import pygame from blocks import blocks as block_list import audio import zoom as zoom_util import picker as picker_ui import display import pause import save import time import helper clock = pygame.time.Clock() def run(screen, save_data): global clock first = True focused = True canvas = pygame.Surface((1280, 720)) running = True zoom = (1280.0, 720.0) offset = (0, 0) mouse = (-1, -1) block_coordinates = (-1, -1) need_update_world = True world = pygame.Surface((1280, 720)) paused = False picker = False screen_blocks = [] selected_block = "stone" loaded_chunks = [] pressed_key = None last_key_repeat = 5 save.save_world(save_data, loaded_chunks) display.opacity = 0 last = time.time() if time.time() - last >= 300: save.save_world(save_data, loaded_chunks) last = time.time() while running: if not paused: audio.play_music() pygame.event.set_allowed([pygame.APPMOUSEFOCUS, pygame.APPINPUTFOCUS, pygame.WINDOWRESIZED, pygame.WINDOWEXPOSED, pygame.WINDOWENTER, pygame.WINDOWLEAVE, pygame.WINDOWFOCUSLOST, pygame.WINDOWFOCUSGAINED, pygame.WINDOWICCPROFCHANGED, pygame.WINDOWTAKEFOCUS, pygame.WINDOWMINIMIZED, pygame.MOUSEMOTION, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.QUIT]) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.WINDOWFOCUSLOST: focused = False if event.type == pygame.WINDOWFOCUSGAINED: focused = True if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: pygame.mouse.set_visible(paused or picker) mouse = helper.get_real_mouse(screen) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: left, middle, right = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() print(helper.get_real_mouse(screen)) if paused: if left: mouse, screen, paused, keep =, screen, paused, True, save_data, loaded_chunks) if not keep: return elif picker: if left: mouse, screen, picker, selected_block =, screen, picker, selected_block) else: if left: for i in range(len(screen_blocks)): if screen_blocks[i][0] == block_coordinates[0] and screen_blocks[i][1] == block_coordinates[1]: chunk = None for chunk_metadata in helper.get_chunk_regions(loaded_chunks): if chunk_metadata['range'][0] <= screen_blocks[i][4] <= chunk_metadata['range'][2] and chunk_metadata['range'][1] <= screen_blocks[i][5] <= chunk_metadata['range'][3]: chunk_x = int(chunk_metadata['file'].split(",")[0]) chunk_y = int(chunk_metadata['file'].split(",")[1].split(".")[0]) chunk_is_loaded = False if len(loaded_chunks) - 1 >= chunk_x: if len(loaded_chunks[chunk_x]) - 1 >= chunk_y: if loaded_chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y] is not None: chunk_is_loaded = True if chunk_is_loaded: chunk = loaded_chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y] else: chunk = save.get_chunk(save_data, (chunk_x, chunk_y)) while len(loaded_chunks) - 1 <= chunk_x: loaded_chunks.append([]) while len(loaded_chunks[chunk_x]) - 1 <= chunk_y: loaded_chunks[chunk_x].append(None) loaded_chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y] = chunk break if chunk is not None: if len(chunk) - 1 < screen_blocks[i][3] + 1 < 65: chunk.append([["air" for _ in range(16)] for _ in range(16)]) target_x = screen_blocks[i][6] target_y = screen_blocks[i][3] + 1 target_z = screen_blocks[i][7] target_x_changed = False target_z_changed = False if abs(mouse[0] - block_coordinates[0]) <= 12: target_x = screen_blocks[i][6] target_y = screen_blocks[i][3] target_z = screen_blocks[i][7] - 1 target_z_changed = True elif abs(mouse[0] - block_coordinates[0]) >= 30: target_x = screen_blocks[i][6] - 1 target_y = screen_blocks[i][3] target_z = screen_blocks[i][7] target_x_changed = True if len(chunk) - 1 >= target_y and len(chunk[target_y]) - 1 >= target_x and len(chunk[target_y][target_x]) - 1 >= target_z and chunk[target_y][target_x][target_z] == "air" and chunk[target_y][target_x][target_z] != selected_block: audio.play_sfx(block_list[selected_block]['sounds'][0]) chunk[target_y][target_x][target_z] = selected_block need_update_world = True else: print("Cannot place block at " + str(target_x) + ", " + str(target_y) + ", " + str(target_z)) break elif right: for i in range(len(screen_blocks)): if screen_blocks[i][0] == block_coordinates[0] and screen_blocks[i][1] == block_coordinates[1] and screen_blocks[i][2] != "bedrock": chunk = None for chunk_metadata in helper.get_chunk_regions(loaded_chunks): if chunk_metadata['range'][0] <= screen_blocks[i][4] <= chunk_metadata['range'][2] and chunk_metadata['range'][1] <= screen_blocks[i][5] <= chunk_metadata['range'][3]: chunk_x = int(chunk_metadata['file'].split(",")[0]) chunk_y = int(chunk_metadata['file'].split(",")[1].split(".")[0]) chunk_is_loaded = False if len(loaded_chunks) - 1 >= chunk_x: if len(loaded_chunks[chunk_x]) - 1 >= chunk_y: if loaded_chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y] is not None: chunk_is_loaded = True if chunk_is_loaded: chunk = loaded_chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y] else: chunk = save.get_chunk(save_data, (chunk_x, chunk_y)) while len(loaded_chunks) - 1 <= chunk_x: loaded_chunks.append([]) while len(loaded_chunks[chunk_x]) - 1 <= chunk_y: loaded_chunks[chunk_x].append(None) loaded_chunks[chunk_x][chunk_y] = chunk break if chunk is not None: if block_list[screen_blocks[i][2]]: audio.play_sfx(block_list[screen_blocks[i][2]]['sounds'][1]) chunk[screen_blocks[i][3]][screen_blocks[i][6]][screen_blocks[i][7]] = "air" need_update_world = True break if not need_update_world: audio.play_sfx("none") if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: if picker: clock.tick(60) audio.play_sfx("back") picker = False else: paused = not paused if paused: clock.tick(25) audio.play_sfx("menu") audio.pause_music() else: clock.tick(60) audio.play_sfx("back") audio.unpause_music() pygame.mouse.set_visible(paused) elif pressed_key == pygame.K_e: picker = not picker if picker: audio.play_sfx("menu") else: audio.play_sfx("back") pygame.mouse.set_visible(paused) else: pressed_key = event.key if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: pressed_key = None last_key_repeat = 5 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pause.save_and_quit(screen, save_data, loaded_chunks, False) running = False if pressed_key is not None and last_key_repeat >= 5: last_key_repeat = 0 if pressed_key == pygame.K_w or pressed_key == pygame.K_z: offset = zoom_util.offset_up(offset) need_update_world = True if pressed_key == pygame.K_s: offset = zoom_util.offset_down(offset) need_update_world = True if pressed_key == pygame.K_q or pressed_key == pygame.K_a: offset = zoom_util.offset_left(offset) need_update_world = True if pressed_key == pygame.K_d: offset = zoom_util.offset_right(offset) need_update_world = True if pressed_key == pygame.K_o: zoom = zoom_util.zoom_in(zoom) need_update_world = True if pressed_key == pygame.K_l: zoom = zoom_util.zoom_out(zoom) need_update_world = True if pressed_key == pygame.K_p: zoom, offset = zoom_util.zoom_reset() need_update_world = True if pressed_key is not None: last_key_repeat += 1 canvas, screen, need_update_world, world, mouse, loaded_chunks, zoom, offset, block_coordinates, paused, screen_blocks, selected_block, picker, blocks, save_data, focused, clock = display.draw(canvas, screen, need_update_world, world, mouse, loaded_chunks, zoom, offset, block_coordinates, paused, screen_blocks, selected_block, picker, save_data, focused, clock) clock.tick(60)