var notp = require('../index'), t2 = require('thirty-two'), K = '12345678901234567890', b32 = t2.encode(K); console.log('Click on this link to gennerate a QR code, and use Google Authenticator on your phone to read it:'); console.log('' + encodeURIComponent('otpauth://totp/' + b32)); verify(); function verify() { ask('Enter a code to verify', function(code) { if(notp.totp.verify(code, K, {})) { console.log('Success!!!'); } console.log(notp.totp.verify(code, K, {})); verify(); }); } function ask(question, callback) { var stdin = process.stdin, stdout = process.stdout; stdin.resume(); stdout.write(question + ": "); stdin.once('data', function(data) { data = data.toString().trim(); callback(data); }); }