const chalk = require('chalk'); const readline = require("readline"); commands = { exit: () => { console.log("Bye!"); process.exit(); }, help: () => { console.log("LangDetect Shell Help\n\nYou can use this shell to have an interactive access to all the LangDetect features. It can also be used in environments that disallow using a regular command interpreter.\nHere are all the commands you can use on the LangDetect Shell. Do not enter the '" +">") + "' in front, it's just to indicate it is on the LangDetect Shell. Arguments are in " + chalk.cyan("{brackets}") + ", use " + chalk.yellow("\"quotes\"") + " to add spaces in arguments\n\n" +">") + " " + chalk.magenta("status") + "\n Get info about supported languages and training status\n\n" +">") + " " + chalk.magenta("train") + " " + chalk.cyan("{text}") + " " + chalk.cyan("{language}") + "\n Train the system to recognize this " + chalk.cyan("{text}") + " in a specific " + chalk.cyan("{language}") + ".\n " + chalk.cyan("{text}") + " : The text to make it recognize\n " + chalk.cyan("{language}") + " : The language code of one of the supported languages\n\n" +">") + " " + chalk.magenta("detect") + " " + chalk.cyan("{text}") + "\n Make the system analyze this " + chalk.cyan("{text}") + " and get the language.\n " + chalk.cyan("{text}") + " : The text to make it analyze\n\n" +">") + " " + chalk.magenta("learn") + "\n Make the system learn automatically from text files placed in the /train directory.\n") }, status: (args) => { oldv = process.argv; process.argv = [oldv[0], oldv[1], ...args]; try { require("./status"); console.log(chalk.gray("Command succeeded")); } catch (e) { console.log("Command failed")); } delete require.cache[require.resolve("./status")]; process.argv = oldv; }, learn: (args) => { oldv = process.argv; process.argv = [oldv[0], oldv[1], ...args]; try { require("./auto"); console.log(chalk.gray("Command succeeded")); } catch (e) { console.log("Command failed")); } delete require.cache[require.resolve("./auto")]; process.argv = oldv; }, detect: (args) => { oldv = process.argv; process.argv = [oldv[0], oldv[1], ...args]; try { require("./detect"); console.log(chalk.gray("Command succeeded")); } catch (e) { console.log("Command failed")); } delete require.cache[require.resolve("./detect")]; process.argv = oldv; }, train: (args) => { oldv = process.argv; process.argv = [oldv[0], oldv[1], ...args]; try { require("./train"); console.log(chalk.gray("Command succeeded")); } catch (e) { console.log("Command failed")); } delete require.cache[require.resolve("./train")]; process.argv = oldv; }, } function command(data) { items = data.split(/ +(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/g);; cmd = items[0]; items.shift(); args = items; if (typeof commands[cmd] != "function") { console.log(cmd + ": unknown command"); prompt() } else { commands[cmd](args); prompt() } } function prompt() { rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); rl.question("langdetect> "), function(d) { rl.close(); command(d); }); } console.log("Welcome to LangDetect shell! Enter command 'help' for more information.") prompt();