import {Readable as ReadableStream} from 'stream';
declare namespace fileType {
type FileType =
| 'jpg'
| 'png'
| 'gif'
| 'webp'
| 'flif'
| 'cr2'
| 'orf'
| 'arw'
| 'dng'
| 'nef'
| 'tif'
| 'bmp'
| 'jxr'
| 'psd'
| 'zip'
| 'tar'
| 'rar'
| 'gz'
| 'bz2'
| '7z'
| 'dmg'
| 'mp4'
| 'mid'
| 'mkv'
| 'webm'
| 'mov'
| 'avi'
| 'wmv'
| 'mpg'
| 'mp2'
| 'mp3'
| 'm4a'
| 'ogg'
| 'opus'
| 'flac'
| 'wav'
| 'qcp'
| 'amr'
| 'pdf'
| 'epub'
| 'mobi'
| 'exe'
| 'swf'
| 'rtf'
| 'woff'
| 'woff2'
| 'eot'
| 'ttf'
| 'otf'
| 'ico'
| 'flv'
| 'ps'
| 'xz'
| 'sqlite'
| 'nes'
| 'crx'
| 'xpi'
| 'cab'
| 'deb'
| 'ar'
| 'rpm'
| 'Z'
| 'lz'
| 'msi'
| 'mxf'
| 'mts'
| 'wasm'
| 'blend'
| 'bpg'
| 'docx'
| 'pptx'
| 'xlsx'
| '3gp'
| '3g2'
| 'jp2'
| 'jpm'
| 'jpx'
| 'mj2'
| 'aif'
| 'odt'
| 'ods'
| 'odp'
| 'xml'
| 'heic'
| 'cur'
| 'ktx'
| 'ape'
| 'wv'
| 'asf'
| 'wma'
| 'wmv'
| 'dcm'
| 'mpc'
| 'ics'
| 'glb'
| 'pcap'
| 'dsf'
| 'lnk'
| 'alias'
| 'voc'
| 'ac3'
| 'm4a'
| 'm4b'
| 'm4p'
| 'm4v'
| 'f4a'
| 'f4b'
| 'f4p'
| 'f4v';
interface FileTypeResult {
One of the supported [file types](https://github.com/sindresorhus/file-type#supported-file-types).
ext: FileType;
The detected [MIME type](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type).
mime: string;
type ReadableStreamWithFileType = ReadableStream & {
readonly fileType?: FileTypeResult;
declare const fileType: {
Detect the file type of a `Buffer`/`Uint8Array`/`ArrayBuffer`. The file type is detected by checking the [magic number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#Magic_numbers_in_files) of the buffer.
@param buffer - It only needs the first `.minimumBytes` bytes. The exception is detection of `docx`, `pptx`, and `xlsx` which potentially requires reading the whole file.
@returns The detected file type and MIME type or `undefined` when there was no match.
import readChunk = require('read-chunk');
import fileType = require('file-type');
const buffer = readChunk.sync('unicorn.png', 0, fileType.minimumBytes);
//=> {ext: 'png', mime: 'image/png'}
// Or from a remote location:
import * as http from 'http';
const url = 'https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif';
http.get(url, response => {
response.on('readable', () => {
const chunk = response.read(fileType.minimumBytes);
//=> {ext: 'gif', mime: 'image/gif'}
(buffer: Buffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer): fileType.FileTypeResult | undefined;
The minimum amount of bytes needed to detect a file type. Currently, it's 4100 bytes, but it can change, so don't hard-code it.
readonly minimumBytes: number;
Detect the file type of a readable stream.
@param readableStream - A readable stream containing a file to examine, see: [`stream.Readable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_readable).
@returns A `Promise` which resolves to the original readable stream argument, but with an added `fileType` property, which is an object like the one returned from `fileType()`.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import fileType = require('file-type');
(async () => {
const read = fs.createReadStream('encrypted.enc');
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(alg, key, iv);
const stream = await fileType.stream(read.pipe(decipher));
//=> {ext: 'mov', mime: 'video/quicktime'}
const write = fs.createWriteStream(`decrypted.${stream.fileType.ext}`);
readonly stream: (
readableStream: ReadableStream
) => Promise;
export = fileType;