const ServerPort = 8408; const AllowMods = false; const _version = require('./package.json').version; const Net = require('net'); const clients = {}; class MessageBuffer { constructor(delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter this.buffer = "" } isFinished() { return this.buffer.length === 0 || this.buffer.indexOf(this.delimiter) === -1; } push(data) { this.buffer += data } getMessage() { const delimiterIndex = this.buffer.indexOf(this.delimiter) if (delimiterIndex !== -1) { const message = this.buffer.slice(0, delimiterIndex) this.buffer = this.buffer.replace(message + this.delimiter, "") return message } return null } handleData() { /** * Try to accumulate the buffer with messages * * If the server isnt sending delimiters for some reason * then nothing will ever come back for these requests */ const message = this.getMessage() return message } } class KartikError extends Error { constructor(message, type) { super(message); = "KartikError"; this.ktype = type; } } const server = new Net.Server(); server.on('connection', (socket) => { socket.connectionId = "ird-" + (Math.random().toString().split(".")[1] + Math.random().toString().split(".")[1]).substr(0, 4); while (Object.keys(clients).includes(socket.connectionId)) { socket.connectionId = "ird-" + (Math.random().toString().split(".")[1] + Math.random().toString().split(".")[1]).substr(0, 4); } socket.linkedTo = null; clients[socket.connectionId] = socket; console.log("New connection " + socket.connectionId + " (" + socket.remoteAddress + ")") if (Object.keys(clients).length > 280) { socket.write(JSON.stringify( { _type: "init", name: "Kartik Server", version: _version + "-iridium", id: socket.connectionId, modded: null } ) + "\n") socket.write(JSON.stringify({ _type: "error", message: "Game server is full, please try again later", type: "E_IRIDIUM_FULL" }) + "\n") return; } socket.write(JSON.stringify( { _type: "init", name: "Kartik Server", version: _version + "-iridium", id: socket.connectionId, modded: null } ) + "\n") setTimeout(() => { try { if (socket.linkedTo === null) { throw new KartikError("Linking timed out", "E_IRIDIUM_LINKTO"); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); if ( !== "KartikError") { e.ktype = "E_SYSTEM_" +"ERROR").join(""); } socket.write(JSON.stringify({ _type: "error", message: e.message, type: e.ktype }) + "\n") socket.end(); } }, 180000) let received = new MessageBuffer("\n") socket.on("data", data => { received.push(data) while (!received.isFinished()) { const chunk = received.handleData() try { raw = chunk.toString().split("}{").join("}|{"); datas = raw.split("|").filter(i => i.trim() !== ""); datas.forEach((data) => { try { info = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { throw e; } if (data.length > 1200) { throw new KartikError("Payload too large", "E_IRIDIUM_PLSIZE"); } if (typeof info['_type'] != "string") { throw new KartikError("Payload syntax error", "E_IRIDIUM_PLSYNTAX"); } if (!socket.initialized) { switch (info['_type']) { case "init": if (info['name'] !== "Kartik Core") { throw new KartikError("Client brand not supported", "E_IRIDIUM_BRAND"); } if (!info.modded) { console.log("Connection initialized. Client running " + + " version " + info.version + ", official client"); } else { console.log("Connection initialized. Client running " + + " version " + info.version + ", MODDED client"); if (!AllowMods) { console.log("Modded clients are not accepted"); socket.end(); } } socket.initialized = true; break; default: throw new KartikError("Payload received too early", "E_IRIDIUM_PLEARLY"); } } else { switch (info['_type']) { case "init": throw new KartikError("Initialization already completed", "E_IRIDIUM_REINIT"); case "ping": socket.write(JSON.stringify( { _type: "pong", } ) + "\n") break; case "link": if (typeof info['client'] !== "string" || isNaN(parseInt(info['client'], 36))) { throw new KartikError("Invalid initial payload data", "E_IRIDIUM_PLINIT"); } if (typeof clients[info['client']] === "undefined") { throw new KartikError("No such client", "E_IRIDIUM_NOTFOUND"); } if (clients[info['client']].linkedTo === null) { socket.linkedTo = clients[info['client']]; clients[info['client']].linkedTo = socket; socket.linkedTo.role = "host"; socket.linkedTo.write(JSON.stringify( { _type: "linked", role: "host", ids: { host: socket.linkedTo.connectionId, guest: socket.connectionId } } ) + "\n") socket.role = "guest"; socket.write(JSON.stringify( { _type: "linked", role: "guest", ids: { host: socket.linkedTo.connectionId, guest: socket.connectionId } } ) + "\n") console.log("Link created: (H) " + socket.connectionId + " <-> " + socket.linkedTo.connectionId + " (G)") } else { throw new KartikError("Client is already linked", "E_IRIDIUM_ALLOC") } break; default: if (socket.linkedTo === null) { throw new KartikError("Client is not linked", "E_IRIDIUM_ROUTING"); } else { socket.linkedTo.write(JSON.stringify(info).split("<").join("-").split(">").join("-") + "\n"); } } } }) } catch (e) { if ( !== "KartikError") { console.error(e); e.ktype = "E_SYSTEM_" +"ERROR").join(""); } else { console.error(e.ktype + ": " + e.message) } socket.write(JSON.stringify({ _type: "error", message: e.message.split("<").join("-").split(">").join("-"), type: e.ktype.split("<").join("-").split(">").join("-") }) + "\n") socket.end(); } } }) socket.on('error', (err) => { console.error(err); try { if (err.code === "ECONNRESET") { try { socket.linkedTo.end(); } catch (e) { console.log("Cannot end other client's session"); } } } catch (e) { console.log("Cannot check if connection reset") } }) socket.on('end', (chunk) => { console.log("Connection from " + socket.connectionId + " closed"); if (socket.linkedTo !== null) { if (socket.role === "guest") { console.log("Link broken: (H) " + socket.linkedTo.connectionId + " <-> " + socket.connectionId + " (G)"); } else { console.log("Link broken: (H) " + socket.connectionId + " <-> " + socket.linkedTo.connectionId + " (G)"); } try { socket.linkedTo.end(); } catch (e) { console.log("Cannot end other client's session"); } } delete clients[socket.connectionId]; }) }) server.listen(ServerPort, () => { console.log("Iridium " + _version + " listening for connections on" + ServerPort) })