{ "on-premises": "On-Premises", "drawer": [ "System", "Content", "Personalization", "Features", "Accounts", "Region & language", "Data & security", "Advanced options", "Neutron Cloud", "Electrode Server" ], "system_items": [ "About Neutron", "Audit Logs", "Manage Version", "Logout" ], "system_descriptions": [ "View Neutron software versions and data usage", "View the list of accesses to pages and administration", "Re-download Neutron to install a newer or older version", "Safely and simply log out of the administration panel" ], "content_items": [ "Pages", "Gallery", "Calendar" ], "content_descriptions": [ "Create, edit, rename and delete your website's pages", "Upload, categorize and delete your website's gallery photos", "Create, change or delete calendar events" ], "personalization_items": [ "Branding", "Colour", "Footer & legal" ], "personalization_descriptions": [ "Logo, banner and website name", "Switch between light and dark theme, and change the general theme", "Place your website's legal notices in the footer" ], "features_items": [ "Optional features", "Experimental settings" ], "features_descriptions": [ "Enable additional features that extend what you can do with Neutron", "Settings that are experimental and that may make your website unstable" ], "accounts_items": [ "Password", "Administrator Access" ], "accounts_descriptions": [ "Change the password you use to login to this website", "See how and what system administrators can see from your website" ], "security_items": [ "Extended configuration", "Statistics" ], "security_descriptions": [ "Website hardening and advanced customization options", "Informations about the number of view to your website" ], "maintenance_items": [ "Reset options" ], "maintenance_descriptions": [ "Reset your website to the defaults or repair it" ] }