{ "home": "Home", "alore": "Add a new page to your website", "create": "Create a page", "edit": "Edit", "editl": "Edit the contents of this page", "renamel": "Rename and change this page's URL", "rename": "Rename", "deletel": "Delete this page forever", "delete": "Delete", "pagename": "Page name", "editors": [ "Visual editor", "HTML editor" ], "editordescs": [ "Edit the page as if it was a word processor document", "Write the code yourself for more customization" ], "quitwarn": "By leaving this page, you lose any non-saved change.", "saved": "The page has been saved successfully", "deletec": [ "Do you really want to delete the « ", " » page? This cannot be undone and may lead to undesirable side effects.", "You can't delete your site's homepage." ], "deleteyl": "Delete the selected page", "deletey": "Yes", "deletenl": "Cancel deletion of this page", "deleten": "No", "renamew": [ "You are renaming the « ", " » page, this may lead to undesirable side effects. Moreover, no redirect will be created.", "You can't rename your site's homepage." ], "oname": "Old name", "onamep": "# Error #", "nname": "New name", "renamel2": "Rename page", "rename2": "Rename", "editcode": "Change the page's source code" }