const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const fs = require('fs'); const tar = require('tar-fs'); const ProgressBar = require('progress'); var ncp = require('ncp').ncp; ncp.limit = 4; function erase(dir) { if (fs.existsSync("./public/" + dir)) { try { fs.rmdirSync("./public/" + dir, { recursive: true }) } catch (e) { console.log(chalk.yellow("warn: ") + "unable to delete folder " + dir); } } } function erasef(file) { if (fs.existsSync("./public/" + file)) { try { fs.unlinkSync("./public/" + file) } catch (e) { console.log(chalk.yellow("warn: ") + "unable to delete file " + file); } } } module.exports = () => { console.log("verb: ") + "loading update config..."); conf = require('../config/updates.json'); if (conf.check.ssl) { lib = https; } else { lib = http; } const options = { hostname:, port: conf.check.port, path: conf.check.path, method: 'GET' } data = ""; const req = lib.request(options, res => { if (res.statusCode != 200) { console.log(chalk.yellow("warn: ") + "unable to check for updates: code " + res.statusCode); global.__RUNNING = true; if (!__SRUNNING) { require('./bootstrap.js'); global.__SRUNNING = true; } return; } res.on('data', d => { data = data + d; }) res.on('end', () => { trimmed = data.trim().split("-")[0] console.log("info: ") + "latest version: " + trimmed); if (fs.existsSync("./public/api/version")) { current = fs.readFileSync("./public/api/version").toString().trim().split("-")[0]; console.log("info: ") + "installed version: " + current); } else { console.log(chalk.yellow("warn: ") + "the Neutron stack doesn't appears to be installed"); current = "0"; } if (current == trimmed) { console.log("info: ") + "up to date, starting webserver..."); global.__RUNNING = true; if (!__SRUNNING) { require('./bootstrap.js'); global.__SRUNNING = true; } return; } else { console.log("info: ") + "updating to " + trimmed + "..."); if (conf.update.ssl) { lib = https; } else { lib = http; } var req = lib.request({ host:, port: conf.update.port, path: conf.update.path }); console.log("info: ") + "starting download..."); file = fs.createWriteStream("./cache/download.tar.gz"); req.on('response', function(res){ res.pipe(file); console.log(); console.log("info: ") + "writing on disk..."); res.on('end', function () { console.log("\n" +"info: ") + "verifying update..."); fs.mkdirSync("./download"); fs.createReadStream("./cache/download.tar").pipe(tar.extract("./download", { finish: () => { fdir = fs.readdirSync("./download")[0]; dfile = fs.readdirSync("./download/" + fdir); dfile.forEach((f) => { fs.renameSync("./download/" + fdir + "/" + f, "./download/" + f); }) fs.rmdirSync("./download/" + fdir); erase("/api"); erase("/cms-special"); erase("/widgets"); erase("/resources/css"); erase("/resources/fonts"); erase("/resources/i18n"); erase("/resources/image"); erase("/resources/js"); erase("/resources/lib"); erase("/resources/private"); erasef("/resources/.htaccess"); erasef("/index.php"); console.log("info: ") + "installing update..."); ncp("./download", "./public", function (err) { if (err) { console.log(chalk.yellow("warn: ") + "unable to install update: " + err.message); global.__RUNNING = true; if (!__SRUNNING) { require('./bootstrap.js'); global.__SRUNNING = true; } return; } console.log("info: ") + "update installed, starting webserver..."); global.__RUNNING = true; if (!__SRUNNING) { require('./bootstrap.js'); global.__SRUNNING = true; } return; }); } })); }); }); } }) }) req.on('error', error => { console.log(chalk.yellow("warn: ") + "unable to check for updates: " + error.message); global.__RUNNING = true; if (!__SRUNNING) { require('./bootstrap.js'); global.__SRUNNING = true; } return; }) req.end() }