path: root/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/nodemon/lib/config')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 645 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/command.js b/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/command.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9839b5c..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/command.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = command;
- * command constructs the executable command to run in a shell including the
- * user script, the command arguments.
- *
- * @param {Object} settings Object as:
- * { execOptions: {
- * exec: String,
- * [script: String],
- * [scriptPosition: Number],
- * [execArgs: Array<string>]
- * }
- * }
- * @return {Object} an object with the node executable and the
- * arguments to the command
- */
-function command(settings) {
- var options = settings.execOptions;
- var executable = options.exec;
- var args = [];
- // after "executable" go the exec args (like --debug, etc)
- if (options.execArgs) {
- [].push.apply(args, options.execArgs);
- }
- // then goes the user's script arguments
- if (options.args) {
- [].push.apply(args, options.args);
- }
- // after the "executable" goes the user's script
- if (options.script) {
- args.splice((options.scriptPosition || 0) +
- options.execArgs.length, 0, options.script);
- }
- return {
- executable: executable,
- args: args,
- };
diff --git a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/defaults.js b/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/defaults.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a448b..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/defaults.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-var ignoreRoot = require('ignore-by-default').directories();
-// default options for config.options
-module.exports = {
- restartable: 'rs',
- colours: true,
- execMap: {
- py: 'python',
- rb: 'ruby',
- ts: 'ts-node',
- // more can be added here such as ls: lsc - but please ensure it's cross
- // compatible with linux, mac and windows, or make the default.js
- // dynamically append the `.cmd` for node based utilities
- },
- ignoreRoot: ignoreRoot.map(_ => `**/${_}/**`),
- watch: ['*.*'],
- stdin: true,
- runOnChangeOnly: false,
- verbose: false,
- signal: 'SIGUSR2',
- // 'stdout' refers to the default behaviour of a required nodemon's child,
- // but also includes stderr. If this is false, data is still dispatched via
- // nodemon.on('stdout/stderr')
- stdout: true,
- watchOptions: {
- },
diff --git a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/exec.js b/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/exec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 68c2a2d..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/exec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-const path = require('path');
-const fs = require('fs');
-const existsSync = fs.existsSync;
-const utils = require('../utils');
-module.exports = exec;
-module.exports.expandScript = expandScript;
- * Reads the cwd/package.json file and looks to see if it can load a script
- * and possibly an exec first from package.main, then package.start.
- *
- * @return {Object} exec & script if found
- */
-function execFromPackage() {
- // doing a try/catch because we can't use the path.exist callback pattern
- // or we could, but the code would get messy, so this will do exactly
- // what we're after - if the file doesn't exist, it'll throw.
- try {
- // note: this isn't nodemon's package, it's the user's cwd package
- var pkg = require(path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'));
- if (pkg.main !== undefined) {
- // no app found to run - so give them a tip and get the feck out
- return { exec: null, script: pkg.main };
- }
- if (pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts.start) {
- return { exec: pkg.scripts.start };
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- return null;
-function replace(map, str) {
- var re = new RegExp('{{(' + Object.keys(map).join('|') + ')}}', 'g');
- return str.replace(re, function (all, m) {
- return map[m] || all || '';
- });
-function expandScript(script, ext) {
- if (!ext) {
- ext = '.js';
- }
- if (script.indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
- return script;
- }
- if (existsSync(path.resolve(script))) {
- return script;
- }
- if (existsSync(path.resolve(script + ext))) {
- return script + ext;
- }
- return script;
- * Discovers all the options required to run the script
- * and if a custom exec has been passed in, then it will
- * also try to work out what extensions to monitor and
- * whether there's a special way of running that script.
- *
- * @param {Object} nodemonOptions
- * @param {Object} execMap
- * @return {Object} new and updated version of nodemonOptions
- */
-function exec(nodemonOptions, execMap) {
- if (!execMap) {
- execMap = {};
- }
- var options = utils.clone(nodemonOptions || {});
- var script;
- // if there's no script passed, try to get it from the first argument
- if (!options.script && (options.args || []).length) {
- script = expandScript(options.args[0],
- options.ext && ('.' + (options.ext || 'js').split(',')[0]));
- // if the script was found, shift it off our args
- if (script !== options.args[0]) {
- options.script = script;
- options.args.shift();
- }
- }
- // if there's no exec found yet, then try to read it from the local
- // package.json this logic used to sit in the cli/parse, but actually the cli
- // should be parsed first, then the user options (via nodemon.json) then
- // finally default down to pot shots at the directory via package.json
- if (!options.exec && !options.script) {
- var found = execFromPackage();
- if (found !== null) {
- if (found.exec) {
- options.exec = found.exec;
- }
- if (!options.script) {
- options.script = found.script;
- }
- if (Array.isArray(options.args) &&
- options.scriptPosition === null) {
- options.scriptPosition = options.args.length;
- }
- }
- }
- // var options = utils.clone(nodemonOptions || {});
- script = path.basename(options.script || '');
- var scriptExt = path.extname(script).slice(1);
- var extension = options.ext;
- if (extension === undefined) {
- var isJS = scriptExt === 'js' || scriptExt === 'mjs';
- extension = (isJS || !scriptExt) ? 'js,mjs' : scriptExt;
- extension += ',json'; // Always watch JSON files
- }
- var execDefined = !!options.exec;
- // allows the user to simplify cli usage:
- // https://github.com/remy/nodemon/issues/195
- // but always give preference to the user defined argument
- if (!options.exec && execMap[scriptExt] !== undefined) {
- options.exec = execMap[scriptExt];
- execDefined = true;
- }
- options.execArgs = nodemonOptions.execArgs || [];
- if (Array.isArray(options.exec)) {
- options.execArgs = options.exec;
- options.exec = options.execArgs.shift();
- }
- if (options.exec === undefined) {
- options.exec = 'node';
- } else {
- // allow variable substitution for {{filename}} and {{pwd}}
- var substitution = replace.bind(null, {
- filename: options.script,
- pwd: process.cwd(),
- });
- var newExec = substitution(options.exec);
- if (newExec !== options.exec &&
- options.exec.indexOf('{{filename}}') !== -1) {
- options.script = null;
- }
- options.exec = newExec;
- var newExecArgs = options.execArgs.map(substitution);
- if (newExecArgs.join('') !== options.execArgs.join('')) {
- options.execArgs = newExecArgs;
- delete options.script;
- }
- }
- if (options.exec === 'node' && options.nodeArgs && options.nodeArgs.length) {
- options.execArgs = options.execArgs.concat(options.nodeArgs);
- }
- // note: indexOf('coffee') handles both .coffee and .litcoffee
- if (!execDefined && options.exec === 'node' &&
- scriptExt.indexOf('coffee') !== -1) {
- options.exec = 'coffee';
- // we need to get execArgs set before the script
- // for example, in `nodemon --debug my-script.coffee --my-flag`, debug is an
- // execArg, while my-flag is a script arg
- var leadingArgs = (options.args || []).splice(0, options.scriptPosition);
- options.execArgs = options.execArgs.concat(leadingArgs);
- options.scriptPosition = 0;
- if (options.execArgs.length > 0) {
- // because this is the coffee executable, we need to combine the exec args
- // into a single argument after the nodejs flag
- options.execArgs = ['--nodejs', options.execArgs.join(' ')];
- }
- }
- if (options.exec === 'coffee') {
- // don't override user specified extension tracking
- if (options.ext === undefined) {
- if (extension) { extension += ','; }
- extension += 'coffee,litcoffee';
- }
- // because windows can't find 'coffee', it needs the real file 'coffee.cmd'
- if (utils.isWindows) {
- options.exec += '.cmd';
- }
- }
- // allow users to make a mistake on the extension to monitor
- // converts .js, pug => js,pug
- // BIG NOTE: user can't do this: nodemon -e *.js
- // because the terminal will automatically expand the glob against
- // the file system :(
- extension = (extension.match(/[^,*\s]+/g) || [])
- .map(ext => ext.replace(/^\./, ''))
- .join(',');
- options.ext = extension;
- if (options.script) {
- options.script = expandScript(options.script,
- extension && ('.' + extension.split(',')[0]));
- }
- options.env = {};
- // make sure it's an object (and since we don't have )
- if (({}).toString.apply(nodemonOptions.env) === '[object Object]') {
- options.env = utils.clone(nodemonOptions.env);
- } else if (nodemonOptions.env !== undefined) {
- throw new Error('nodemon env values must be an object: { PORT: 8000 }');
- }
- return options;
diff --git a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/index.js b/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c78c435..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * Manages the internal config of nodemon, checking for the state of support
- * with fs.watch, how nodemon can watch files (using find or fs methods).
- *
- * This is *not* the user's config.
- */
-var debug = require('debug')('nodemon');
-var load = require('./load');
-var rules = require('../rules');
-var utils = require('../utils');
-var pinVersion = require('../version').pin;
-var command = require('./command');
-var rulesToMonitor = require('../monitor/match').rulesToMonitor;
-var bus = utils.bus;
-function reset() {
- rules.reset();
- config.dirs = [];
- config.options = { ignore: [], watch: [], monitor: [] };
- config.lastStarted = 0;
- config.loaded = [];
-var config = {
- run: false,
- system: {
- cwd: process.cwd(),
- },
- required: false,
- dirs: [],
- timeout: 1000,
- options: {},
- * Take user defined settings, then detect the local machine capability, then
- * look for local and global nodemon.json files and merge together the final
- * settings with the config for nodemon.
- *
- * @param {Object} settings user defined settings for nodemon (typically on
- * the cli)
- * @param {Function} ready callback fired once the config is loaded
- */
-config.load = function (settings, ready) {
- reset();
- var config = this;
- load(settings, config.options, config, function (options) {
- config.options = options;
- if (options.watch.length === 0) {
- // this is to catch when the watch is left blank
- options.watch.push('*.*');
- }
- if (options['watch_interval']) { // jshint ignore:line
- options.watchInterval = options['watch_interval']; // jshint ignore:line
- }
- config.watchInterval = options.watchInterval || null;
- if (options.signal) {
- config.signal = options.signal;
- }
- var cmd = command(config.options);
- config.command = {
- raw: cmd,
- string: utils.stringify(cmd.executable, cmd.args),
- };
- // now run automatic checks on system adding to the config object
- options.monitor = rulesToMonitor(options.watch, options.ignore, config);
- var cwd = process.cwd();
- debug('config: dirs', config.dirs);
- if (config.dirs.length === 0) {
- config.dirs.unshift(cwd);
- }
- bus.emit('config:update', config);
- pinVersion().then(function () {
- ready(config);
- }).catch(e => {
- // this doesn't help testing, but does give exposure on syntax errors
- console.error(e.stack);
- setTimeout(() => { throw e; }, 0);
- });
- });
-config.reset = reset;
-module.exports = config;
diff --git a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/load.js b/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/load.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd5a03d..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodemon/lib/config/load.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-var debug = require('debug')('nodemon');
-var fs = require('fs');
-var path = require('path');
-var exists = fs.exists || path.exists;
-var utils = require('../utils');
-var rules = require('../rules');
-var parse = require('../rules/parse');
-var exec = require('./exec');
-var defaults = require('./defaults');
-module.exports = load;
-module.exports.mutateExecOptions = mutateExecOptions;
-var existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync;
-function findAppScript() {
- // nodemon has been run alone, so try to read the package file
- // or try to read the index.js file
- if (existsSync('./index.js')) {
- return 'index.js';
- }
- * Load the nodemon config, first reading the global root/nodemon.json, then
- * the local nodemon.json to the exec and then overwriting using any user
- * specified settings (i.e. from the cli)
- *
- * @param {Object} settings user defined settings
- * @param {Function} ready callback that receives complete config
- */
-function load(settings, options, config, callback) {
- config.loaded = [];
- // first load the root nodemon.json
- loadFile(options, config, utils.home, function (options) {
- // then load the user's local configuration file
- if (settings.configFile) {
- options.configFile = path.resolve(settings.configFile);
- }
- loadFile(options, config, process.cwd(), function (options) {
- // Then merge over with the user settings (parsed from the cli).
- // Note that merge protects and favours existing values over new values,
- // and thus command line arguments get priority
- options = utils.merge(settings, options);
- // legacy support
- if (!Array.isArray(options.ignore)) {
- options.ignore = [options.ignore];
- }
- if (!options.ignoreRoot) {
- options.ignoreRoot = defaults.ignoreRoot;
- }
- // blend the user ignore and the default ignore together
- if (options.ignoreRoot && options.ignore) {
- if (!Array.isArray(options.ignoreRoot)) {
- options.ignoreRoot = [options.ignoreRoot];
- }
- options.ignore = options.ignoreRoot.concat(options.ignore);
- } else {
- options.ignore = defaults.ignore.concat(options.ignore);
- }
- // add in any missing defaults
- options = utils.merge(options, defaults);
- if (!options.script && !options.exec) {
- var found = findAppScript();
- if (found) {
- if (!options.args) {
- options.args = [];
- }
- // if the script is found as a result of not being on the command
- // line, then we move any of the pre double-dash args in execArgs
- const n = options.scriptPosition === null ?
- options.args.length : options.scriptPosition;
- options.execArgs = (options.execArgs || [])
- .concat(options.args.splice(0, n));
- options.scriptPosition = null;
- options.script = found;
- }
- }
- mutateExecOptions(options);
- if (options.quiet) {
- utils.quiet();
- }
- if (options.verbose) {
- utils.debug = true;
- }
- // simplify the ready callback to be called after the rules are normalised
- // from strings to regexp through the rules lib. Note that this gets
- // created *after* options is overwritten twice in the lines above.
- var ready = function (options) {
- normaliseRules(options, callback);
- };
- // if we didn't pick up a nodemon.json file & there's no cli ignores
- // then try loading an old style .nodemonignore file
- if (config.loaded.length === 0) {
- var legacy = loadLegacyIgnore.bind(null, options, config, ready);
- // first try .nodemonignore, if that doesn't exist, try nodemon-ignore
- return legacy('.nodemonignore', function () {
- legacy('nodemon-ignore', function (options) {
- ready(options);
- });
- });
- }
- ready(options);
- });
- });
- * Loads the old style nodemonignore files which is a list of patterns
- * in a file to ignore
- *
- * @param {Object} options nodemon user options
- * @param {Function} success
- * @param {String} filename ignore file (.nodemonignore or nodemon-ignore)
- * @param {Function} fail (optional) failure callback
- */
-function loadLegacyIgnore(options, config, success, filename, fail) {
- var ignoreFile = path.join(process.cwd(), filename);
- exists(ignoreFile, function (exists) {
- if (exists) {
- config.loaded.push(ignoreFile);
- return parse(ignoreFile, function (error, rules) {
- options.ignore = rules.raw;
- success(options);
- });
- }
- if (fail) {
- fail(options);
- } else {
- success(options);
- }
- });
-function normaliseRules(options, ready) {
- // convert ignore and watch options to rules/regexp
- rules.watch.add(options.watch);
- rules.ignore.add(options.ignore);
- // normalise the watch and ignore arrays
- options.watch = options.watch === false ? false : rules.rules.watch;
- options.ignore = rules.rules.ignore;
- ready(options);
- * Looks for a config in the current working directory, and a config in the
- * user's home directory, merging the two together, giving priority to local
- * config. This can then be overwritten later by command line arguments
- *
- * @param {Function} ready callback to pass loaded settings to
- */
-function loadFile(options, config, dir, ready) {
- if (!ready) {
- ready = function () { };
- }
- var callback = function (settings) {
- // prefer the local nodemon.json and fill in missing items using
- // the global options
- ready(utils.merge(settings, options));
- };
- if (!dir) {
- return callback({});
- }
- var filename = options.configFile || path.join(dir, 'nodemon.json');
- if (config.loaded.indexOf(filename) !== -1) {
- // don't bother re-parsing the same config file
- return callback({});
- }
- fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
- if (err) {
- if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
- if (!options.configFile && dir !== utils.home) {
- // if no specified local config file and local nodemon.json
- // doesn't exist, try the package.json
- return loadPackageJSON(config, callback);
- }
- }
- return callback({});
- }
- var settings = {};
- try {
- settings = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8').replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''));
- if (!filename.endsWith('package.json') || settings.nodemonConfig) {
- config.loaded.push(filename);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- utils.log.fail('Failed to parse config ' + filename);
- console.error(e);
- process.exit(1);
- }
- // options values will overwrite settings
- callback(settings);
- });
-function loadPackageJSON(config, ready) {
- if (!ready) {
- ready = () => { };
- }
- const dir = process.cwd();
- const filename = path.join(dir, 'package.json');
- const packageLoadOptions = { configFile: filename };
- return loadFile(packageLoadOptions, config, dir, settings => {
- ready(settings.nodemonConfig || {});
- });
-function mutateExecOptions(options) {
- // work out the execOptions based on the final config we have
- options.execOptions = exec({
- script: options.script,
- exec: options.exec,
- args: options.args,
- scriptPosition: options.scriptPosition,
- nodeArgs: options.nodeArgs,
- execArgs: options.execArgs,
- ext: options.ext,
- env: options.env,
- }, options.execMap);
- // clean up values that we don't need at the top level
- delete options.scriptPosition;
- delete options.script;
- delete options.args;
- delete options.ext;
- return options;