import { ParserState, Context, Flags } from '../common'; import { Token } from '../token'; import { Chars } from '../chars'; import { report, Errors } from '../errors'; import { toHex, advanceChar, fromCodePoint } from './common'; import { CharTypes, CharFlags } from './charClassifier'; // Intentionally negative export const enum Escape { Empty = -1, StrictOctal = -2, EightOrNine = -3, InvalidHex = -4, OutOfRange = -5 } /** * Scan a string token. */ export function scanString(parser: ParserState, context: Context, quote: number): Token { const { index: start } = parser; let ret: string | void = ''; let char = advanceChar(parser); let marker = parser.index; // Consumes the quote while ((CharTypes[char] & CharFlags.LineTerminator) === 0) { if (char === quote) { ret += parser.source.slice(marker, parser.index); advanceChar(parser); // skip closing quote if (context & Context.OptionsRaw) parser.tokenRaw = parser.source.slice(start, parser.index); parser.tokenValue = ret; return Token.StringLiteral; } if ((char & 8) === 8 && char === Chars.Backslash) { ret += parser.source.slice(marker, parser.index); char = advanceChar(parser); if (char < 0x7f || char === Chars.LineSeparator || char === Chars.ParagraphSeparator) { const code = parseEscape(parser, context, char); if (code >= 0) ret += fromCodePoint(code); else handleStringError(parser, code as Escape, /* isTemplate */ 0); } else { ret += fromCodePoint(char); } marker = parser.index + 1; } if (parser.index >= parser.end) report(parser, Errors.UnterminatedString); char = advanceChar(parser); } report(parser, Errors.UnterminatedString); } // TODO! Use table lookup export function parseEscape(parser: ParserState, context: Context, first: number): number { switch (first) { // // one of ' " \ b f n r t v case Chars.LowerB: return Chars.Backspace; case Chars.LowerF: return Chars.FormFeed; case Chars.LowerR: return Chars.CarriageReturn; case Chars.LowerN: return Chars.LineFeed; case Chars.LowerT: return Chars.Tab; case Chars.LowerV: return Chars.VerticalTab; // Line continuations case Chars.CarriageReturn: { if (parser.index < parser.end) { const nextChar = parser.source.charCodeAt(parser.index + 1); if (nextChar === Chars.LineFeed) { parser.index = parser.index + 1; parser.currentChar = nextChar; } } } // falls through case Chars.LineFeed: case Chars.LineSeparator: case Chars.ParagraphSeparator: parser.column = -1; parser.line++; return Escape.Empty; // Null character, octals case Chars.Zero: case Chars.One: case Chars.Two: case Chars.Three: { let code = first - Chars.Zero; let index = parser.index + 1; let column = parser.column + 1; if (index < parser.end) { const next = parser.source.charCodeAt(index); if ((CharTypes[next] & CharFlags.Octal) === 0) { // Verify that it's `\0` if we're in strict mode. if ((code !== 0 || CharTypes[next] & CharFlags.ImplicitOctalDigits) && context & Context.Strict) return Escape.StrictOctal; } else if (context & Context.Strict) { return Escape.StrictOctal; } else { parser.currentChar = next; code = (code << 3) | (next - Chars.Zero); index++; column++; if (index < parser.end) { const next = parser.source.charCodeAt(index); if (CharTypes[next] & CharFlags.Octal) { parser.currentChar = next; code = (code << 3) | (next - Chars.Zero); index++; column++; } } parser.flags |= Flags.Octals; parser.index = index - 1; parser.column = column - 1; } } return code; } case Chars.Four: case Chars.Five: case Chars.Six: case Chars.Seven: { if (context & Context.Strict) return Escape.StrictOctal; let code = first - Chars.Zero; const index = parser.index + 1; const column = parser.column + 1; if (index < parser.end) { const next = parser.source.charCodeAt(index); if (CharTypes[next] & CharFlags.Octal) { code = (code << 3) | (next - Chars.Zero); parser.currentChar = next; parser.index = index; parser.column = column; } } parser.flags |= Flags.Octals; return code; } // HexEscapeSequence // \x HexDigit HexDigit case Chars.LowerX: { const ch1 = advanceChar(parser); if ((CharTypes[ch1] & CharFlags.Hex) === 0) return Escape.InvalidHex; const hi = toHex(ch1); const ch2 = advanceChar(parser); if ((CharTypes[ch2] & CharFlags.Hex) === 0) return Escape.InvalidHex; const lo = toHex(ch2); return (hi << 4) | lo; } // UnicodeEscapeSequence // \u HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit // \u { HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit ... } case Chars.LowerU: { const ch = advanceChar(parser); if (parser.currentChar === Chars.LeftBrace) { let code = 0; while ((CharTypes[advanceChar(parser)] & CharFlags.Hex) !== 0) { code = (code << 4) | toHex(parser.currentChar); if (code > Chars.NonBMPMax) return Escape.OutOfRange; } if (parser.currentChar < 1 || (parser.currentChar as number) !== Chars.RightBrace) { return Escape.InvalidHex; } return code; } else { if ((CharTypes[ch] & CharFlags.Hex) === 0) return Escape.InvalidHex; // first one is mandatory const ch2 = parser.source.charCodeAt(parser.index + 1); if ((CharTypes[ch2] & CharFlags.Hex) === 0) return Escape.InvalidHex; const ch3 = parser.source.charCodeAt(parser.index + 2); if ((CharTypes[ch3] & CharFlags.Hex) === 0) return Escape.InvalidHex; const ch4 = parser.source.charCodeAt(parser.index + 3); if ((CharTypes[ch4] & CharFlags.Hex) === 0) return Escape.InvalidHex; parser.index += 3; parser.column += 3; parser.currentChar = parser.source.charCodeAt(parser.index); return (toHex(ch) << 12) | (toHex(ch2) << 8) | (toHex(ch3) << 4) | toHex(ch4); } } // `8`, `9` (invalid escapes) case Chars.Eight: case Chars.Nine: if ((context & Context.OptionsWebCompat) === 0) return Escape.EightOrNine; default: return first; } } export function handleStringError(state: ParserState, code: Escape, isTemplate: 0 | 1): void { switch (code) { case Escape.Empty: return; case Escape.StrictOctal: report(state, isTemplate ? Errors.TemplateOctalLiteral : Errors.StrictOctalEscape); case Escape.EightOrNine: report(state, Errors.InvalidEightAndNine); case Escape.InvalidHex: report(state, Errors.InvalidHexEscapeSequence); case Escape.OutOfRange: report(state, Errors.UnicodeOverflow); default: } }