var test = require('tape'); var equal = require('../'); var isArguments = require('../lib/is_arguments.js'); var objectKeys = require('../lib/keys.js'); test('equal', function (t) { t.ok(equal( { a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] }, { a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] } )); t.end(); }); test('not equal', function (t) { t.notOk(equal( { x : 5, y : [6] }, { x : 5, y : 6 } )); t.end(); }); test('nested nulls', function (t) { t.ok(equal([ null, null, null ], [ null, null, null ])); t.end(); }); test('strict equal', function (t) { t.notOk(equal( [ { a: 3 }, { b: 4 } ], [ { a: '3' }, { b: '4' } ], { strict: true } )); t.end(); }); test('non-objects', function (t) { t.ok(equal(3, 3)); t.ok(equal('beep', 'beep')); t.ok(equal('3', 3)); t.notOk(equal('3', 3, { strict: true })); t.notOk(equal('3', [3])); t.end(); }); test('arguments class', function (t) { t.ok(equal( (function(){return arguments})(1,2,3), (function(){return arguments})(1,2,3), "compares arguments" )); t.notOk(equal( (function(){return arguments})(1,2,3), [1,2,3], "differenciates array and arguments" )); t.end(); }); test('test the arguments shim', function (t) { t.ok(isArguments.supported((function(){return arguments})())); t.notOk(isArguments.supported([1,2,3])); t.ok(isArguments.unsupported((function(){return arguments})())); t.notOk(isArguments.unsupported([1,2,3])); t.end(); }); test('test the keys shim', function (t) { t.deepEqual(objectKeys.shim({ a: 1, b : 2 }), [ 'a', 'b' ]); t.end(); }); test('dates', function (t) { var d0 = new Date(1387585278000); var d1 = new Date('Fri Dec 20 2013 16:21:18 GMT-0800 (PST)'); t.ok(equal(d0, d1)); t.end(); }); test('buffers', function (t) { t.ok(equal(Buffer('xyz'), Buffer('xyz'))); t.end(); }); test('booleans and arrays', function (t) { t.notOk(equal(true, [])); t.end(); })