{ "reset": "Reset website", "resetph": "Delete all data about your website and restore Neutron to default values", "disclaimer": [ "This will delete:", "all pages on your website", "all images on the gallery", "the icon and banner image", "informations about the website name and footer" ], "confirm": "Enter the name of your website is this field to reset it:", "confirmboxph": "Name of your website", "confirmbutton": "Reset", "select": [ "Select how we should reset your website:", "This cannot be undone and deleted data will be deleted forever", "Keep content", "Resets your website configuration but keep content you have inserted. Useful if you have configuration issues or you need additional disk space.", "Delete everything", "Delete all your website's data and redirects you to the first setup utility. Useful if you need to rebuild your website from scratch, or an update caused issues.", "Your website is resetting...", "Don't quit this page" ] }