{ "general": { "title": "Overview", "label": "Label" }, "none": "None", "lists": { "categories": "category", "picture": " photo" }, "categories": { "add": "Create a new category", "title": "Categories", "edit": "To edit a category, delete it and re-create it.", "delete": "Delete" }, "pictures": { "title": "Photos", "none": "There is no photo in the photo gallery.", "add": "Publish a new photo", "download": "Download", "delete": "Delete" }, "delete": { "title": [ "You are about to delete and unpublish this picture from the site.", "This cannot be undone and the picture cannot be recovered..." ], "removing": "Deleting picture...", "category": "You are about to delete this category, this cannot be undone. All images in this category will be uncategorized.", "catrm": "Deleting category..." }, "label": "Enter a new label for this picture", "labelling": "Labeling picture...", "addcat": { "placeholder": "Category name", "same": "If a category with the same name already exists, nothing will happen", "confirm": "Create category" }, "publish": { "category": "Category:", "default": "Uncategorized", "file": "Photo file:", "max": "Maximum size:", "publish": "Publish photo" } }