import {PrisbeamApp} from "./PrisbeamApp"; import {PrisbeamImageType} from "libprisbeam"; import * as fs from "node:fs"; import {PrisbeamUtilities} from "./PrisbeamUtilities"; import {shell} from "@electron/remote"; export class PrisbeamAppDisplay { private instance: PrisbeamApp; constructor(app: PrisbeamApp) { this.instance = app; } runUserSort(a: any, b: any) { if ((document.getElementById("sorting") as HTMLInputElement).value === "new") { return new Date(b.first_seen_at).getTime() - new Date(a.first_seen_at).getTime(); } else if ((document.getElementById("sorting") as HTMLInputElement).value === "id") { return -; } else if ((document.getElementById("sorting") as HTMLInputElement).value === "popular") { return b.score - a.score; } else if ((document.getElementById("sorting") as HTMLInputElement).value === "size") { return b.size - a.size; } else if ((document.getElementById("sorting") as HTMLInputElement).value === "duration") { return b.duration - a.duration; } else if ((document.getElementById("sorting") as HTMLInputElement).value === "resolution") { return (b.height * b.width) - (a.height * a.width); } else if ((document.getElementById("sorting") as HTMLInputElement).value === "relevant") { return b.wilson_score - a.wilson_score; } } displayNoResults() { document.getElementById("search-warning").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("pages").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("search-warning").innerHTML = "<b>There are no images matching your request.</b> Make sure the selected rating, filters and search query are correct and try again."; } getThumbnailHTML(i: any) { if (i['representations']['thumb'].endsWith(".webm")) i['representations']['thumb'] = i['representations']['thumb'].substring(0, i['representations']['thumb'].length - 5) + ".gif"; let thumbnail = this.instance.dataStore.database.frontend.getImageFile(i, PrisbeamImageType.ThumbnailURL); // noinspection CssUnknownTarget return ` <div id="image-${}" class=" image${i.tags.includes('safe') ? ' image-safe' : ''} ${i.tags.includes('questionable') ? ' image-questionable' : ''} ${i.tags.includes('suggestive') ? ' image-suggestive' : ''} ${i.tags.includes('explicit') ? ' image-explicit' : ''} ${i.tags.includes('grimdark') ? ' image-grimdark' : ''} " style=" aspect-ratio: 1; background-color: #333; border-radius: 10px; background-position: center; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; cursor: pointer; background-image: url("${thumbnail}"); " onclick="instance.display.openImage('${}')" ></div> `; } filterEnabledRatings(i: any) { return (((document.getElementById("rating-safe") as HTMLInputElement).checked && i.tags.includes("safe")) || ((document.getElementById("rating-suggestive") as HTMLInputElement).checked && i.tags.includes("suggestive")) || ((document.getElementById("rating-questionable") as HTMLInputElement).checked && i.tags.includes("questionable")) || ((document.getElementById("rating-explicit") as HTMLInputElement).checked && i.tags.includes("explicit")) || ((document.getElementById("rating-grimdark") as HTMLInputElement).checked && i.tags.includes("grimdark"))) } getPageNumbers() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let items = _dataStore.currentViewItems; let totalPages = Math.ceil(items.length / 50) + 1; let pageNumbers = []; if ( - 4 > 0) { pageNumbers.push( - 4); pageNumbers.push( - 3); pageNumbers.push( - 2); pageNumbers.push( - 1); } else if ( - 3 > 0) { pageNumbers.push( - 3); pageNumbers.push( - 2); pageNumbers.push( - 1); } else if ( - 2 > 0) { pageNumbers.push( - 2); pageNumbers.push( - 1); } else if ( - 1 > 0) { pageNumbers.push( - 1); } pageNumbers.push(; let i = 0; while (pageNumbers.length < 9) { if ( + i + 1 <= totalPages) { pageNumbers.push( + i + 1); } else { break; } i++; } return pageNumbers; } getPageHTML(page: number) { let length = (Math.ceil(this.instance.dataStore.currentViewItems.length / 50) + 1).toString().length; return "<code>" + ("0".repeat(length).substring(0, length - page.toString().length) + page.toString()) + "</code>"; } getPageListHTML(pageNumbers: number[]) { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let items = _dataStore.currentViewItems; let totalPages = Math.ceil(items.length / 50) + 1; return ` <div class="btn-group"> <span tabindex="-1" onclick=";" class="btn btn-primary ${ < 2 ? 'disabled' : ''}">«</span> <span tabindex="-1" onclick="${ - 1});" class="btn btn-primary ${ === 1 ? 'disabled' : ''}">‹</span> </div> <div class="btn-group"> ${totalPages > 5 ? => ` <span tabindex="-1" onclick="${i});" class="btn btn${i !== ? '-outline' : ''}-primary">${this.getPageHTML(i)}</span> `).join("") : Array(totalPages).fill(null).map((_, i) => i + 1).map(i => ` <span tabindex="-1" onclick="${i});" class="btn btn${i !== ? '-outline' : ''}-primary">${this.getPageHTML(i)}</span> `).join("")} </div> <div class="btn-group"> <span tabindex="-1" onclick="${ + 1});" class="btn btn-primary ${ === totalPages ? 'disabled' : ''}">›</span> <span tabindex="-1" onclick="${totalPages as number});" class="btn btn-primary ${ >= totalPages - 1 ? 'disabled' : ''}">»</span> </div> `; } updateDisplay() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; document.getElementById("search-warning").style.display = "none"; if (document.getElementById("search-error").style.display === "none") { document.getElementById("pages").style.display = ""; } else { document.getElementById("pages").style.display = "none"; } let items = _dataStore.currentViewItems = [..._dataStore.currentView] .sort(this.runUserSort) .filter(this.filterEnabledRatings) .map((i) => this.getThumbnailHTML(i)); if (items.length === 0 && document.getElementById("search-error").style.display === "none") this.displayNoResults(); if ((document.getElementById("order") as HTMLInputElement).value === "up") { items = items.reverse(); } document.getElementById("images").innerHTML = items.splice(( - 1) * 50, 50).join(""); document.getElementById("pages").innerHTML = this.getPageListHTML(this.getPageNumbers()); this.updateTitle(); this.instance.bootstrapTooltips(); } updateTitle() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let totalPages = Math.ceil(_dataStore.currentViewItems.length / 50) + 1; if (_dataStore.searching) { if (_dataStore.loadedFromCache) { document.title = "Searching for " + (document.getElementById("search") as HTMLInputElement).value.trim() + " (page " + + "/" + totalPages + ") — Prisbeam (Cached)"; } else { document.title = "Searching for " + (document.getElementById("search") as HTMLInputElement).value.trim() + " (page " + + "/" + totalPages + ") — Prisbeam"; } } else { if (_dataStore.loadedFromCache) { document.title = "All images (page " + + "/" + totalPages + ") — Prisbeam (Cached)"; } else { document.title = "All images (page " + + "/" + totalPages + ") — Prisbeam"; } } } setRating(rating: string) { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("")).map(i => i.outerHTML = ""); (document.getElementById("rating-safe") as HTMLInputElement).checked = false; (document.getElementById("rating-questionable") as HTMLInputElement).checked = false; (document.getElementById("rating-suggestive") as HTMLInputElement).checked = false; (document.getElementById("rating-explicit") as HTMLInputElement).checked = false; (document.getElementById("rating-grimdark") as HTMLInputElement).checked = false; let code = 0; if (rating === "safe") code = 1; if (rating === "questionable") code = 2; if (rating === "suggestive") code = 3; if (rating === "explicit") code = 4; if (rating === "grimdark") code = 5; if (code >= 1) (document.getElementById("rating-safe") as HTMLInputElement).checked = true; if (code >= 2) (document.getElementById("rating-questionable") as HTMLInputElement).checked = true; if (code >= 3) (document.getElementById("rating-suggestive") as HTMLInputElement).checked = true; if (code >= 4) (document.getElementById("rating-explicit") as HTMLInputElement).checked = true; if (code >= 5) (document.getElementById("rating-grimdark") as HTMLInputElement).checked = true; } highlightZone(id: string, state: boolean) { if (state) { document.getElementById("preview-zone-" + id).classList.add("hover"); document.getElementById("preview-tag-zone-" + id).classList.add("hover"); } else { document.getElementById("preview-zone-" + id).classList.remove("hover"); document.getElementById("preview-tag-zone-" + id).classList.remove("hover"); } } buildImageTitle() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; return "Image #<span class='selectable'>" + (_dataStore.currentImage.source_id ?? + (_dataStore.currentImage.source_name ? "</span> (<span class='selectable'>" + _dataStore.currentImage.source_name + "</span>)" : "") + "" + PrisbeamUtilities.getMimeBadge(_dataStore.currentImage.mime_type) } displayImageSize() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let size = 0; let sizeExplanation = []; let file = _dataStore.database.frontend.getImageFile(_dataStore.currentImage, PrisbeamImageType.ViewFile); let thumb = _dataStore.database.frontend.getImageFile(_dataStore.currentImage, PrisbeamImageType.ThumbnailFile); if (file) { let cSize = fs.lstatSync(file).size; size += cSize; sizeExplanation.push("Image: " + PrisbeamUtilities.formatSize(cSize)); } if (thumb) { let cSize = fs.lstatSync(thumb).size; size += cSize; sizeExplanation.push("Thumbnail: " + PrisbeamUtilities.formatSize(cSize)); } let cSize = JSON.stringify(_dataStore.currentImage).length; size += cSize; sizeExplanation.push("Metadata: " + PrisbeamUtilities.formatSize(cSize)); document.getElementById("preview-size").innerHTML = "<span data-bs-toggle='tooltip' data-bs-html='true' title='" + sizeExplanation.join("<br>") + "'>" + PrisbeamUtilities.formatSize(size) + "</span>"; } categorySortingNumber(cat: string) { if (cat === "error") return 0; if (cat === "rating") return 1; if (cat === "origin") return 2; if (cat === "character") return 3; if (cat === "oc") return 4; if (cat === "species") return 5; if (cat === "body-type") return 6; if (cat === "content-official") return 7; if (cat === "content-fanmade") return 8; if (cat === "spoiler") return 9; return 999; } async getImpliedTags() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let categories = {}; let implied = []; let impliedNames = []; for (let id of _dataStore.currentImage.tag_ids) { implied.push(...(await _dataStore.database.frontend.getImpliedTagIdsFromId(id)).filter(i => !_dataStore.currentImage.tag_ids.includes(i))); impliedNames.push(...(await _dataStore.database.frontend.getImpliedTagNamesFromId(id)).filter(i => !_dataStore.currentImage.tags.includes(i))); } for (let id of implied) { categories[id] = (await _dataStore.database._sql("SELECT category FROM tags WHERE id=" + id))[0]['category']; } implied = [ Set(implied)]; impliedNames = [ Set(impliedNames)]; let impliedTags = string, j: number) => [i, implied[j], categories[implied[j]]]); return impliedTags.sort((a, b) => { return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]); }).sort((a, b) => { return this.categorySortingNumber(a[2]) - this.categorySortingNumber(b[2]); }); } async getTags() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let categories = {}; for (let id of _dataStore.currentImage.tag_ids) { categories[id] = (await _dataStore.database._sql("SELECT category FROM tags WHERE id=" + id))[0]['category']; } let tags = string, j: number) => [i, _dataStore.currentImage.tag_ids[j], categories[_dataStore.currentImage.tag_ids[j]]]); return tags.sort((a: string, b: string) => { return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]); }).sort((a: string, b: string) => { return this.categorySortingNumber(a[2]) - this.categorySortingNumber(b[2]); }); } async displayTags() { let tags = await this.getTags(); let impliedTags = await this.getImpliedTags(); document.getElementById("preview-tags").innerHTML = any[]) => "<a class='preview-tag preview-tag-" + (i[2] ?? "unknown") + "' onclick='\"" + btoa(encodeURIComponent(i[0])) + "\")))'>" + i[0] + "</a>" ).join("<wbr>") + => "<a class='preview-tag preview-tag-implied preview-tag-" + (i[2] ?? "unknown") + "' onclick='searchForTag(decodeURIComponent(atob(\"" + btoa(encodeURIComponent(i[0])) + "\")))'>" + i[0] + "</a>" ).join("<wbr>"); } async initializeImageUI(id: string) { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore;; _dataStore.currentImage = await _dataStore.database.frontend.getImage(id); _dataStore.currentImageClasses = []; document.getElementById("preview-zones").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("preview-parts-loader").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("preview-parts-none").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("preview-parts-unsupported").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("preview-parts-list").style.display = "none"; document.title = "Viewing image #" + (_dataStore.currentImage.source_id ?? id) + " — " + document.title; document.getElementById("preview-title").innerHTML = this.buildImageTitle(); document.getElementById("preview-date").innerHTML = "Uploaded <span data-bs-toggle='tooltip' title='" + new Date(_dataStore.currentImage.created_at * 1000).toString() + "'>" + PrisbeamUtilities.timeAgo(_dataStore.currentImage.created_at * 1000) + "</span>"; document.getElementById("preview-resolution").innerText = _dataStore.currentImage.width + " × " + _dataStore.currentImage.height; document.getElementById("preview-source-cta").innerText = "View on " + _dataStore.currentImage.source_name ?? "Derpibooru"; } getCreditDescriptors() { let descriptors = { artists: [], editors: [], generators: [], photographers: [], prompters: [], colorists: [] }; let finalDescriptors = []; for (let tag of this.instance.dataStore.currentImage.tags) { if (tag.startsWith("artist:")) descriptors.artists.push(tag.substring(7)); if (tag.startsWith("editor:")) descriptors.editors.push(tag.substring(7)); if (tag.startsWith("generator:")) descriptors.generators.push(tag.substring(10)); if (tag.startsWith("photographer:")) descriptors.photographers.push(tag.substring(13)); if (tag.startsWith("prompter:")) descriptors.prompters.push(tag.substring(9)); if (tag.startsWith("colorist:")) descriptors.colorists.push(tag.substring(9)); } if (descriptors.artists.length > 0) finalDescriptors.push("artist" + (descriptors.artists.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": " + descriptors.artists.join("")); if (descriptors.editors.length > 0) finalDescriptors.push("editor" + (descriptors.editors.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": " + descriptors.editors.join("")); if (descriptors.generators.length > 0) finalDescriptors.push("generator" + (descriptors.generators.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": " + descriptors.generators.join("")); if (descriptors.photographers.length > 0) finalDescriptors.push("photographer" + (descriptors.photographers.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": " + descriptors.photographers.join("")); if (descriptors.prompters.length > 0) finalDescriptors.push("prompter" + (descriptors.prompters.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": " + descriptors.prompters.join("")); if (descriptors.colorists.length > 0) finalDescriptors.push("colorist" + (descriptors.colorists.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": " + descriptors.colorists.join("")); if (finalDescriptors[0]) finalDescriptors[0] = finalDescriptors[0].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + finalDescriptors[0].substring(1); return finalDescriptors; } displayCredits() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let artist = "Anonymous artist"; let finalDescriptors = this.getCreditDescriptors(); if (finalDescriptors.length > 0) artist = finalDescriptors.join("; "); if (_dataStore.currentImage.tags.includes("official")) { if (finalDescriptors.length > 0) { artist = finalDescriptors.join("; ") + " (official content)"; } else { artist = "Official Hasbro content"; } } if (_dataStore.currentImage.tags.includes("artist needed")) { artist = "Unknown artist"; } document.getElementById("preview-artist").innerText = artist; } displayScore() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; if (_dataStore.currentImage.score !== 0) { try { document.getElementById("preview-score").outerHTML = ""; } catch (e) {} document.getElementById("preview-statistics").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `<div class="list-group-item" id="preview-score" style="font-weight: bold;"></div>`); if (_dataStore.currentImage.faves > 0) { document.getElementById("preview-score").innerText = _dataStore.currentImage.faves + " favorites · " + _dataStore.currentImage.score + " points (" + _dataStore.currentImage.upvotes + " up, " + _dataStore.currentImage.downvotes + " down)"; } else { document.getElementById("preview-score").innerText = _dataStore.currentImage.score + " points (" + _dataStore.currentImage.upvotes + " up, " + _dataStore.currentImage.downvotes + " down)"; } } else { try { document.getElementById("preview-score").outerHTML = ""; } catch (e) {} } } displayViewer() { let _dataStore = this.instance.dataStore; let url = _dataStore.database.frontend.getImageFile(_dataStore.currentImage, PrisbeamImageType.ViewURL) if (_dataStore.currentImage.mime_type.startsWith("video/")) { document.getElementById("preview-content").innerHTML = ` <video id="preview-content-inner" loop muted autoplay controls src="${url}" style="max-width: 100%; max-height: 80vh; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;"></video> `; } else { document.getElementById("preview-content").innerHTML = ` <img alt="" id="preview-content-inner" src="${url}" style="max-width: 100%; max-height: calc((100vh - 1.75rem * 2) - 71px); margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;"> `; } } async openImage(id: string) { await this.initializeImageUI(id); this.displayImageSize(); await this.displayTags(); this.displayCredits(); this.displayScore(); this.displayViewer();; this.instance.bootstrapTooltips(); } openImageOnSource() { let image = this.instance.dataStore.currentImage; shell.openExternal(image['source'].replace("%s", image['source_id'])); } }