{ "greeting": "Welcome! How can we help you?", "language": "Change language", "home": "Home", "updates": [ "Updates are ready to install", "→ Install now" ], "items": [ "Pages", "Calendar", "Gallery", "Appearance", "Data", "Maintenance", "All settings", "Back", "Sign out", "Go back to site" ], "appearance": { "greeting": "Change your website's global look ...", "items": [ "General", "Theme", "Visual designer", "Region and language", "Optional features", "Features flags" ] }, "data": { "greeting": "View the data collected by your site ...", "items": [ "Statistics", "Activity log", "Renderer system trace" ] }, "housekeeping": { "greeting": "Clean up your site so that it still runs fine ...", "items": [ "Reset options", "About the software", "Software update" ] }, "search": "Search settings", "find": "Search a setting...", "all": "All settings", "categories": [ "Pages", "Photo Gallery", "Calendar", "Optional Features", "Technical Configuration", "Data", "Updates and info", "Visual look and feel" ], "allitems": [ "Manage all pages", "Create a new page", "Manage gallery images", "Publish a new gallery image", "Create a new gallery category", "View the visitor gallery", "Manage calendar events", "Add a new calendar event", "View the visitor calendar", "Manage optional features", "Manage contact info", "Manage notes contents", "All technical configurations", "Change extended configuration", "Inspect system configuration", "Website reset options", "View statistics info", "Read website access log", "View renderer stack trace", "View info about software versions", "View info about software updates", "Download and install updates", "Change the general appearance of the website", "Change color scheme and brightness theme", "Go to the customization studio homepage", "Change customized stylesheets with the EasyCSS software", "Change the language of the whole site", "Change features flags" ], "nofound": "No result", "one": "1 result", "multiple": " results" }