age within expected bounds', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let age = chance.age() t.true(_.isNumber(age)) t.true(age >= ADULT_AGE_MIN) t.true(age <= ADULT_AGE_MAX) }) }) test('age() returns a random age within expected bounds for all', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let age = chance.age({ type: 'all' }) t.true(_.isNumber(age)) t.true(age >= AGE_MIN) t.true(age <= AGE_MAX) }) }) test('age() returns a proper age for a child', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let age = chance.age({ type: 'child' }) t.true(_.isNumber(age)) t.true(age >= CHILD_AGE_MIN) t.true(age <= CHILD_AGE_MAX) }) }) test('age() returns a proper age for a teen', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let age = chance.age({ type: 'teen' }) t.true(_.isNumber(age)) t.true(age >= TEEN_AGE_MIN) t.true(age <= TEEN_AGE_MAX) }) }) test('age() returns a proper age for an adult', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let age = chance.age({ type: 'adult' }) t.true(_.isNumber(age)) t.true(age >= ADULT_AGE_MIN) t.true(age <= ADULT_AGE_MAX) }) }) test('age() returns a proper age for a senior', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let age = chance.age({ type: 'senior' }) t.true(_.isNumber(age)) t.true(age >= SENIOR_AGE_MIN) t.true(age <= SENIOR_AGE_MAX) }) }) // chance.birthday() test('birthday() works as expected', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let birthday = chance.birthday() t.true(_.isDate(birthday)) let year = birthday.getFullYear() let curYear = new Date().getFullYear() t.true(year > (curYear - AGE_MAX)) t.true(year < curYear) }) }) test('birthday() can have a string returned', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let birthday = chance.birthday({ string: true }) t.true(_.isString(birthday)) t.false(_.isDate(birthday)) t.true(/^[0-9][0-9]?\/[0-9][0-9]?\/[0-9]{4}/m.test(birthday)) }) }) test('birthday() can have a year specified', t => { _.times(1000, () => {{ year: 1983 }).getFullYear(), 1983) }) }) test('birthday() can have an age range specified for an adult', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let birthday = chance.birthday({ type: 'adult' }) let min = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - ADULT_AGE_MAX - 1) let max = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - ADULT_AGE_MIN) t.true(birthday.getTime() >= min) t.true(birthday.getTime() <= max) }) }) test('birthday() can have an age range specified for a teen', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let birthday = chance.birthday({ type: 'teen' }) let min = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - TEEN_AGE_MAX - 1) let max = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - TEEN_AGE_MIN) t.true(birthday.getTime() >= min) t.true(birthday.getTime() <= max) }) }) test('birthday() can have an age range specified for a child', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let birthday = chance.birthday({ type: 'child' }) let min = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - CHILD_AGE_MAX - 1) let max = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - CHILD_AGE_MIN) t.true(birthday.getTime() >= min) t.true(birthday.getTime() <= max) }) }) test('birthday() can have an age range specified for a senior', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let birthday = chance.birthday({ type: 'senior' }) let min = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - SENIOR_AGE_MAX - 1) let max = new Date().setFullYear(currentYear - SENIOR_AGE_MIN) t.true(birthday.getTime() >= min) t.true(birthday.getTime() <= max) }) }) // chance.cnpj() test('cnpj() returns a random cnpj', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let hidn = chance.HIDN() t.true(_.isString(hidn)) }) }) // test('company() returns a random company', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let company = t.true(_.isString(company)) t.true(company.length > 4) }) }) // chance.cpf() test('cpf() returns a random valid taxpayer number for Brazil citizens (CPF)', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let cpf = chance.cpf() t.true(_.isString(cpf)) t.true(/^\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}-\d{2}$/m.test(cpf)), 14) }) }) // chance.first() test('first() returns a random first name', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let first = chance.first() t.true(_.isString(first)) t.true(first.length >= 2) t.true(first.length <= 20)' ').length, 1) }) }) // chance.gender() test('gender() returns a random gender', t => { _.times(1000, () => t.true(/(Male|Female)/.test(chance.gender()))) }) test('gender() can take extra genders', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let gender = chance.gender({ extraGenders: ['Unknown', 'Transgender'] }) t.true(/(Male|Female|Unknown|Transgender)/.test(gender)) }) }) // chance.HIDN() test('HIDN() returns a random HIDN', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let hidn = chance.HIDN() t.true(_.isString(hidn)) t.true(/^\d{6}[A-Z]{2}$/m.test(hidn)), 8) }) }) // chance.israelId() test('israelId() returns a valid Isreal id', t => { let id = chance.israelId() t.true(_.isString(id)), 9) let acc = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { let thisDigit = id[i] * ( i / 2 === parseInt(i/2, 10) ? 1 : 2) thisDigit = chance.pad(thisDigit, 2) thisDigit = parseInt(thisDigit[0], 10) + parseInt(thisDigit[1], 10) acc += thisDigit } let lastDigit = (10 - parseInt(acc.toString().slice(-1), 10).toString().slice(-1)).toString().slice(-1)[8], lastDigit) }) // chance.last() test('last() returns a random last name', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let last = chance.last() t.true(_.isString(last)) t.true(last.length >= 2) t.true(last.length <= 20) t.true(last.split(' ').length <= 3) }) }) // test('name() returns a random name', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let name = t.true(_.isString(name)) t.true(name.length >= 2) t.true(name.length <= 30)' ').length, 2) t.true(/[a-zA-Z]+\ [a-zA-Z]+/.test(name)) }) }) test('name() can have the middle name specified', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let name ={ middle: true }) t.true(_.isString(name))' ').length, 3) t.true(/[a-zA-Z]+\ [a-zA-Z]+\ [a-zA-Z]+/.test(name)) }) }) test('name() can have the middle initial specified', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let name ={ middle_initial: true }) t.true(_.isString(name))' ').length, 3) t.true(/[a-zA-Z]+\ [a-zA-Z]\.\ [a-zA-Z]+/.test(name)) }) }) test('name() can have the prefix specified', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let name ={ prefix: true }) t.true(_.isString(name))' ').length, 3) t.true(/[a-zA-Z]{2,4}\.? [a-zA-Z]+\ [a-zA-Z]+/.test(name)) }) }) test('name() can have the suffix specified', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let name ={ suffix: true }) t.true(_.isString(name))' ').length, 3) t.true(/[a-zA-Z]+\ [a-zA-Z]+\ [a-zA-Z\.]+/.test(name)) }) }) // chance.name_prefix() test('name_prefix() returns a random prefix', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let prefix = chance.name_prefix() t.true(_.isString(prefix)) t.true(prefix.length < 5) }) }) test('name_prefix() returns a correctly gendered prefix', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let prefix = chance.name_prefix({ gender: 'female' }) t.not(prefix, 'Mr.') prefix = chance.name_prefix({ gender: 'male' }) t.not(prefix, 'Mrs.') t.not(prefix, 'Miss') }) }) test('name_prefix() can return a full prefix', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let prefix = chance.name_prefix({ full: true }) t.true(_.isString(prefix)) t.true(prefix.length > 3) }) }) // chance.name_suffix() test('name_suffix() returns a random suffix', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let suffix = chance.name_suffix() t.true(_.isString(suffix)) t.true(suffix.length < 7) }) }) test('name_suffix() can return a full suffix', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let suffix = chance.name_suffix({ full: true }) t.true(_.isString(suffix)) t.true(suffix.length > 5) }) }) // chance.nationality() test('nationality() returns a nationality that looks right', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let nationality = chance.nationality() t.true(_.isString(nationality)) t.true(nationality.length > 3) t.true(nationality.length < 26) }) }) // chance.profession() test('profession() returns a random profession', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let profession = chance.profession() t.true(_.isString(profession)) t.true(profession.length > 3) }) }) test('profession() returns a ranked profession', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let profession = chance.profession({ rank: true }) t.true(_.isString(profession)) t.true(profession.split(' ').length > 1) t.true(/(Apprentice|Junior|Senior|Lead)/.test(profession.split(' ')[0])) }) }) // chance.ssn() test('ssn() returns a random social security number', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let ssn = chance.ssn() t.true(_.isString(ssn)) t.true(/^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/m.test(ssn)), 11) }) }) test('ssn() can return just the last 4', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let ssn = chance.ssn({ ssnFour: true }) t.true(_.isString(ssn)) t.true(/^\d{4}$/m.test(ssn)), 4) }) }) // chance.aadhar() test('aadhar() returns a random aadhar number with whitespace as separator', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let aadhar = chance.aadhar() t.true(_.isString(aadhar)) t.true(/^\d{4}\s\d{4}\s\d{4}$/m.test(aadhar)), 14) }) }) // chance.aadhar({separatedByWhiteSpace : false}) test('aadhar() returns a random aadhar number with no separator', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let aadhar = chance.aadhar({separatedByWhiteSpace : false}) t.true(_.isString(aadhar)) t.true(/^\d{12}$/m.test(aadhar)), 12) }) }) // chance.aadhar({onlyLastFour : true}) test('aadhar() can return just the last 4', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let aadhar = chance.aadhar({ onlyLastFour: true }) t.true(_.isString(aadhar)) t.true(/^\d{4}$/m.test(aadhar)), 4) }) }) // chance.suffix() test('suffix() returns a random suffix', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let suffix = chance.suffix() t.true(_.isString(suffix)) t.true(suffix.length < 7) }) }) test('suffix() returns a full random suffix', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let suffix = chance.suffix({ full: true }) t.true(_.isString(suffix)) t.true(suffix.length > 5) }) }) // chance.mrz() test('mrz() should return a valid passport number', t => { let sample = "P { let mrz = chance.mrz() t.true(_.isString(mrz)), 5), 'P