import { Token } from '../token'; import { Chars } from '../chars'; import { ParserState, Flags } from '../common'; import { unicodeLookup } from '../unicode'; import { report, Errors } from '../errors'; export const enum LexerState { None = 0, NewLine = 1 << 0, LastIsCR = 1 << 2 } export const enum NumberKind { ImplicitOctal = 1 << 0, Binary = 1 << 1, Octal = 1 << 2, Hex = 1 << 3, Decimal = 1 << 4, NonOctalDecimal = 1 << 5, Float = 1 << 6, ValidBigIntKind = 1 << 7, DecimalNumberKind = Decimal | NonOctalDecimal } /** * Advances this lexer's current index. * * @param parser The parser instance */ export function advanceChar(parser: ParserState): number { parser.column++; return (parser.currentChar = parser.source.charCodeAt(++parser.index)); } /** * Consumes multi unit code point * * @param parser The parser instance * @param hi Code point to validate */ export function consumeMultiUnitCodePoint(parser: ParserState, hi: number): 0 | 1 { // See: if ((hi & 0xfc00) !== Chars.LeadSurrogateMin) return 0; const lo = parser.source.charCodeAt(parser.index + 1); if ((lo & 0xfc00) !== 0xdc00) return 0; hi = parser.currentChar = Chars.NonBMPMin + ((hi & 0x3ff) << 10) + (lo & 0x3ff); if (((unicodeLookup[(hi >>> 5) + 0] >>> hi) & 31 & 1) === 0) { report(parser, Errors.IllegalCharacter, fromCodePoint(hi)); } parser.index++; parser.column++; return 1; } /** * Use to consume a line feed instead of `scanNewLine`. */ export function consumeLineFeed(parser: ParserState, state: LexerState): void { parser.currentChar = parser.source.charCodeAt(++parser.index); parser.flags |= Flags.NewLine; if ((state & LexerState.LastIsCR) === 0) { parser.column = 0; parser.line++; } } export function scanNewLine(parser: ParserState): void { parser.flags |= Flags.NewLine; parser.currentChar = parser.source.charCodeAt(++parser.index); parser.column = 0; parser.line++; } // ECMA-262 11.2 White Space // gC=Zs, U+0009, U+000B, U+000C, U+FEFF export function isExoticECMAScriptWhitespace(ch: number): boolean { return ( ch === Chars.NonBreakingSpace || ch === Chars.ZeroWidthNoBreakSpace || ch === Chars.NextLine || ch === Chars.Ogham || (ch >= Chars.EnQuad && ch <= Chars.ZeroWidthSpace) || ch === Chars.NarrowNoBreakSpace || ch === Chars.MathematicalSpace || ch === Chars.IdeographicSpace || ch === Chars.ThinSpace || ch === Chars.ByteOrderMark ); } /** * Optimized version of 'fromCodePoint' * * @param {number} code * @returns {string} */ export function fromCodePoint(codePoint: number): string { return codePoint <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(codePoint) : String.fromCharCode(codePoint >>> 10) + String.fromCharCode(codePoint & 0x3ff); } /** * Converts a value to a hex value * * @param code CodePoint */ export function toHex(code: number): number { return code < Chars.UpperA ? code - Chars.Zero : (code - Chars.UpperA + 10) & 0xf; } /** * Converts a token to a string representation * * @param t Token */ export function convertTokenType(t: Token): string { switch (t) { case Token.NumericLiteral: return 'NumericLiteral'; case Token.StringLiteral: return 'StringLiteral'; case Token.FalseKeyword: case Token.TrueKeyword: return 'BooleanLiteral'; case Token.NullKeyword: return 'NullLiteral'; case Token.RegularExpression: return 'RegularExpression'; case Token.TemplateContinuation: case Token.TemplateSpan: case Token.Template: return 'TemplateLiteral'; default: if ((t & Token.IsIdentifier) === Token.IsIdentifier) return 'Identifier'; if ((t & Token.Keyword) === Token.Keyword) return 'Keyword'; return 'Punctuator'; } }