import test from 'ava' import Chance from '../chance.js' import _ from 'lodash' const chance = new Chance() const timeout = (seconds) => { new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(), seconds) }) } //chance.animal() test('returns an animal', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let animal = chance.animal({ type: "desert" }) t.true(_.isString(animal)) t.true(animal.length >= 2) }) }) test('returns an animal even if type is not specified', t => { _.times(1000, () => { let animal = chance.animal() t.true(_.isString(animal)) t.true(animal.length >= 2) }) }) test('throws an error if the type is not part of the animals object', t => { _.times(1000, () => { const fn = () => chance.animal({ type: "banana" }) t.throws(fn, "Please pick from desert, ocean, grassland, forest, zoo, pets, farm.") }) })