import pygame import helper import pause opacity = 0 def draw(canvas, screen, need_update_world, world, mouse, blocks, zoom, offset, block_coordinates, paused, screen_blocks): global opacity canvas.fill("red") width = screen.get_size()[0] height = width / (16/9) if width > screen.get_size()[0] or height > screen.get_size()[1]: height = screen.get_size()[1] width = height * (16/9) world_display = pygame.Surface((1280, 720)) if need_update_world: screen_blocks = [] world.fill("gray") for layer in range(len(blocks)): for height in range(len(blocks[layer]) - 1, -1, -1): for width in range(len(blocks[layer][height]) - 1, -1, -1): if blocks[layer][height][width] != "air": x = offset[0] + 500 + (21 * width) - (21 * height) y = offset[1] + 500 - (13 * layer) - (14 * width) - (12 * height) world.blit(helper.draw_texture(helper.get_block_texture(blocks[layer][height][width])), (x, y)) for layer in range(len(blocks) - 1, -1, -1): for height in range(len(blocks[layer]) - 1, -1, -1): for width in range(len(blocks[layer][height]) - 1, -1, -1): if blocks[layer][height][width] != "air": x = offset[0] + 500 + (21 * width) - (21 * height) y = offset[1] + 500 - (13 * layer) - (14 * width) - (12 * height) screen_blocks.append((x, y, blocks[layer][height][width], layer, height, width)) need_update_world = False print(offset) world_display.blit(world, (0, 0)) if mouse[0] > -1 and mouse[1] > -1 and pygame.mouse.get_focused() and not paused: cursor_x = original_cursor_x = mouse[0] - 42 / 2 cursor_y = original_cursor_y = mouse[1] - 42 / 2 cursor_changed = False for block in screen_blocks: if block[0] <= mouse[0] <= block[0] + 42 and block[1] <= mouse[1] <= block[1] + 42: cursor_x = block[0] cursor_y = block[1] cursor_changed = True break if cursor_changed: world_display.blit(helper.draw_texture(5), (cursor_x, cursor_y)) block_coordinates = (cursor_x, cursor_y) else: block_coordinates = (-1, -1) world_display.blit(helper.draw_texture(2), (original_cursor_x + 42 / 2, original_cursor_y + 42 / 2)) x = 1280 / 2 - zoom[0] / 2 y = 720 / 2 - zoom[1] / 2 if x < 0: x = 0 if y < 0: y = 0 if x + zoom[0] > 1280: x = 0 if y + zoom[1] > 720: y = 0 canvas.blit(pygame.transform.scale(world_display.subsurface(x, y, zoom[0], zoom[1]), (1280, 720)), (0, 0)) if paused: canvas.blit(pygame.Surface.convert_alpha(, (0, 0)) scaled_win = pygame.transform.scale(canvas, (width, height)) if opacity >= 1: result = scaled_win else: result = helper.transparent(scaled_win, opacity) screen.blit(result, (screen.get_size()[0] / 2 - width / 2, screen.get_size()[1] / 2 - height / 2)) pygame.display.flip() if opacity < 1: opacity += 1/30 if opacity >= 1: opacity = 1 return canvas, screen, need_update_world, world, mouse, blocks, zoom, offset, block_coordinates, paused, screen_blocks