import {CommandBase} from "../core/CommandBase"; import {MessageEmbed} from "discord.js"; import {SlashCommandBuilder} from "@discordjs/builders"; import {CommandAction} from "../core/CommandAction"; export class PingCommand extends CommandBase { constructor() { super(); this.slashCommandData = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("ping") .setDescription("Shows the latency between the bot and Discord") } public handle(action: CommandAction) { let interaction = action.getInteraction(); let VoiceBase = global.VoiceBase; let processing = new Date().getTime() - global.processingStart; let interactionTime = new Date().getTime() - interaction.createdAt.getTime(); let apiTime =; interaction.reply({ embeds: [ new MessageEmbed() .setTitle(":rocket: Pong!") .addFields( {name: "Processing", value: processing.toFixed(2) + "ms", inline: true}, {name: "Interaction", value: interactionTime.toFixed(2) + "ms", inline: true}, {name: "API", value: apiTime.toFixed(2) + "ms", inline: true} ) ] }); } }