path: root/assets/refresh.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'assets/refresh.js')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assets/refresh.js b/assets/refresh.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3880f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/refresh.js
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+async function refresh() {
+ document.getElementById("transactions").innerHTML = "";
+ document.getElementById("username").innerText = JSON.parse(await (await window.fetch("")).text()).name;
+ document.getElementById("user-profile").src = "" + JSON.parse(await (await window.fetch("")).text()).id + "?dpr=2&size=48";
+ window.transactions = JSON.parse(await (await window.fetch("")).text());
+ window.goal = JSON.parse(await (await window.fetch("")).text());
+ for (let transaction of transactions) {
+ demo = document.getElementById("demo-transaction");
+ = "";
+ if (transaction.type === "pay") {
+ word = "used";
+ color = "#b31500";
+ } else {
+ word = "added";
+ color = "#0065b3";
+ }
+ if (transaction.amount['original'] === "eur") {
+ baseCurrency = transaction.amount['eur'].toFixed(2) + "€";
+ convertedCurrency = "£" + transaction.amount['gbp'].toFixed(2);
+ } else {
+ baseCurrency = "£" + transaction.amount['gbp'].toFixed(2);
+ convertedCurrency = transaction.amount['eur'].toFixed(2) + "€";
+ }
+ document.getElementById("transactions").innerHTML += demo.outerHTML
+ .replace("%user%",
+ .replace("%picture%", "\" src=\"" + + "\"")
+ .replace("%time%",
+ .replace("%transactionId%",
+ .replace("%description%", transaction.description.replaceAll("&", "&amp;").replaceAll("<", "&lt;").replaceAll(">", "&gt;"))
+ .replace("%type%", word)
+ .replace("%amount_bc%", baseCurrency)
+ .replace("%amount_cc%", convertedCurrency)
+ .replace("%type%", word)
+ .replace("var(--perc-color)", color)
+ = "demo-transaction";
+ }
+ try {
+ totalPaidEUR = transactions.filter(i => i.type === "pay").map(i => { return i.amount['eur']; }).reduce((a, b) => { return a+b; });
+ } catch (e) {
+ totalPaidEUR = 0;
+ }
+ try {
+ totalPaidGBP = transactions.filter(i => i.type === "pay").map(i => { return i.amount['gbp']; }).reduce((a, b) => { return a+b; });
+ } catch (e) {
+ totalPaidGBP = 0;
+ }
+ try {
+ totalGainedEUR = transactions.filter(i => i.type !== "pay").map(i => { return i.amount['eur']; }).reduce((a, b) => { return a+b; });
+ } catch (e) {
+ totalGainedEUR = 0;
+ }
+ try {
+ totalGainedGBP = transactions.filter(i => i.type !== "pay").map(i => { return i.amount['gbp']; }).reduce((a, b) => { return a+b; });
+ } catch (e) {
+ totalGainedGBP = 0;
+ }
+ totalEUR = totalGainedEUR - totalPaidEUR;
+ totalGBP = totalGainedGBP - totalPaidGBP;
+ document.getElementById("balance-eur").innerText = totalEUR.toFixed(2);
+ document.getElementById("balance-gbp").innerText = totalGBP.toFixed(2);
+ document.getElementById("goal-name").innerText =;
+ document.getElementById("goal-amount-eur").innerText = goal.amount['eur'].toFixed(2);
+ document.getElementById("goal-amount-gbp").innerText = goal.amount['gbp'].toFixed(2);
+ if (goal.amount['eur'] === 0 || goal.amount['gbp'] === 0) {
+ document.getElementById("goal-amount-percentage").innerText = "N/A";
+ document.getElementById("goal-bar-fill").style.width = "0%";
+ } else {
+ percentage = (totalEUR / goal.amount['eur']) * 100;
+ document.getElementById("goal-amount-percentage").innerText = percentage.toFixed(2);
+ document.getElementById("goal-bar-fill").style.width = percentage.toFixed(5) + "%";
+ }
+ document.getElementById("app").style.display = "";
+ document.getElementById("loader").style.opacity = "0";
+ document.getElementById("loader").style.pointerEvents = "none";
+ for (let item of Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("transaction"))) {
+ item.onclick = () => {
+ deleteTransaction(item.getAttribute("data-transaction-id"));
+ }
+ }
+ = => { return new Date(":")[0] + ":" + new Date(":")[1]; }).reverse().filter((_, i) => i > 1);
+ let last = 0;
+ let balances = [];
+ => { if (i.type === "pay") { return -(i.amount.eur); } else { return i.amount.eur; } }).reverse().map((i) => {
+ last = last + i;
+ balances.push(last);
+ });
+[0].data = balances.filter((_, i) => i > 1);
+ trendData = balances.filter((_, i) => i > 1).map((i, _) => { return { x: _, y: i } });
+ trend = trendline(trendData, 'x', 'y');
+ let lastTrend = trend.yStart;
+ let balancesTrend = [];
+ transactions.filter((_, i) => i > 1).map(() => {
+ lastTrend = lastTrend + trend.slope;
+ balancesTrend.push(lastTrend);
+ });
+[1].data = balancesTrend;
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-color").style.backgroundColor = "black";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").style.color = "black";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText = "No insights available. Please try again later.";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").style.color = "white";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText = "Slope (negative = losing money; positive = gaining money): " + trend.slope;
+ let avgSlope = Math.round(trend.slope);
+ if (avgSlope < -3) {
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-color").style.backgroundColor = "red";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").style.color = "red";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText = "Money is going down faster than it should, you must immediately reduce your expenses.";
+ } else if (avgSlope < 0) {
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-color").style.backgroundColor = "orange";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").style.color = "orange";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText = "You are not saving money, consider reducing your expenses.";
+ } else if (avgSlope === 0) {
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-color").style.backgroundColor = "green";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").style.color = "green";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText = "Your balance is stable, consider saving more money.";
+ } else if (avgSlope > 0) {
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-color").style.backgroundColor = "skyblue";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").style.color = "skyblue";
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText = "You are effectively saving money.";
+ }
+ if (avgSlope < 0) {
+ it = 0; b = totalEUR; while (b > 0) { it++; b = b + trend.slope; }
+ let avgDelay = Math.round(averageDelta( => { return new Date( }).reverse()));
+ let timeUntilEmpty = avgDelay * it;
+ let date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + timeUntilEmpty).toString().split(":")[0];
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText += " (reaching zero on " + date.substring(0, date.length - 3) + ")";
+ } else {
+ it = 0; b = totalEUR; while (b < goal.amount.eur) { it++; b = b + trend.slope; }
+ let avgDelay = Math.round(averageDelta( => { return new Date( }).reverse()));
+ let timeUntilGoal = avgDelay * it;
+ let date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + timeUntilGoal).toString().split(":")[0];
+ document.getElementById("graph-insights-text").innerText += " (reaching goal on " + date.substring(0, date.length - 3) + ")";
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file