import { ParserState } from './common'; export const enum Errors { Unexpected, StrictOctalEscape, TemplateOctalLiteral, InvalidPrivateIdentifier, InvalidUnicodeEscapeSequence, InvalidCodePoint, InvalidHexEscapeSequence, StrictDecimalWithLeadingZero, StrictOctalLiteral, ExpectedNumberInRadix, MissingExponent, InvalidBigInt, IDStartAfterNumber, InvalidEightAndNine, UnterminatedString, UnterminatedTemplate, UnterminatedComment, InvalidDynamicUnicode, IllegalCharacter, MissingHexDigits, InvalidImplicitOctals, InvalidStringLT, InvalidEscapeIdentifier, ExpectedToken, CantAssignTo, InvalidLHSAsyncArrow, SuperNoConstructor, InvalidSuperProperty, UnexpectedToken, AwaitInParameter, YieldInParameter, InvalidExponentiationLHS, UnterminatedRegExp, UnexpectedTokenRegExpFlag, DuplicateRegExpFlag, AccessorWrongArgs, BadSetterRestParameter, DeclNoName, StrictFunctionName, RestMissingArg, InvalidGeneratorGetter, InvalidComputedPropName, InvalidGetSetGenerator, InvalidAsyncGetter, InvalidGenMethodShorthand, InvalidLineBreak, InvalidArrowDestructLHS, InvalidBindingDestruct, InvalidAsyncArrow, StaticPrototype, InvalidConstructor, DuplicateConstructor, InvalidIncDecTarget, InvalidIncDecNew, InvalidAssignmentTarget, InvalidRestTrailing, DeclarationMissingInitializer, ForInOfLoopInitializer, ForInOfLoopMultiBindings, InvalidShorthandPropInit, DuplicateProto, InvalidLetBoundName, InvalidNewUnary, IllegalUseStrict, DisallowedLetInStrict, IllegalContinue, IllegalBreak, InvalidLetBracket, InvalidDestructuringTarget, RestDefaultInitializer, InvalidRestNotLast, InvalidRestArg, InvalidRestDefault, StrictFunction, SloppyFunction, WebCompatFunction, ClassForbiddenAsStatement, CantAssignToInOfForLoop, InvalidAssignmentInOfForLoop, InvalidForAwait, InvalidTemplateContinuation, RestrictedLetProduction, UnexpectedLetStrictReserved, InvalidCatchParams, InvalidCatchParamDefault, NoCatchOrFinally, MultipleDefaultsInSwitch, NewlineAfterThrow, StrictWith, IllegalReturn, InvalidForLHSBinding, InvalidNewTarget, InvalidEscapedKeyword, MissingPrivateIdentifier, DisallowedInContext, AwaitOutsideAsync, InvalidStrictLet, InvalidLetConstBinding, InvalidLetClassName, KeywordNotId, InvalidImportExportSloppy, UnicodeOverflow, InvalidExportImportSource, InvalidKeywordAsAlias, InvalidDefaultImport, TrailingDecorators, GeneratorConstructor, AwaitOrYieldIdentInModule, HtmlCommentInWebCompat, StrictInvalidLetInExprPos, NotAssignableLetArgs, ForOfLet, InvalidInvokedBlockBodyArrow, InvalidAccessedBlockBodyArrow, UnexpectedStrictReserved, StrictEvalArguments, InvalidDecoratorSemicolon, StrictDelete, InvalidPatternTail, AsyncFunctionInSingleStatementContext, InvalidTernaryYield, InvalidArrowPostfix, InvalidObjLitKeyStar, DeletePrivateField, InvalidStaticClassFieldConstructor, InvalidClassFieldConstructor, InvalidClassFieldArgEval, InvalidGeneratorFunction, AsyncRestrictedProd, UnexpectedCharAfterObjLit, InvalidObjLitKey, InvalidKeyToken, LabelRedeclaration, InvalidNestedStatement, UnknownLabel, InvalidImportTail, ImportNotOneArg, InvalidImportNew, InvalidSpreadInImport, UncompleteArrow, DuplicateBinding, DuplicateExportBinding, UndeclaredExportedBinding, UnexpectedPrivateField, DuplicateLetConstBinding, CantAssignToValidRHS, ContinuousNumericSeparator, TrailingNumericSeparator, InvalidJSXAttributeValue, ExpectedJSXClosingTag, AdjacentJSXElements, InvalidNonEmptyJSXExpr, DuplicateIdentifier, ShadowedCatchClause, InvalidDotProperty, UnclosedSpreadElement, CatchWithoutTry, FinallyWithoutTry, UnCorrespondingFragmentTag, InvalidCoalescing, OptionalChainingNoTemplate, OptionalChainingNoSuper, OptionalChainingNoNew, ImportMetaOutsideModule, InvalidLeadingDecorator } export const errorMessages: { [key: string]: string; } = { [Errors.Unexpected]: 'Unexpected token', [Errors.UnexpectedToken]: "Unexpected token: '%0'", [Errors.StrictOctalEscape]: 'Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode', [Errors.TemplateOctalLiteral]: 'Octal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings', [Errors.InvalidPrivateIdentifier]: 'Unexpected token `#`', [Errors.InvalidUnicodeEscapeSequence]: 'Illegal Unicode escape sequence', [Errors.InvalidCodePoint]: 'Invalid code point %0', [Errors.InvalidHexEscapeSequence]: 'Invalid hexadecimal escape sequence', [Errors.StrictOctalLiteral]: 'Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode', [Errors.StrictDecimalWithLeadingZero]: 'Decimal integer literals with a leading zero are forbidden in strict mode', [Errors.ExpectedNumberInRadix]: 'Expected number in radix %0', [Errors.CantAssignToValidRHS]: 'Invalid left-hand side assignment to a destructible right-hand side', [Errors.MissingExponent]: 'Non-number found after exponent indicator', [Errors.InvalidBigInt]: 'Invalid BigIntLiteral', [Errors.IDStartAfterNumber]: 'No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal', [Errors.InvalidEightAndNine]: 'Escapes \\8 or \\9 are not syntactically valid escapes', [Errors.UnterminatedString]: 'Unterminated string literal', [Errors.UnterminatedTemplate]: 'Unterminated template literal', [Errors.UnterminatedComment]: 'Multiline comment was not closed properly', [Errors.InvalidDynamicUnicode]: 'The identifier contained dynamic unicode escape that was not closed', [Errors.IllegalCharacter]: "Illegal character '%0'", [Errors.MissingHexDigits]: 'Missing hexadecimal digits', [Errors.InvalidImplicitOctals]: 'Invalid implicit octal', [Errors.InvalidStringLT]: 'Invalid line break in string literal', [Errors.InvalidEscapeIdentifier]: 'Only unicode escapes are legal in identifier names', [Errors.ExpectedToken]: "Expected '%0'", [Errors.CantAssignTo]: 'Invalid left-hand side in assignment', [Errors.InvalidLHSAsyncArrow]: 'Invalid left-hand side in async arrow', [Errors.SuperNoConstructor]: 'Calls to super must be in the "constructor" method of a class expression or class declaration that has a superclass', [Errors.InvalidSuperProperty]: 'Member access on super must be in a method', [Errors.AwaitInParameter]: 'Await expression not allowed in formal parameter', [Errors.YieldInParameter]: 'Yield expression not allowed in formal parameter', [Errors.InvalidEscapedKeyword]: "Unexpected token: 'escaped keyword'", [Errors.InvalidExponentiationLHS]: 'Unary expressions as the left operand of an exponentiation expression must be disambiguated with parentheses', [Errors.AsyncFunctionInSingleStatementContext]: 'Async functions can only be declared at the top level or inside a block', [Errors.UnterminatedRegExp]: 'Unterminated regular expression', [Errors.UnexpectedTokenRegExpFlag]: 'Unexpected regular expression flag', [Errors.DuplicateRegExpFlag]: "Duplicate regular expression flag '%0'", [Errors.AccessorWrongArgs]: '%0 functions must have exactly %1 argument%2', [Errors.BadSetterRestParameter]: 'Setter function argument must not be a rest parameter', [Errors.DeclNoName]: '%0 declaration must have a name in this context', [Errors.StrictFunctionName]: 'Function name may not contain any reserved words or be eval or arguments in strict mode', [Errors.RestMissingArg]: 'The rest operator is missing an argument', [Errors.InvalidGeneratorGetter]: 'A getter cannot be a generator', [Errors.InvalidComputedPropName]: 'A computed property name must be followed by a colon or paren', [Errors.InvalidObjLitKey]: 'Object literal keys that are strings or numbers must be a method or have a colon', [Errors.InvalidAsyncGetter]: 'Found `* async x(){}` but this should be `async * x(){}`', [Errors.InvalidGetSetGenerator]: 'Getters and setters can not be generators', [Errors.InvalidGenMethodShorthand]: "'%0' can not be generator method", [Errors.InvalidLineBreak]: "No line break is allowed after '=>'", [Errors.InvalidArrowDestructLHS]: 'The left-hand side of the arrow can only be destructed through assignment', [Errors.InvalidBindingDestruct]: 'The binding declaration is not destructible', [Errors.InvalidAsyncArrow]: 'Async arrow can not be followed by new expression', [Errors.StaticPrototype]: "Classes may not have a static property named 'prototype'", [Errors.InvalidConstructor]: 'Class constructor may not be a %0', [Errors.DuplicateConstructor]: 'Duplicate constructor method in class', [Errors.InvalidIncDecTarget]: 'Invalid increment/decrement operand', [Errors.InvalidIncDecNew]: 'Invalid use of `new` keyword on an increment/decrement expression', [Errors.InvalidAssignmentTarget]: '`=>` is an invalid assignment target', [Errors.InvalidRestTrailing]: 'Rest element may not have a trailing comma', [Errors.DeclarationMissingInitializer]: 'Missing initializer in %0 declaration', [Errors.ForInOfLoopInitializer]: "'for-%0' loop head declarations can not have an initializer", [Errors.ForInOfLoopMultiBindings]: 'Invalid left-hand side in for-%0 loop: Must have a single binding', [Errors.InvalidShorthandPropInit]: 'Invalid shorthand property initializer', [Errors.DuplicateProto]: 'Property name __proto__ appears more than once in object literal', [Errors.InvalidLetBoundName]: 'Let is disallowed as a lexically bound name', [Errors.InvalidNewUnary]: "Invalid use of '%0' inside new expression", [Errors.IllegalUseStrict]: "Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list", [Errors.DisallowedLetInStrict]: 'Identifier "let" disallowed as left-hand side expression in strict mode', [Errors.IllegalContinue]: 'Illegal continue statement', [Errors.IllegalBreak]: 'Illegal break statement', [Errors.InvalidLetBracket]: 'Cannot have `let[...]` as a var name in strict mode', [Errors.InvalidDestructuringTarget]: 'Invalid destructuring assignment target', [Errors.RestDefaultInitializer]: 'Rest parameter may not have a default initializer', [Errors.InvalidRestNotLast]: 'The rest argument must the be last parameter', [Errors.InvalidRestArg]: 'Invalid rest argument', [Errors.StrictFunction]: 'In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or inside a block', [Errors.SloppyFunction]: 'In non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, inside a block, or as the body of an if statement', [Errors.WebCompatFunction]: 'Without web compatibility enabled functions can not be declared at top level, inside a block, or as the body of an if statement', [Errors.ClassForbiddenAsStatement]: "Class declaration can't appear in single-statement context", [Errors.CantAssignToInOfForLoop]: 'Invalid left-hand side in for-%0', [Errors.InvalidAssignmentInOfForLoop]: 'Invalid assignment in for-%0', [Errors.InvalidForAwait]: 'for await (... of ...) is only valid in async functions and async generators', [Errors.InvalidTemplateContinuation]: 'The first token after the template expression should be a continuation of the template', [Errors.UnexpectedLetStrictReserved]: '`let` declaration not allowed here and `let` cannot be a regular var name in strict mode', [Errors.RestrictedLetProduction]: '`let \n [` is a restricted production at the start of a statement', [Errors.InvalidCatchParams]: 'Catch clause requires exactly one parameter, not more (and no trailing comma)', [Errors.InvalidCatchParamDefault]: 'Catch clause parameter does not support default values', [Errors.NoCatchOrFinally]: 'Missing catch or finally after try', [Errors.MultipleDefaultsInSwitch]: 'More than one default clause in switch statement', [Errors.NewlineAfterThrow]: 'Illegal newline after throw', [Errors.StrictWith]: 'Strict mode code may not include a with statement', [Errors.IllegalReturn]: 'Illegal return statement', [Errors.InvalidForLHSBinding]: 'The left hand side of the for-header binding declaration is not destructible', [Errors.InvalidNewTarget]: ' only allowed within functions', [Errors.MissingPrivateIdentifier]: "'#' not followed by identifier", [Errors.KeywordNotId]: 'Invalid keyword', [Errors.InvalidLetClassName]: "Can not use 'let' as a class name", [Errors.InvalidLetConstBinding]: "'A lexical declaration can't define a 'let' binding", [Errors.InvalidStrictLet]: 'Can not use `let` as variable name in strict mode', [Errors.DisallowedInContext]: "'%0' may not be used as an identifier in this context", [Errors.AwaitOutsideAsync]: 'Await is only valid in async functions', [Errors.InvalidImportExportSloppy]: 'The %0 keyword can only be used with the module goal', [Errors.UnicodeOverflow]: 'Unicode codepoint must not be greater than 0x10FFFF', [Errors.InvalidExportImportSource]: '%0 source must be string', [Errors.InvalidKeywordAsAlias]: 'Only a identifier can be used to indicate alias', [Errors.InvalidDefaultImport]: "Only '*' or '{...}' can be imported after default", [Errors.TrailingDecorators]: 'Trailing decorator may be followed by method', [Errors.GeneratorConstructor]: "Decorators can't be used with a constructor", [Errors.HtmlCommentInWebCompat]: 'HTML comments are only allowed with web compatibility (Annex B)', [Errors.StrictInvalidLetInExprPos]: "The identifier 'let' must not be in expression position in strict mode", [Errors.NotAssignableLetArgs]: 'Cannot assign to `eval` and `arguments` in strict mode', [Errors.ForOfLet]: "The left-hand side of a for-of loop may not start with 'let'", [Errors.InvalidInvokedBlockBodyArrow]: 'Block body arrows can not be immediately invoked without a group', [Errors.InvalidAccessedBlockBodyArrow]: 'Block body arrows can not be immediately accessed without a group', [Errors.UnexpectedStrictReserved]: 'Unexpected strict mode reserved word', [Errors.StrictEvalArguments]: 'Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode', [Errors.InvalidDecoratorSemicolon]: 'Decorators must not be followed by a semicolon', [Errors.StrictDelete]: 'Calling delete on expression not allowed in strict mode', [Errors.InvalidPatternTail]: 'Pattern can not have a tail', [Errors.InvalidTernaryYield]: 'Can not have a `yield` expression on the left side of a ternary', [Errors.InvalidArrowPostfix]: 'An arrow function can not have a postfix update operator', [Errors.InvalidObjLitKeyStar]: 'Invalid object literal key character after generator star', [Errors.DeletePrivateField]: 'Private fields can not be deleted', [Errors.InvalidClassFieldConstructor]: 'Classes may not have a field called constructor', [Errors.InvalidStaticClassFieldConstructor]: 'Classes may not have a private element named constructor', [Errors.InvalidClassFieldArgEval]: 'A class field initializer may not contain arguments', [Errors.InvalidGeneratorFunction]: 'Generators can only be declared at the top level or inside a block', [Errors.AsyncRestrictedProd]: 'Async methods are a restricted production and cannot have a newline following it', [Errors.UnexpectedCharAfterObjLit]: 'Unexpected character after object literal property name', [Errors.InvalidKeyToken]: 'Invalid key token', [Errors.LabelRedeclaration]: "Label '%0' has already been declared", [Errors.InvalidNestedStatement]: 'continue statement must be nested within an iteration statement', [Errors.UnknownLabel]: "Undefined label '%0'", [Errors.InvalidImportTail]: 'Trailing comma is disallowed inside import(...) arguments', [Errors.ImportNotOneArg]: 'import() requires exactly one argument', [Errors.InvalidImportNew]: 'Cannot use new with import(...)', [Errors.InvalidSpreadInImport]: '... is not allowed in import()', [Errors.UncompleteArrow]: "Expected '=>'", [Errors.DuplicateBinding]: "Duplicate binding '%0'", [Errors.DuplicateExportBinding]: "Cannot export a duplicate name '%0'", [Errors.DuplicateLetConstBinding]: 'Duplicate %0 for-binding', [Errors.UndeclaredExportedBinding]: "Exported binding '%0' needs to refer to a top-level declared variable", [Errors.UnexpectedPrivateField]: 'Unexpected private field', [Errors.TrailingNumericSeparator]: 'Numeric separators are not allowed at the end of numeric literals', [Errors.ContinuousNumericSeparator]: 'Only one underscore is allowed as numeric separator', [Errors.InvalidJSXAttributeValue]: 'JSX value should be either an expression or a quoted JSX text', [Errors.ExpectedJSXClosingTag]: 'Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for %0', [Errors.AdjacentJSXElements]: 'Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag', [Errors.InvalidNonEmptyJSXExpr]: "JSX attributes must only be assigned a non-empty 'expression'", [Errors.DuplicateIdentifier]: "'%0' has already been declared", [Errors.ShadowedCatchClause]: "'%0' shadowed a catch clause binding", [Errors.InvalidDotProperty]: 'Dot property must be an identifier', [Errors.UnclosedSpreadElement]: 'Encountered invalid input after spread/rest argument', [Errors.CatchWithoutTry]: 'Catch without try', [Errors.FinallyWithoutTry]: 'Finally without try', [Errors.UnCorrespondingFragmentTag]: 'Expected corresponding closing tag for JSX fragment', [Errors.InvalidCoalescing]: 'Coalescing and logical operators used together in the same expression must be disambiguated with parentheses', [Errors.OptionalChainingNoTemplate]: 'Invalid tagged template on optional chain', [Errors.OptionalChainingNoSuper]: 'Invalid optional chain from super property', [Errors.OptionalChainingNoNew]: 'Invalid optional chain from new expression', [Errors.ImportMetaOutsideModule]: 'Cannot use "import.meta" outside a module', [Errors.InvalidLeadingDecorator]: 'Leading decorators must be attached to a class declaration' }; export class ParseError extends SyntaxError { public loc: { line: ParseError['line']; column: ParseError['column']; }; public index: number; public line: number; public column: number; public description: string; /*eslint-disable*/ constructor(startindex: number, line: number, column: number, type: Errors, ...params: string[]) { const message = '[' + line + ':' + column + ']: ' + errorMessages[type].replace(/%(\d+)/g, (_: string, i: number) => params[i]); super(`${message}`); this.index = startindex; this.line = line; this.column = column; this.description = message; /* Acorn compat */ this.loc = { line, column } as any; } } /** * Throws an error * * @export * @param {ParserState} state * @param {Errors} type * @param {...string[]} params * @returns {never} */ export function report(parser: ParserState, type: Errors, ...params: string[]): never { throw new ParseError(parser.index, parser.line, parser.column, type, ...params); } export function reportScopeError(scope: any): never { throw new ParseError(scope.index, scope.line, scope.column, scope.type, scope.params); } /** * Throws an error at a given position * * @export * @param {ParserState} state * @param {number} index * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @param {Errors} type * @param {...string[]} params */ export function reportMessageAt(index: number, line: number, column: number, type: Errors, ...params: string[]): never { throw new ParseError(index, line, column, type, ...params); } /** * Throws an error at a given position * * @export * @param {ParserState} state * @param {number} index * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @param {Errors} type */ export function reportScannerError(index: number, line: number, column: number, type: Errors): never { throw new ParseError(index, line, column, type); }