global.pingStart = null; global.connecting = false; global.role = null; = true; global.guestInfo = { hostCar: null, guestCar: null, circuit: null, music: null }; global.onlineInitDone = false; function max(input) { if ( !== "[object Array]") return false; return Math.max.apply(null, input); } pingHistory = []; function updatePing(ping) { if (ping < 100000) { document.getElementById('ping').innerText = ping + " ms"; pingHistory.push(ping); while (pingHistory.length > 70) { pingHistory.shift(); } dom = ""; highest = max(pingHistory); pingHistory.forEach((p) => { high = 1 perc = (p/highest)*100 if (ping > 70 && ping < 150) { dom = dom + ``; } else if (ping > 150) { dom = dom + ``; } else { dom = dom + ``; } }) document.getElementById('ping-chart').innerHTML = dom; } } window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.getElementById('credits').style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; document.getElementById('cars-n1').innerText =; document.getElementById('cars-n2').innerText =; class MessageBuffer { constructor(delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter this.buffer = "" } isFinished() { if ( this.buffer.length === 0 || this.buffer.indexOf(this.delimiter) === -1 ) { return true } return false } push(data) { this.buffer += data } getMessage() { const delimiterIndex = this.buffer.indexOf(this.delimiter) if (delimiterIndex !== -1) { const message = this.buffer.slice(0, delimiterIndex) this.buffer = this.buffer.replace(message + this.delimiter, "") return message } return null } handleData() { /** * Try to accumulate the buffer with messages * * If the server isnt sending delimiters for some reason * then nothing will ever come back for these requests */ const message = this.getMessage() return message } } const sampleData = { _type: "init", name: "Kartik Core", version: require('../package.json').version, id: null, modded: false } global.clientWriter = (data) => { client.write(data + "\n"); } function crash(e) { console.error(e); if (!quitting) { location.href = "online.html#" + btoa(; } } var net = require('net'); var host = require('../online/server.json').hostname; var port = require('../online/server.json').port; global.client = new net.Socket(); client.initialized = false; client.connect(port, host, () => { console.log("Connected to " + host + ":" + port); clientWriter(JSON.stringify(sampleData) + "|"); setInterval(() => { if (role === null) { clientWriter(JSON.stringify({ _type: "ping" }) + "|") } else { clientWriter(JSON.stringify({ _type: "ipc", action: "Ping", message: null }) + "|") } global.pingCrash = setTimeout(() => { location.href = "online.html#" + btoa(; }, 10000); global.pingStart = new Date(); }, 1000) }) let received = new MessageBuffer("\n") client.on("data", chunk => { received.push(chunk) while (!received.isFinished()) { const data = received.handleData() raw = data.toString().replaceAll("}{", "}|{"); datas = raw.split("|").filter(i => i.trim() !== ""); datas.forEach((data) => { try { inf = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { console.dir(data); throw e; } if (typeof inf['_type'] != "string") { crash(new Error("Invalid JSON data")); } if (!client.initialized) { switch (inf['_type']) { case "init": if (inf['name'] !== "Kartik Server") { crash(new Error("Invalid server")); } console.log("Connection initialized. Server running " + + " version " + inf.version + ", client ID " +; document.getElementById('yourid').innerText =; document.getElementById('intro').style.display = ""; document.getElementById('connecting').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('loading').style.display = "none"; client.initialized = true; break; case "error": console.log(inf['type'] + ": " + inf['message']); break; default: crash(new Error("Trying to receive data but client not initialized")); break; } } else { switch (inf['_type']) { case "init": crash(new Error("Trying to initialize client but client is already initialized")); break; case "error": console.log(inf['type'] + ": " + inf['message']); location.href = "online.html#" + btoa(inf['type'] + ": " + inf['message']); break; case "linked": console.log("Now hooked into link: (H) " + inf['ids']['host'] + " <-> " + inf['ids']['guest'] + " (G)"); document.getElementById('intro').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('connecting').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('loading').style.display = ""; document.getElementById('loading').innerText =; global.role = inf['role']; if (role === "host") { startHooks.forEach((hook) => { hook(this); }) $("#online-login").fadeOut(200); } break; default: if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "Ping") { clientWriter(JSON.stringify({ _type: "ipc", action: "Pong", message: null }) + "|") return; } if ((inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "Pong") || inf['_type'] === "pong") { pingEnd = new Date(); ping = Math.round(pingEnd - pingStart); global.pingStart = null; clearTimeout(global.pingCrash); updatePing(ping); return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "posTop") { try { document.getElementById('car1') = inf['message']; } catch (e) {} return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "progressLaps") { try { document.getElementById("laps-car1").innerText = inf['message']; } catch (e) {} return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "progressLose") { global.quitting = true; location.href = "win.html?sp#car1"; return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "posLeft") { try { document.getElementById('car1').style.left = inf['message']; } catch (e) {} return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "gameIsReady") { startgame(); return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "abort") { location.href = "online.html#" + btoa(; return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'] === "posRot") { try { document.getElementById('car1').style.transform = inf['message']; } catch (e) {} return; } if (inf['_type'] === "ipc" && inf['action'].startsWith("RaceData:")) { rd = inf['action'].substr(9); switch (rd) { case "hostCar": guestInfo.hostCar = inf['message']; if ( !== null && guestInfo.circuit !== null && guestInfo.guestCar !== null && guestInfo.hostCar !== null && !onlineInitDone) { onlineInitDone = true; startHooks.forEach((hook) => { hook(this); }) $("#online-login").fadeOut(200); } break; case "guestCar": guestInfo.guestCar = inf['message']; if ( !== null && guestInfo.circuit !== null && guestInfo.guestCar !== null && guestInfo.hostCar !== null && !onlineInitDone) { onlineInitDone = true; startHooks.forEach((hook) => { hook(this); }) $("#online-login").fadeOut(200); } break; case "circuit": guestInfo.circuit = inf['message']; if ( !== null && guestInfo.circuit !== null && guestInfo.guestCar !== null && guestInfo.hostCar !== null && !onlineInitDone) { onlineInitDone = true; startHooks.forEach((hook) => { hook(this); }) $("#online-login").fadeOut(200); } break; case "music": = inf['message']; if ( !== null && guestInfo.circuit !== null && guestInfo.guestCar !== null && guestInfo.hostCar !== null && !onlineInitDone) { onlineInitDone = true; startHooks.forEach((hook) => { hook(this); }) $("#online-login").fadeOut(200); } break; } return; } break; } } }) } }) client.on('close', () => { console.log("Kicked from server"); }) client.on('error', (e) => { switch (e.code) { case "ECONNREFUSED": location.href = "online.html#" + btoa(; break; default: location.href = "online.html#" + btoa(; break; } crash(e); }) setInterval(() => { if (pingStart !== null && new Date() - pingStart >= 10000) { location.href = "online.html#" + btoa(; } }, 50) }) function checkOnlineLogin() { document.getElementById('theirid').value = document.getElementById('theirid').value.toUpperCase(); if (/[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890]/gm.test(document.getElementById('theirid').value)) { document.getElementById('theirid').value = ""; } if (document.getElementById('theirid').value.length === 8) { if (document.getElementById('theirid').value === document.getElementById('yourid').innerText) { document.getElementById('theirid').value = ""; } else { if (!connecting) { connecting = true; document.getElementById('intro').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('connecting').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('loading').style.display = ""; console.log("Linking to client " + document.getElementById('theirid').value + "...") clientWriter(JSON.stringify({ _type: "link", client: document.getElementById('theirid').value.toLowerCase() })); } } } } $("#theirid").keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { // esc $("body").fadeOut(200); setTimeout(() => { location.href = "menu.html?back"; }, 250) } })